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Very good choice




  • Aim/Focus
  • Standard organisation
  • Good to know
The label identifies detergents and cleaning products that have been produced in such a way that they have the least possible impact on the environment and human health during their production, use and disposal. In addition, they should also help to reduce and prevent the risks posed to the environment and human health through the use of hazardous substances and to minimise packaging waste. Preserving natural resources is also an important focus of this environmental label. Cleaning agents with the Blue Angel ecolabel should thus make a contribution to the protection of the environment through the use of renewable raw materials in their production that have been cultivated under sustainable conditions or which support sustainable cultivation.
The standard is issued by the Federal Ministry for the Environment. The Federal Environment Agency provides the Blue Angel office and develops the criteria. The independent Eco-label Jury decides on the criteria. RAL GmbH, a subsidiary of German Institute for Quality Assurance and Certification, awards the Blue Angel.
There are three different standards in the field of detergents and cleaning agents. This analysis is based on the award criteria for detergents (DE-UZ 202).

Cred­i­bil­i­ty 62%

  • Availability of Scheme Structure
  • Independence of Scheme Owner from Certificate Holder
  • Availability of Standard
  • Public Consultation of Standard
  • Standard Review
  • Scheme Legal Status
  • Sources of Finance
  • Standard-Setting Process
  • Assessment Methodology
  • Sustainability Goals and Objectives of the Scheme
  • Key Issues
  • Stakeholder Feedback
  • Consistent Interpretation
  • Scheme Accessibility
  • Assurance Provider Complaints and Appeals Mechanism
  • Assessment Reports Availability
  • Scope and Duration of Certificate / License
  • Certified or Verified Enterprise / Labelled Product List
  • Accredited/ Approved Assurance Providers
  • Independent Conformity Assessment
  • Consistent Decision-Making on Conformity
  • Procedure on Non-Conformities
  • Claims and Labelling Policy
  • Scheme Management
    • Governance
      • Does the scheme owner make its organisational structure publicly available, including composition of governance bodies?
        Answer: Yes publicly
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (on request) (0 points)
        • Yes publicly (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
      • Is the scheme owner a legal entity, or an organization that is a partnership of legal entities, or a government or inter-governmental agency?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Is there a mechanism for stakeholders to participate in scheme development and decision-making?
        Answer: Yes available on request
        Score: 1/2
        Possible answers
        • Yes available publicly (2 points)
        • Yes available on request (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
      • Do the voting procedures of the top decision-making body ensure that there is a balanced representation of stakeholder interests, where no single interest predominates?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner make quantitative information on the income sources or financing structure of the scheme available?
        Answer: Yes publicly
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
        • No (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner have an internal quality management system available?
        Answer: Yes (on request)
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
      • Is the scheme owner economically independent from the certificate holder?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner have sustainability-oriented goals and objectives?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner have a strategy for meeting its sustainability-oriented goals and objectives?
        Answer: Yes publicly
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
    • Impact
      • Does the scheme owner have a system in place for measuring its impacts and progress towards its sustainability goals?
        Answer: Yes publicly
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
      • Does the scheme owner use the results of monitoring and evaluation for learning and improvements to its programme?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner make sustainability results from M&E available?
        Answer: Not applicable
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
    • Complaints Mechanism
      • Does the scheme owner have a publicly available and easily accessible complaints mechanism?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
    • Supporting Strategies
      • Does the scheme implement strategies or activities to support improved performance of participating enterprises, e.g. capacity building, access to finance?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not Applicable (0 points)
  • Standard-Setting
    • Is the standard made publicly available free of charge?
      Answer: Yes publicly
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • Yes (on request) (0 points)
      • Yes publicly (1 point)
      • No (0 points)
    • Has a set of key sustainability issues in the sector where the scheme operates or product lifecycle been defined in the standard-setting process?
      Answer: yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • No (0 points)
      • yes (1 point)
    • Is the standard-setting procedure or a summary of the process for how stakeholders can engage in standard-setting made publicly available?
      Answer: Yes publicly
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • Yes (on request) (0 points)
      • Yes publicly (1 point)
      • No (0 points)
    • Can stakeholders participate in the standard-setting process?
      Answer: All stakeholders
      Score: 2/2
      Possible answers
      • Members only (1 point)
      • Invitation only (1 point)
      • All stakeholders (2 points)
    • Are stakeholders who are directly affected by the standard provided opportunities to participate in standard setting?
      Answer: yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • No (0 points)
      • yes (1 point)
    • Are draft standards field tested / piloted for relevance and auditability through the development and revision processes?
      Answer: Not applicable
      Possible answers
      • Yes (1 point)
      • No (0 points)
      • Not applicable (0 points)
    • Does the scheme owner provide information on how the input received from consultations has been included in the final version of the standard?
      Answer: Yes (on request)
      Score: 1/2
      Possible answers
      • Yes (on request) (1 point)
      • Yes publicly (2 points)
      • No (0 points)
    • Do the voting procedures of the decision-making body responsible for standard setting ensure that there is a balanced representation of stakeholder interests?
      Answer: yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • No (0 points)
      • yes (1 point)
    • Is the standard reviewed and, if necessary, revised at least every 5 years?
      Answer: yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • No (0 points)
      • yes (1 point)
    • Does the scheme ensure that guidance is in place to support consistent interpretation of the standard?
      Answer: yes
      Score: 1/1
      Possible answers
      • No (0 points)
      • yes (1 point)
    • Are there procedures and guidance for application or interpretation of the standard to regional contexts?
      Answer: Not applicable
      Possible answers
      • Yes (1 point)
      • No (0 points)
      • Not applicable (0 points)
  • Assurance
    • Assurance System
