- Aim/Focus
- Standard organisation
- Good to know
Below is a list of documents and policies that were used in the collection of the scheme data:
1) BLUE ANGEL The Environmental Label Graphic paper and cardboard made from 100% recovered paper (recycled paper and cardboard) DE-UZ 14a Basic Award Criteria Edition January 2020 Version 4 C 1.2 Gemeinsames Arbeitspapier von BMUB, UBA, RAL und der Jury Umweltzeichen zur Weiterentwicklung des Blauen Engel in der Berufungsperiode 2016 bis 2019 C 2.1 TOP 100 –Umweltzeichen für klimarelevante Produkte -Endbericht C 2.1 Guiding principles behind the “Blue Angel”environmental label C 2.1 + C 3.1 General informationon the term of validity of the Basic Award Criteria C4.2 BLUE ANGEL Logo Guidelines Edition: February 2021 C4.2 CONTRACT No. [sample]on the Award of the Environmental Label C5.2 How do I get the Blue Angel? Questions and answers about applying for the Blue Angel environmental labelVersion: July 2020 C5.3 Survey of all Basic Award Criteria C5.4 Contribution Scheme for the Environmental Label as of 01.07.2017
Credibility 62%
Availability of Scheme Structure
Independence of Scheme Owner from Certificate Holder
Availability of Standard
Public Consultation of Standard
From March 2025, the required level of ambition for this minimum criterion will increase from 'basic' to 'advanced'.
Standard Review
Scheme Legal Status
Sources of Finance
Standard-Setting Process
Assessment Methodology
Sustainability Goals and Objectives of the Scheme
Key Issues
Stakeholder Feedback
Consistent Interpretation
Scheme Accessibility
Assurance Provider Complaints and Appeals Mechanism
From March 2025, the required level of ambition for this minimum criterion will increase from 'basic' to 'advanced'.
Assessment Reports Availability
Scope and Duration of Certificate / License
Certified or Verified Enterprise / Labelled Product List
From March 2025, the required level of ambition for this minimum criterion will increase from 'basic' to 'advanced'.
Accredited/ Approved Assurance Providers
Independent Conformity Assessment
From March 2025, the required level of ambition for this minimum criterion will increase from 'basic' to 'advanced'.
Consistent Decision-Making on Conformity
Procedure on Non-Conformities
Claims and Labelling Policy
Scheme Management
Does the scheme owner make its organisational structure publicly available, including composition of governance bodies?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (0 points)
- Yes publicly (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Is the scheme owner a legal entity, or an organization that is a partnership of legal entities, or a government or inter-governmental agency?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Is there a mechanism for stakeholders to participate in scheme development and decision-making?
Possible answers
- Yes available publicly (2 points)
- Yes available on request (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Do the voting procedures of the top decision-making body ensure that there is a balanced representation of stakeholder interests, where no single interest predominates?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner make quantitative information on the income sources or financing structure of the scheme available?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
- No (0 points)
Does the scheme owner have an internal quality management system available?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Is the scheme owner economically independent from the certificate holder?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner have sustainability-oriented goals and objectives?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner have a strategy for meeting its sustainability-oriented goals and objectives?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
Does the scheme owner make its organisational structure publicly available, including composition of governance bodies?
Does the scheme owner have a system in place for measuring its impacts and progress towards its sustainability goals?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
Does the scheme owner use the results of monitoring and evaluation for learning and improvements to its programme?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner make sustainability results from M&E available?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner have a system in place for measuring its impacts and progress towards its sustainability goals?
Complaints Mechanism
Does the scheme owner have a publicly available and easily accessible complaints mechanism?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner have a publicly available and easily accessible complaints mechanism?
Supporting Strategies
Does the scheme implement strategies or activities to support improved performance of participating enterprises, e.g. capacity building, access to finance?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme implement strategies or activities to support improved performance of participating enterprises, e.g. capacity building, access to finance?
