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  • Aim/Focus
  • Standard organisation
  • Good to know
Strict rules apply to the chemicals used in detergents and cleaning agents with regard to possible health burdens. In the case of fragrances and preservatives, particular emphasis was placed on reducing allergenic substances as much as possible. Reduction of water pollution: All chemicals used must be as degradable as possible. Chemicals that endanger aquatic organisms and also microplastics are banned or kept to a minimum. Save packaging: The weight of the packaging in relation to the product must be as low as possible. In addition, only combinations of materials that do not interfere with recyclability are allowed in plastic packaging. Still a well-functioning product: The detergents have been subjected to a usability test. This guarantees at least the same rinsing effect as conventional products.
The Austrian Eco-label is a state-owned environmental label and was established in 1990 on the initiative of the Austrian Ministry of the Environment. Today, it is considered the most important state-approved environmental label in Austria and is awarded in four categories: to products or services, tourism and catering businesses, educational and cultural institutions, and green meetings & events. The Austrian Eco-label is thus an orientation aid for environmentally conscious consumers in their daily purchasing decisions.
The award of the Austrian Eco-label is applied for at the Association for Consumer Information (VKI). Applicants can be any natural or legal person who has their residence or registered office in Austria (or in an EU member state or an EEA state), manufactures products in Austria or imports them to Austria or offers a service in Austria.

Which lifecycle phases are covered by the standard?

Raw materials extraction and production

Cultivation of renewable raw materials (e.g. palm oil) and/or extraction and production of ingredients


Production of detergents and cleaning agents by the mixing of various ingredients (vegetable or petroleum-based)

Transportation / distribution

Transport routes from one production stage to the next and to end users

Products use and consumption

Usage of detergents and cleaning agents


Proper disposal of packaging along with degradability and toxicity of the product (in water) after its use