      • Is there a publicly available documented assessment methodology for assurance providers to assess conformity with the standard?
        Answer: Yes publicly available
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes available on request (0 points)
        • Yes publicly available (1 point)
      • Is application (to get certified/verified) open to all potential applicants within the scope of the scheme?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner provide information on assessment fees or require this of assurance providers?
        Answer: Yes publicly available
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes available on request (1 point)
        • Yes publicly available (2 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to have an easily accessible complaints and appeals mechanism?
        Answer: Yes available on request
        Score: 1/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes available on request (1 point)
        • Yes publicly available (2 points)
      • Does the scheme owner make, or require assurance providers to make a summary of certification/verification reports (with personal and commercially sensitive information removed) available?
        Answer: Yes publicly
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • No (no reports) (0 points)
        • No (confidential) (1 point)
        • Yes (on request) (2 points)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
      • Does the certificate or license define the scope of assurance and duration for which it is valid?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner maintain or require assurance providers to maintain a publicly accessible list of certified or verified enterprises, or a list of verified products/product groups, or a list of members (in case of membership-based initiatives)?
        Answer: Yes incl. scope of certificate or license
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes incl. scope of certificate or license (2 points)
      • Does the scheme owner maintain a current and publicly available list of all accredit-ed/approved/suspended assurance providers?
        Answer: Yes (publicly)
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (on request) (0 points)
        • Yes (publicly) (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner review the effectiveness of their assurance system on a periodic basis?
        Answer: Annual
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Annual (1 point)
        • Every 3 years (1 point)
        • Every 5 years (1 point)
        • Ad hoc (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that clients and other affected stakeholders are notified of changes to the assurance requirements?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme require performance improvements over time to maintain certification?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner have a documented assessment methodology for assurance providers that are assessing chain of custody?
        Answer: Not applicable
        Possible answers
        • yes publicly available (2 points)
        • yes available on request (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to report to them on complaints received and, on the actions, taken to resolve the issue?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner maintain an information management system?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
      • Has the scheme specified equivalence requirements for any other scheme assurance results it recognises?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
    • Conformity Assessment
      • Conformity Assessment Process
        • Does the scheme require a third-party conformity assessment of all clients for compliance with its standard?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 2/2
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (2 points)
          • Not Applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner define requirements for decision-making to ensure that assurance providers use consistent procedures for determining the conformity of clients or laboratory testing results with the standard?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to have a procedure in place for how clients are required to address non-conformities, including when a certificate or license is suspended or revoked?
          Answer: yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • yes (1 point)
      • Sustainability Audits
        • Does the scheme owner have a documented oversight approach that requires assurance providers to be accredited or compliant with ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17025 (for laboratories) requirements, or alternatively to be compliant with the relevant ISEAL Assurance Code requirements?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Not Applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner require that clients are audited on a regular, recurring basis?
          Answer: 4-5 years
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • 1 year or less (1 point)
          • 1-2 years (1 point)
          • 2-3 years (1 point)
          • 4-5 years (1 point)
          • 5 years or more (1 point)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Is the frequency or intensity of an audit or oversight assessment based on a risk assessment of the client or assurance provider?
          Answer: No
          Score: 0/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner specify the required intensity for each type of audit and the activities that must be carried out by assurance providers for each of its standards?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Not Applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner allow or require assurance providers to do unannounced audits?
          Answer: Not allowed
          Score: 0/2
          Possible answers
          • Allowed (1 point)
          • Required (2 points)
          • Not allowed (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Are auditors and assessors required to seek external stakeholder input during the audit and oversight assessment process?
          Answer: No
          Score: 0/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Not Applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to follow a consistent report format?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner require that assurance providers and oversight bodies use competent and impartial personnel (other than auditor/assessor/ team) to make decisions on compliance?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Group Certification
        • Is the group required to have a shared management system with clear responsibilities for implementation of the system?
          Answer: No
          Score: 0/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Does the scheme owner have a mechanism that prescribes and justifies how all sites within a group certification will be audited over time?
          Answer: No
          Score: 0/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Is there a sample size formula and sampling approach to determine the number of group members that is externally verified and how the sample is chosen?
          Answer: No
          Score: 0/2
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Yes based on risk assessment (2 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Do the requirements on group certification/verification define the conditions under which a group member shall be suspended or removed from a group?
          Answer: Not applicable
          Possible answers
          • Member suspended from certification (1 point)
          • Member removed from a group (1 point)
          • Group suspension (1 point)
          • No repercussion (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Chain of Custody