Is the standard made publicly available free of charge?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (0 points)
- Yes publicly (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Has a set of key sustainability issues in the sector where the scheme operates or product lifecycle been defined in the standard-setting process?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Is the standard-setting procedure or a summary of the process for how stakeholders can engage in standard-setting made publicly available?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (0 points)
- Yes publicly (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Can stakeholders participate in the standard-setting process?
Possible answers
- Members only (1 point)
- Invitation only (1 point)
- All stakeholders (2 points)
Are stakeholders who are directly affected by the standard provided opportunities to participate in standard setting?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Are draft standards field tested / piloted for relevance and auditability through the development and revision processes?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner provide information on how the input received from consultations has been included in the final version of the standard?
Possible answers
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
- No (0 points)
Do the voting procedures of the decision-making body responsible for standard setting ensure that there is a balanced representation of stakeholder interests?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Is the standard reviewed and, if necessary, revised at least every 5 years?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme ensure that guidance is in place to support consistent interpretation of the standard?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Are there procedures and guidance for application or interpretation of the standard to regional contexts?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is the standard made publicly available free of charge?
Assurance System
Is there a publicly available documented assessment methodology for assurance providers to assess conformity with the standard?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes available on request (0 points)
- Yes publicly available (1 point)
Is application (to get certified/verified) open to all potential applicants within the scope of the scheme?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner provide information on assessment fees or require this of assurance providers?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes available on request (1 point)
- Yes publicly available (2 points)
Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to have an easily accessible complaints and appeals mechanism?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes available on request (1 point)
- Yes publicly available (2 points)
Does the scheme owner make, or require assurance providers to make a summary of certification/verification reports (with personal and commercially sensitive information removed) available?
Possible answers
- No (no reports) (0 points)
- No (confidential) (1 point)
- Yes (on request) (2 points)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
Does the certificate or license define the scope of assurance and duration for which it is valid?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner maintain or require assurance providers to maintain a publicly accessible list of certified or verified enterprises, or a list of verified products/product groups, or a list of members (in case of membership-based initiatives)?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Yes incl. scope of certificate or license (2 points)
Does the scheme owner maintain a current and publicly available list of all accredit-ed/approved/suspended assurance providers?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (0 points)
- Yes (publicly) (1 point)
Does the scheme owner review the effectiveness of their assurance system on a periodic basis?
Possible answers
- Annual (1 point)
- Every 3 years (1 point)
- Every 5 years (1 point)
- Ad hoc (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that clients and other affected stakeholders are notified of changes to the assurance requirements?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme require performance improvements over time to maintain certification?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner have a documented assessment methodology for assurance providers that are assessing chain of custody?
Possible answers
- yes publicly available (2 points)
- yes available on request (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to report to them on complaints received and, on the actions, taken to resolve the issue?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner maintain an information management system?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
Has the scheme specified equivalence requirements for any other scheme assurance results it recognises?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is there a publicly available documented assessment methodology for assurance providers to assess conformity with the standard?
Conformity Assessment
Conformity Assessment Process
Does the scheme require a third-party conformity assessment of all clients for compliance with its standard?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (2 points)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner define requirements for decision-making to ensure that assurance providers use consistent procedures for determining the conformity of clients or laboratory testing results with the standard?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to have a procedure in place for how clients are required to address non-conformities, including when a certificate or license is suspended or revoked?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme require a third-party conformity assessment of all clients for compliance with its standard?
Sustainability Audits
Does the scheme owner have a documented oversight approach that requires assurance providers to be accredited or compliant with ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17025 (for laboratories) requirements, or alternatively to be compliant with the relevant ISEAL Assurance Code requirements?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that clients are audited on a regular, recurring basis?
Possible answers
- 1 year or less (1 point)
- 1-2 years (1 point)
- 2-3 years (1 point)
- 4-5 years (1 point)
- 5 years or more (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is the frequency or intensity of an audit or oversight assessment based on a risk assessment of the client or assurance provider?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner specify the required intensity for each type of audit and the activities that must be carried out by assurance providers for each of its standards?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner allow or require assurance providers to do unannounced audits?