        • Does the scheme owner require all enterprises that are physically handling the certified product to undergo a CoC audit if the product can be destined for retail sale as a certified, labelled product?
          Answer: Not applicable
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Laboratory Testing
        • In the documented assessment methodology, are test methods either referred to or included?
          Answer: Yes publicly
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (on request) (1 point)
          • Yes publicly (1 point)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Are there rules on random sampling and testing for the conformity monitoring?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • No (0 points)
          • Yes (1 point)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
        • Is there a procedure to deal with non-conforming products manufactured by a client / licensee?
          Answer: Yes
          Score: 1/1
          Possible answers
          • Yes (1 point)
          • No (0 points)
          • Not applicable (0 points)
    • Assessor/ Auditor Competencies
      • Does the scheme owner define the qualifications, competency, the required minimum industry audit experience and training requirements for assurance / oversight assessors?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not Applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner define the qualifications, competency, the required minimum industry audit experience and training requirements for assurance / oversight assessors?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
      • Does the scheme owner require that assurance provider auditors successfully complete auditor training on a standard that is relevant to the scheme and that is based on ISO 19011, or equivalent?
        Answer: No Information available
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that assurance and oversight providers implement a programme to monitor and ensure the continued competence and good performance of assessors and auditors?
        Answer: No Information available
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner carry out or require assurance providers to carry out calibration activities to ensure that assessors /auditors are aligned?
        Answer: No Information available
        Score: 0/2
        Possible answers
        • Annually (2 points)
        • Ad Hoc (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that assurance providers have a Code of Conduct, or equivalent, and supporting procedures to guide behaviour and actions of assurance providers' personnel and to address misconduct
        Answer: No Information available
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner assess potential risks to auditor / assessor impartiality and where warranted, do they require assurance providers and oversight bodies to implement practices to mitigate these risks?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
    • Accreditation / Oversight
      • Does the scheme require an oversight mechanism and is it documented?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not Applicable (0 points)
      • Is oversight conducted by a third party independent of the scheme owner and assurance providers?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme define the nature and intensity of oversight activities on assurance providers?
        Answer: None
        Score: 0/2
        Possible answers
        • <1 year (2 points)
        • 1 year (2 points)
        • 2-3 years (2 points)
        • 4-5 years (1 point)
        • >5 years (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
        • None (0 points)
      • Does the intensity of oversight activities take account of risk factors associated with the assurance providers and their personnel?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner clearly define the application and selection process for assurance providers?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner assess scheme-specific competence when accepting assurance providers that are accredited to other relevant standards (proxy accreditation)?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Yes assess scheme-specific competence (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme have or require oversight providers to have documented and accessible complaints and appeals mechanisms?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner define or request that oversight providers define how assurance providers have to address non-conformities raised through oversight?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that summaries of oversight reports (with personal and commercially sensitive information removed) are made publicly available?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/2
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (on request) (1 point)
        • Yes publicly (2 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that on-site assessments of assurance providers are included in the oversight cycle?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require that oversight includes reviews of assurance provider performance in the field?
        Answer: No
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
  • Claims & Traceability
    • Traceability
      • Does the scheme owner have a documented Chain of Custody standard or other traceability requirements that apply to the full supply chain?
        Answer: Not applicable
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes available on request (1 point)
        • Yes publicly available (2 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Are there any CoC requirements for non-certified material, in case mixing of certified with uncertified inputs is allowed?
        Answer: Not applicable
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to verify that all enterprises within the chain maintain accurate and accessible records that allow any certified product or batch of products to be traceable from the point of sale to the buyer?
        Answer: Not applicable
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Are companies required to keep CoC records for at least the term of certificate validity?
        Answer: Not applicable
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme have a traceability system that enables checking of product flow between links of the supply chain?
        Answer: Not applicable
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
    • Claims & Labelling
      • Does the scheme owner have documented requirements for the use of its symbols, logos and/or claims related to its scheme and make them publicly available?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • Yes (1 point)
        • Not Applicable (0 points)
      • Do claims requirements specify the types of claims that can be made for different types of CoC models, where the scheme owner allows for more than one model?
        Answer: Not applicable
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Are claims and label users required to use unique license numbers or other tracking mechanisms?
        Answer: Not applicable
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme owner require surveillance of the accurate use of claims and labels in the market, including a complaints mechanism to report misuse?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Is the label accompanied by an explanatory text claim or a link to further information?
        Answer: Yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Yes (1 point)
        • No (0 points)
        • Not applicable (0 points)
      • Does the scheme have a procedure that defines specific consequences of misuse of claims and do they also require this of their assurance providers?
        Answer: yes
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • No (0 points)
        • yes (1 point)

En­vi­ron­ment 72%

  • Aquatic Toxicity
  • Biodegradability of Substances
  • Chemicals harmful to human health
  • Quantity of Packaging
  • Recyclability of Packaging Material
  • Consumer information regarding sustainable use and disposal of product
  • Chemicals
    • Chemical Use
      • Does the standard include criteria on chemicals listed on the REACH Candidate List as substances of very high concern?
        Answer: Advanced: Prohibit use except for defined derogations
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Restrict use (1 point)
        • Advanced: Prohibit use except for defined derogations (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.1.1 Measurement thresholds Every substance that exceeds a concentration of 0.010% by mass in the final formulation must comply with these Basic Award Criteria. This also applies to the raw materials used in the product, any listed additives and impurities. In the case of substances dealt with by the following criteria, a deviating measurement threshold of 0.0010% by mass in the final formulation applies: (...) Table 1: Overview of the measurement thresholds for the requirement criteria Chapter Criterion Measurement threshold in percent by mass [% (w/w)] 3.6 a) General exclusion of substances with certain properties – a) Substances of very high concern (SVHC) ≥ 0.010 (Colouring agents: no lower limit) 3.6 General exclusion of substances with certain properties The use of the following substances is not permitted in order to protect the environment and human health. In the case of mixtures e.g. fragrances where it is not possible to obtain information about the individual substances, the classification rules for mixtures shall be applied. a) Substances of very high concern (SVHC) It is prohibited to use substances in end products labelled with the Blue Angel ecolabel that have been identified in accordance with Article 57 of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 and listed in accordance with Article 59 of the same regulation on the list of candidates10 for inclusion on the Annex of substances subject to authorisation. Impurities in substances added to the end product that correspond to the above named criteria are not permitted. The label holder is obligated to take into account current developments on the list of candidates. [http://echa.europa.eu/web/guest/candidate-list-table]


        3.1.1 Measurement thresholds .................................................................................... 9 3.6 General exclusion of substances with certain properties .......................................... 14

      • Does the standard include criteria on ready biodegradability of substances?
        Answer: Advanced: Prohibit use
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Monitor and restrict use (1 point)
        • Advanced: Prohibit use (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.4 Biodegradability 3.4.1 Biodegradability of surfactants All of the surfactants contained in the end product must be readily biodegradable9 under aerobic conditions and biodegradable under anaerobic conditions. 3.4.2 Biodegradability of organic substances The content of aerobically not readily biodegradable (aNBO) and anaerobically non- biodegradable (anNBO) organic substances in the product must not exceed the following limits for the reference dosage (information in g/kg laundry). Product type/product form Solid (powder, tablet) Liquid (incl. gel) aNBO anNBO aNBO anNBO Heavy-duty laundry detergent, colour-safe laundry detergent 0.75 1.00 0.40 0.55 Low-duty laundry detergent 0.40 0.40 0.25 0.25 Stain remover 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 3.7 Exclusion of substances The following substances are not permitted in the end product, either as part of the formulation or as part of any preparation included in the formulation: • Alkyl phenol ethoxylates (APEOs) and derivatives thereof • EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and its salts • DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) and its salts • Inorganic phosphate(*) (e.g. monophosphoric, diphosphoric, triphosphoric and polyphosphoric acids and their salts) • Reactive chlorine compounds (e.g. hypochlorite) • Borate and perborate • Perfluorinated organic compounds • Halogenated hydrocarbons • Aromatic hydrocarbons • Triclosan • 3-Jod-2-propinylbutylcarbamate • Glutaraldehyde • Quaternary organic ammonium compounds that are not readily biodegradable (...) • Nitromusks and polycyclic musks including e.g.:  Musk xylene: 5-tert-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylene,  Musk ambrette: 4-tert–butyl-3-methoxy-2,6-dinitrotoluene,  Moskene: 1,1,3,3,5-Pentamethyl-4,6-dinitroindan,  Musk tibetine: 1-tert-butyl-3,4,5-trimethyl-2,6-dinitrobenzene,  Musk ketone: 4’-tert-Butyl-2’,6’-dimethyl-3’,5’-dinitroacetaphenol,  HHCB (1,3,4,6,7,8-Hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylcyclopenta(g)-2-benzopyran),  AHTN (6-acetyl-1,1,2,4,4,7-hexamethyltetrali) (...) • Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC) • Atranol • Chloratranol • Rhodamine B • Microplastics