Possible answers
- Allowed (1 point)
- Required (2 points)
- Not allowed (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Are auditors and assessors required to seek external stakeholder input during the audit and oversight assessment process?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to follow a consistent report format?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that assurance providers and oversight bodies use competent and impartial personnel (other than auditor/assessor/ team) to make decisions on compliance?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner have a documented oversight approach that requires assurance providers to be accredited or compliant with ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17025 (for laboratories) requirements, or alternatively to be compliant with the relevant ISEAL Assurance Code requirements?
Group Certification
Is the group required to have a shared management system with clear responsibilities for implementation of the system?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner have a mechanism that prescribes and justifies how all sites within a group certification will be audited over time?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is there a sample size formula and sampling approach to determine the number of group members that is externally verified and how the sample is chosen?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Yes based on risk assessment (2 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Do the requirements on group certification/verification define the conditions under which a group member shall be suspended or removed from a group?
Possible answers
- Member suspended from certification (1 point)
- Member removed from a group (1 point)
- Group suspension (1 point)
- No repercussion (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is the group required to have a shared management system with clear responsibilities for implementation of the system?
Chain of Custody
Does the scheme owner require all enterprises that are physically handling the certified product to undergo a CoC audit if the product can be destined for retail sale as a certified, labelled product?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require all enterprises that are physically handling the certified product to undergo a CoC audit if the product can be destined for retail sale as a certified, labelled product?
Laboratory Testing
In the documented assessment methodology, are test methods either referred to or included?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Are there rules on random sampling and testing for the conformity monitoring?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is there a procedure to deal with non-conforming products manufactured by a client / licensee?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
In the documented assessment methodology, are test methods either referred to or included?
Conformity Assessment Process
Assessor/ Auditor Competencies
Does the scheme owner define the qualifications, competency, the required minimum industry audit experience and training requirements for assurance / oversight assessors?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner define the qualifications, competency, the required minimum industry audit experience and training requirements for assurance / oversight assessors?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner require that assurance provider auditors successfully complete auditor training on a standard that is relevant to the scheme and that is based on ISO 19011, or equivalent?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that assurance and oversight providers implement a programme to monitor and ensure the continued competence and good performance of assessors and auditors?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner carry out or require assurance providers to carry out calibration activities to ensure that assessors /auditors are aligned?
Possible answers
- Annually (2 points)
- Ad Hoc (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that assurance providers have a Code of Conduct, or equivalent, and supporting procedures to guide behaviour and actions of assurance providers' personnel and to address misconduct
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner assess potential risks to auditor / assessor impartiality and where warranted, do they require assurance providers and oversight bodies to implement practices to mitigate these risks?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner define the qualifications, competency, the required minimum industry audit experience and training requirements for assurance / oversight assessors?
Accreditation / Oversight
Does the scheme require an oversight mechanism and is it documented?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Is oversight conducted by a third party independent of the scheme owner and assurance providers?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme define the nature and intensity of oversight activities on assurance providers?
Possible answers
- <1 year (2 points)
- 1 year (2 points)
- 2-3 years (2 points)
- 4-5 years (1 point)
- >5 years (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
- None (0 points)
Does the intensity of oversight activities take account of risk factors associated with the assurance providers and their personnel?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner clearly define the application and selection process for assurance providers?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner assess scheme-specific competence when accepting assurance providers that are accredited to other relevant standards (proxy accreditation)?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Yes assess scheme-specific competence (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme have or require oversight providers to have documented and accessible complaints and appeals mechanisms?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner define or request that oversight providers define how assurance providers have to address non-conformities raised through oversight?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that summaries of oversight reports (with personal and commercially sensitive information removed) are made publicly available?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (on request) (1 point)
- Yes publicly (2 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that on-site assessments of assurance providers are included in the oversight cycle?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require that oversight includes reviews of assurance provider performance in the field?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme require an oversight mechanism and is it documented?