        3.4 Biodegradability ................................................................................................. 12 3.4.1 Biodegradability of surfactants .......................................................................... 12 3.4.2 Biodegradability of organic substances............................................................... 13 3.7 Exclusion of substances....................................................................................... 17

      • Does the standard include criteria on H statements?
        Answer: Advanced: Prohibit use with exemptions for some ingredients
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Restrict use by e.g. a risk based approach (1 point)
        • Advanced: Prohibit use with exemptions for some ingredients (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.1.1 Measurement thresholds Every substance that exceeds a concentration of 0.010% by mass in the final formulation must comply with these Basic Award Criteria. This also applies to the raw materials used in the product, any listed additives and impurities. In the case of substances dealt with by the following criteria, a deviating measurement threshold of 0.0010% by mass in the final formulation applies: (...) Table 1: Overview of the measurement thresholds for the requirement criteria Chapter Criterion Measurement threshold in percent by mass [% (w/w)] (...) 3.6 b) General exclusion of substances with certain properties – b) Substances classified with the H-phrases listed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 ≥ 0.010 (Colouring agents: no lower limit) (...) 3.6 General exclusion of substances with certain properties The use of the following substances is not permitted in order to protect the environment and human health. In the case of mixtures e.g. fragrances where it is not possible to obtain information about the individual substances, the classification rules for mixtures shall be applied. b) Substances which according to the criteria of Regulation (EC) No 1272/200811 are assigned the following H Phrases named in Table 2 or which meet the criteria for such classification. Table 2: Restrictive hazard classifications and their assignment to the categories EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation) Wording Toxic substances H300 Fatal if swallowed H301 Toxic if swallowed H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways H310 Fatal in contact with skin H311 Toxic in contact with skin H330 Fatal if inhaled H331 Toxic if inhaled EUH070 Toxic by eye contact H370 Causes damage to organs H371 May cause damage to organs H372 Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure Carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic substances H340 May cause genetic defects H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects H350 May cause cancer H350i May cause cancer if inhaled H351 Suspected of causing cancer H360F May damage fertility H360D May damage the unborn child H360FD May damage fertility May damage the unborn child H360Fd May damage fertility Suspected of damaging the unborn child H360Df May damage the unborn child Suspected of damaging fertility H361f Suspected of damaging fertility H361d Suspected of damaging the unborn child H361fd Suspected of damaging fertility Suspected of damaging the unborn child H362 May cause harm to breast fed children The use of substances or mixtures which upon processing change their properties (e.g. become no longer bioavailable, undergo chemical modification) in a way that the identified hazard no longer applies are exempted from the above requirement. Deviations: The following substances or mixtures are specifically exempted from the above requirement: EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation) Wording NTA as an impurity in MGDA and GLDA(***) H351 Suspected of causing cancer


        3.1.1 Measurement thresholds .................................................................................... 9 3.6 General exclusion of substances with certain properties .......................................... 14