Assurance System
Claims & Traceability
Does the scheme owner have a documented Chain of Custody standard or other traceability requirements that apply to the full supply chain?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes available on request (1 point)
- Yes publicly available (2 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Are there any CoC requirements for non-certified material, in case mixing of certified with uncertified inputs is allowed?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require assurance providers to verify that all enterprises within the chain maintain accurate and accessible records that allow any certified product or batch of products to be traceable from the point of sale to the buyer?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Are companies required to keep CoC records for at least the term of certificate validity?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme have a traceability system that enables checking of product flow between links of the supply chain?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner have a documented Chain of Custody standard or other traceability requirements that apply to the full supply chain?
Claims & Labelling
Does the scheme owner have documented requirements for the use of its symbols, logos and/or claims related to its scheme and make them publicly available?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Do claims requirements specify the types of claims that can be made for different types of CoC models, where the scheme owner allows for more than one model?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Are claims and label users required to use unique license numbers or other tracking mechanisms?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme owner require surveillance of the accurate use of claims and labels in the market, including a complaints mechanism to report misuse?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Is the label accompanied by an explanatory text claim or a link to further information?
Possible answers
- Yes (1 point)
- No (0 points)
- Not applicable (0 points)
Does the scheme have a procedure that defines specific consequences of misuse of claims and do they also require this of their assurance providers?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- yes (1 point)
Does the scheme owner have documented requirements for the use of its symbols, logos and/or claims related to its scheme and make them publicly available?
Environment 63%
Criteria on chemicals harmful to human health
Criteria on Use of Chlorine Gas
Criteria on Use of Azo Dyes
Use of Natural Fibres
Chemical Use
Does the standard include criteria on chemical use?
Possible answers
- Basic: Document use of all chemicals (1 point)
- Advanced: Increase efficiency/reduce chemical use (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
3.5 Further requirements for production aids and paper refining agents, exclusion of glyoxal Only those production aids and paper refining agents that are listed in Recommendation XXXVI from the BfR for “Paper and board for food contact”5 (positive list) in sections B (production aids) and C (special paper refining agents) may be added to the product. The maximum quantities and concentrations stated in this list must be observed. No production aids containing glyoxal may be used to manufacture the recycled paper. Compliance verification The applicant shall declare compliance with the requirements in Annex 1 to the contract. The applicant shall verify compliance with the requirement by listing the production aids and paper refining agents used and submitting declarations from the suppliers of the production aids and paper refining agents in accordance with Annex 3 to the contract pursuant to DE-UZ 14a. If requested to do so by RAL gGmbH, the applicant shall submit the relevant safety data sheets.
3.5 Further requirements for production aids and paper refining agents, exclusion of glyoxal ........................................................................................................................ 12
Does the standard include criteria on chemicals listed on the REACH Candidate List as substances of very high concern?
Possible answers
- Basic: Restrict use (1 point)
- Advanced: Prohibit use except for defined derogations. (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
3.4 General exclusion of substances with certain properties No substances or mixtures may be added as colourants, coating materials, production aids and paper refining agents that contain constituent components with the following properties: a) It is prohibited to add substances of very high concern (SVHC) that have been identified as being particularly alarming in accordance with Article 57, Paragraph 1 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) and added to the so-called “candidate list” according to Article 59, Paragraph 1 of the same regulation.
3.4 General exclusion of substances with certain properties .......................................... 10
Does the standard include criteria on H statements H400, H410, H411?
Possible answers
- Basic: Prohibit use for some applications (1 point)
- Advanced: Prohibit use for all applications (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on H statements?