      • Does the scheme include criteria on other substances which have impact on human health and the environment?
        Answer: Advanced: Prohibit use
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Restrict use (1 point)
        • Advanced: Prohibit use (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.1.1 Measurement thresholds Every substance that exceeds a concentration of 0.010% by mass in the final formulation must comply with these Basic Award Criteria. This also applies to the raw materials used in the product, any listed additives and impurities. In the case of substances dealt with by the following criteria, a deviating measurement threshold of 0.0010% by mass in the final formulation applies: (..) • 3.8 Requirements for specific substances There is no lower measurement threshold for colouring agents. Table 1: Overview of the measurement thresholds for the requirement criteria Chapter Criterion Measurement threshold in percent by mass [% (w/w)] (...) 3.6 b) General exclusion of substances with certain properties – b) Substances classified with the H- phrases listed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 ≥ 0.010 (Colouring agents: no lower limit) (...) 3.8.3 Requirements for specific substances – colouring agents no lower limit 3.6 General exclusion of substances with certain properties The use of the following substances is not permitted in order to protect the environment and human health. In the case of mixtures e.g. fragrances where it is not possible to obtain information about the individual substances, the classification rules for mixtures shall be applied. b) Substances which according to the criteria of Regulation (EC) No 1272/200811 are assigned the following H Phrases named in Table 2 or which meet the criteria for such classification. (...) Sensitizing substances H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction The use of substances or mixtures which upon processing change their properties (e.g. become no longer bioavailable, undergo chemical modification) in a way that the identified hazard no longer applies are exempted from the above requirement. Deviations: The following substances or mixtures are specifically exempted from the above requirement: EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation) Wording (...) Enzymes (**) H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction (...) 3.8.2 Fragrances b) Fragrances that are subject to labelling as detergents in accordance with Annex VII of Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004 and which are not already excluded by criteria 3.6, as well as (other) fragrances classified as H317 (May cause an allergic skin reaction) and/or H334 (May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled) must not be present in the end product in concentrations ≥ 0.010 % (≥ 100 ppm) per substance. c) Products specially designed for or advertised as being suitable for allergy sufferers are not permitted to contain any fragrances. (...) 3.8.3 Colouring agents The end product must not contain any colouring agents that are bioaccumulating. A colouring agent is considered to be non-bioaccumulating if it has a bioconcentration factor (BCF) < 100 or a log Pow < 3.0. If the values for both the BCF and the log Pow are available, the highest measurement for the BCF is valid. If using colouring agents that have been approved for use in foodstuffs, no documentation about the bioconcentration factor needs to be submitted.


        3.1.1 Measurement thresholds .................................................................................... 9 3.6 General exclusion of substances with certain properties .......................................... 14 3.8.2 Fragrances ..................................................................................................... 19 3.8.3 Colouring agents ............................................................................................. 20

      • Does the standard include criteria on limitations of aquatic toxicity of the product?
        Answer: Advanced: Definition of a product specific critical dilution volume
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Limitation of aquatic toxicity (1 point)
        • Advanced: Definition of a product specific critical dilution volume (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.5 Toxicity to aquatic organisms The critical dilution volume toxicity (CDVchronic) is calculated for each substance (i) using the following equation: [formula ] where the weight(i) is the weight of the substance (in grams) in the recommended dosage. DF(i) is the degradation factor and TFchronic(i) is the value for the chronic toxicity of the substance (in milligrams/litre). The parameters DF and TFchronic shall be taken from Part A of the Detergent Ingredient Database (DID list) (Appendix). If the substance in question is not included in Part A of the DID list, the applicant shall estimate the values in accordance with the approach stated in Part B of the DID list (Appendix). The sum of CDVchronic for the individual substances gives the CDVchronic for the end product. The CDVchronic must not exceed the following limits for the reference dosage: Type of product Maximum permissible CDVchronic Heavy-duty laundry detergent, colour-safe laundry detergent 25 000 l/kg laundry Low-duty laundry detergent 18 000 l/kg laundry Stain remover 3 500 l/kg laundry


        3.5 Toxicity to aquatic organisms............................................................................... 13

      • Does the standard include criteria on the prohibition of microplastic?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.1.1 Measurement thresholds Every substance that exceeds a concentration of 0.010% by mass in the final formulation must comply with these Basic Award Criteria. This also applies to the raw materials used in the product, any listed additives and impurities. In the case of substances dealt with by the following criteria, a deviating measurement threshold of 0.0010% by mass in the final formulation applies: • 3.7 Exclusion of substances Table 1: Overview of the measurement thresholds for the requirement criteria Chapter Criterion Measurement threshold in percent by mass [% (w/w)] 3.7 Exclusion of substances ≥ 0.0010 3.7 Exclusion of substances The following substances are not permitted in the end product, either as part of the formulation or as part of any preparation included in the formulation: (...) • Microplastics


        3.7 Exclusion of substances....................................................................................... 17

      • Does the standard include criteria on the limited use of propellants?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        "(…) Excluded from the scope of these Basic Award Criteria are: (...) - Sprays that contain propellant gas."


        2 Scope

  • Water
    • Water use
      • Does the standard include criteria on water consumption in the production phase?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Monitor volumes of water consumption over time (1 point)
        • Advanced: Monitor water volumes & increase efficiency (2 points)
  • Inputs
    • Packaging
      • Does the standard include criteria on the quantity of packaging?
        Answer: Advanced: Defined calculations to measure the quantity of packaging
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: General requirement to minimize the amount of material used (1 point)
        • Advanced: Defined calculations to measure the quantity of packaging (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.12 Packaging requirements a) The weight utility ratio (WUR) of the primary packaging must not exceed the following values: Type of product WUR Solid laundry detergent (e.g. powder) 1.2 g/kg laundry Liquid or gel laundry detergent 1.2 g/kg laundry Stain remover 1.2 g/kg laundry Primary packagings consisting of more than 80% renewable materials are exempt from this requirement. The WUR is only calculated for the primary packaging (including caps, stoppers and label) based on the following formula: WUR = Σ((Wi +Ui) / (Di * Ri)) Key for the calculation formula:  Wi: the weight [g] of the primary packaging (i);  Ui: the weight [g] of non-recycled materials in the primary packaging (i). Ui = Wi, unless the applicant can verify a different number;  Di: the number of reference doses in the primary packaging (i). In the case of ready-to-use products, Di = product volume (in litres);  Ri: recycling figure. Ri = 1 (if the packaging is not reused for the same purpose) or Ri = 2 (if the applicant can verify that the packaging components are used for the same purpose and he/she sells refill packs b) Packagings, sleeves, labels or closures made of halogenated polymers e.g. PVC are not permitted. c) Paper/cardboard used in the sales packaging must be manufactured using at least 80% recycled materials. In the case of secondary packaging that also serves as transport packaging, the proportion of recycled materials must be at least 70%. Packaging materials are considered recycled if product waste (post-consumer waste) has been subjected to a material recycling process. d) Recycling-oriented design Plastic packaging must be designed for the purpose of easy recycling i.e. where possible no potentially hazardous materials and incompatible materials should be used that are known to hinder the separation or recycling of the materials or reduce the quality of the recycled materials. No individual or combination of materials or components listed in Table 3 may be contained in the labels or sleeves, closures and, if relevant, barrier coatings. Pump mechanisms (including in sprays) are exempt from this requirement. Table 3: Materials and components that are excluded from use as a packaging component: Packaging component Excluded materials and components (*) (...)


        3.12 Packaging requirements ...................................................................................... 22

      • Does the standard include criteria on the packaging material in order to facilitate recycling?
        Answer: Advanced: Recyclability of packaging material AND the use of recycled material in packaging
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 2/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Either recyclability of packaging material OR the use of recycled material in packaging (1 point)
        • Advanced: Recyclability of packaging material AND the use of recycled material in packaging (2 points)

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.12 Packaging requirements a) The weight utility ratio (WUR) of the primary packaging must not exceed the following values: (...) Primary packagings consisting of more than 80% renewable materials are exempt from this requirement c) Paper/cardboard used in the sales packaging must be manufactured using at least 80% recycled materials. In the case of secondary packaging that also serves as transport packaging, the proportion of recycled materials must be at least 70%. Packaging materials are considered recycled if product waste (post-consumer waste) has been subjected to a material recycling process. d) Recycling-oriented design Plastic packaging must be designed for the purpose of easy recycling i.e. where possible no potentially hazardous materials and incompatible materials should be used that are known to hinder the separation or recycling of the materials or reduce the quality of the recycled materials. No individual or combination of materials or components listed in Table 3 may be contained in the labels or sleeves, closures and, if relevant, barrier coatings. Pump mechanisms (including in sprays) are exempt from this requirement. Table 3: Materials and components that are excluded from use as a packaging component: Packaging component Excluded materials and components (*) All components • Components in the EuPIA list (exclusion list for printing inks and related products) Label or sleeve • PS label or PS sleeve in combination with a PP, HDPE or PET bottle • A PETG or PETC label or a PETG sleeve or PETC sleeve in combination with a PET bottle • Other plastic materials for sleeves/labels with a density > 1 g/cm3 in combination with a PET bottle • Other plastic materials for sleeves/labels with a density < 1 g/cm3 in combination with a PP or HDPE bottle • Labels or sleeves that are metallised or labels or sleeves that are welded without a seam to a packaging body (in mould labelling) with PET bottles • Non water-soluble adhesives in combination with moisture-resistant labels with a PE or PP bottle, non-soluble adhesive (in water or alkaline at 80°C) for PET bottles Closures • A PS closure in combination with a PP, HDPE or PET bottle • PETG closures and/or PETG closure material and other plastic closure components with a density of above 1 g/cm3 in combination with a PET bottle • Closures made of metal, glass, EVA • Closures made of silicone. Exempted are silicone closures with a density < 1 g/cm3 in combination with a PET bottle and silicone closures with a density > 1g/cm3 in combination with a PP or HDPE bottle • Silicon components with PE and PP bottles • Components made out of foamed elastomers with a PE and PP bottle • Elastomer components with a density > 1 g/cm3 with a PET bottle • Metallic foils or seals which remain fixed to the bottle or its closure after the product has been opened (*) EVA — Ethylene vinyl acetate, EVOH — Ethylene vinyl alcohol, HDPE — High-density polyethylene, PET — Polyethylene terephtalate, PETG — Polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified, PETC — Crystalline polyethylene terephthalate, PP — Polypropylene, PS — Polystyrene, PVC — Polyvinyl chloride Please note: the combinations PP and HDPE and also PE and LLDPE, LDPE or HDPE are permitted.


        3.12 Packaging requirements ...................................................................................... 22

  • Energy & Climate
    • Climate Change Mitigation
      • Does the standard include criteria on energy consumption in the production phase?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Monitor energy consumption over time (1 point)
        • Advanced: Increase efficiency OR increase use of renewables (2 points)
  • Waste and Air Pollution
    • Waste Management
      • Does the standard include criteria on volumes of waste?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic (0 points)
        • Advanced: Reduction of volumes of waste (1 point)
      • Does the scheme include criteria on consumer information on the sustainable use and disposal of the product?
        Answer: Advanced: Consumer information on the sustainable use of the product
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Information provided to consumers on the disposal of the product (0 points)
        • Advanced: Consumer information on the sustainable use of the product (1 point)

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.13.3 Information on the packaging a) The type of enzyme contained in the product must be stated on the packaging. b) The packaging must also contain the following or comparable instructions: • Wash at the lowest possible temperature. • Fill the drum with maximum possible load for the type of textile. • Dose the laundry detergent according to the level of soiling and the level of water hardness, follow the dosage instructions to achieve the best possible washing performance with the least amount of detergent. • Information on obtaining a dosage aid (if relevant). • Instructions on where information about water hardness can be found. c) The primary packaging must contain information on reuse, recycling and the proper disposal of the packaging.


        3.13.3 Information on the packaging ........................................................................... 24

  • Environmental Management
    • Does the standard include criteria on environmental policy or management instruments (like EMAS or ISO 14001)?
      Answer: No Information available
      Degree of Obligation: Not covered
      Score: 0/2
      Possible answers
      • Basic: Verification (self-declaration) of final manufacturing plant (1 point)
      • Advanced: Certification (third party) of final manufacturing plant (2 points)
  • Quality
    • Quality and Suitability
      • Does the standard include criteria on the fitness for use of the product for the intended purpose?
        Answer: Yes
        Degree of Obligation: Immediately
        Score: 1/1
        Possible answers

        Excerpt from standard:

        3.11 Fitness for use The end product must be fit for use and meet the requirements of the consumer. To ensure that this is the case, the tests for assessing the product's fitness for use described in Appendix B shall be carried out. Appendix B Fitness for use of laundry detergents The performance test is equal to the „Revised EU Ecolabel protocol for testing laundry detergents“.


        3.11 Fitness for use ................................................................................................... 21 Appendix B Fitness for use of laundry detergents ........................................................... 29

So­cio-E­co­nom­ic 0%

  • Verification of Core Labour Standards along the Supply Chain
  • Equal Opportunities
  • CSR Strategy
  • Labour Rights and Working Conditions
    • ILO Core Conventions
      • Does the standard require compliance with (at least) all ILO core labour standards for different suppliers along the supply chain?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Main tier 1 suppliers (1 point)
        • Advanced: All tier 1 suppliers (2 points)
  • Business Practice and Ethical Issues
    • Economic Development and Fair Business Practice
      • Does the standard include a requirement for compliance with relevant local, regional and national laws and regulations?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
    • Corruption and Bribery
      • Does the standard include criteria on the prevention of corruption and bribery?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Corruption and bribery is prohibited (1 point)
        • Advanced (0 points)
  • Company Responsibility
    • Company Responsibility in Europe
      • Does the standard require the implementation of measures that aim at generating equal economic opportunities for women and men?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
      • Does the standard require the definition of a company-wide CSR strategy?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: A CSR strategy is defined (1 point)
        • Advanced: CSR strategy is publicly available (2 points)
      • Does the standard include criteria on community engagement?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
      • Does the standard include requirements on measures that aim at managing demographic change?
        Answer: No
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/1
        Possible answers
    • Impact Assessment
      • Does the standard include criteria on assessing the impacts of operations on human rights?
        Answer: No Information available
        Degree of Obligation: Not covered
        Score: 0/2
        Possible answers
        • Basic: Human Rights Impact Assessment OR Social Impact Assessment (1 point)
        • Advanced: Human Rights Impact Assessment AND Social Impact Assessment (2 points)

Which lifecycle phases are covered by the standard?

Raw materials extraction and production

Cultivation of renewable raw materials (e.g. palm oil) and/or extraction and production of ingredients


Production of detergents and cleaning agents by the mixing of various ingredients (vegetable or petroleum-based)

Transportation / distribution

Transport routes from one production stage to the next and to end users

Products use and consumption

Usage of detergents and cleaning agents


Proper disposal of packaging along with degradability and toxicity of the product (in water) after its use