Possible answers
- Basic: Prohibit use for some applications (1 point)
- Advanced: Prohibit use for H statements as well as additional H statements for all applications (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
3.4 General exclusion of substances with certain properties No substances or mixtures may be added as colourants, coating materials, production aids and paper refining agents that contain constituent components with the following properties: a) It is prohibited to add substances of very high concern (SVHC) that have been identified as being particularly alarming in accordance with Article 57, Paragraph 1 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) and added to the so-called “candidate list” according to Article 59, Paragraph 1 of the same regulation. b) No substances may be added to the product that according to the criteria of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 are classified with the following H Phrases named in Table 1 or which meet the criteria for such classification. or which are classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic substances in the currently valid version of TRGS 905 Table 1: H Phrases according to the CLP Regulation H Phrases according to the CLP Regulation Wording H340 May cause genetic defects. H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects. H350 May cause cancer. H350i May cause cancer if inhaled. H3514 Suspected of causing cancer. H360F May damage fertility. H360D May damage the unborn child. H360FD May damage fertility. May damage the unborn child. H360Fd May damage fertility. Suspected of damaging the unborn child. H360Df May damage the unborn child. Suspected of damaging fertility. H361f Suspected of damaging fertility. H361d Suspected of damaging the unborn child. H361fd Suspected of damaging fertility. Suspected of damaging the unborn child.
3.4 General exclusion of substances with certain properties .......................................... 10
Does the standard include criteria on biodegredability of substances?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
3.6 Bleaching and complexing agents The recovered paper must be processed without the use of chlorine, halogenated bleaching agents and not readily biodegradable complexing agents such as e.g. ehylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA).
3.6 Bleaching and complexing agents ......................................................................... 12
Does the standard include a list of substances which are of low concern for the intended use?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
3.5 Further requirements for production aids and paper refining agents, exclusion of glyoxal Only those production aids and paper refining agents that are listed in Recommendation XXXVI from the BfR for “Paper and board for food contact”5 (positive list) in sections B (production aids) and C (special paper refining agents) may be added to the product. The maximum quantities and concentrations stated in this list must be observed. No production aids containing glyoxal may be used to manufacture the recycled paper. Compliance verification The applicant shall declare compliance with the requirements in Annex 1 to the contract. The applicant shall verify compliance with the requirement by listing the production aids and paper refining agents used and submitting declarations from the suppliers of the production aids and paper refining agents in accordance with Annex 3 to the contract pursuant to DE-UZ 14a. If requested to do so by RAL gGmbH, the applicant shall submit the relevant safety data sheets. 3.9 Optical brighteners The use of optical brighteners is not permitted. An exception applies for the production of: • SC papers > 110 g/m2 and HWC papers > 75g/m² (according to Appendix B) The following optical brighteners may be added to these products: • C.I.220, benzenesulfonic acid, 2,2'-(1,2-ethenediyl) bis[5[4-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl) amino]-6-[(4-sulfophenyl)amino]- 1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-, tetra sodium salt (CAS no. 16470-24-9); • C.I. 113 or C.I. 28 disodium salt 4,4'-bis[6-anilino-4-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]stilbene-2,2'-disulphonate; sulfonated stilbene derivatives may be used up to a maximum level of 0.3%. • Tetrasodium 4,4'-{ethene-1,2-diylbis[(3-sulfonato-4,1-phenylene)imino{6-[bis(2-hydroxy-ethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diyl}imino]}dibenzoate (CAS RN 32257-57-1) and isomeric mixtures of Tetrasodium 4,4'-{ethene-1,2-diylbis[(3-sulfonato-4,1-phenylene)-imino{6-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diyl}imino]}dibenzoate (CAS-RN 32257-57-1), Tetrasodium 2,2'-{ethene-1,2-diylbis[(3-sulfonatobenzene-4,1-diyl)imino{6-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazine-4,2-diyl}imino]}dibenzoate (CAS RN 158256-89-4) and Tetrasodium 2-({4-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-6-[(4-{2-[4-({4-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-amino]-6-[(4-carboxylatophenyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl}amino)-2-sulfonatophenyl]- 14/28 DE-UZ 14a Edition January 2020 ethenyl}-3-sulfonatophenyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl}amino)benzoate (CAS no. 1271742-13-2) • C.I.397 (benzenesulfonic acid, 2,2‘-(1,2-ethenediyl)bis[5-amino-, reaction products with aniline, diethanolamine, ethanolamine and 2,4,6-trichloro-1,3,5-triazine, sodium salts, 2-(Dimethylamino) ethanol compounds (CAS no. 1627851-12-0) Compliance verification The applicant shall state the grade of manufactured paper based on the grade statistics (according to Appendix B) in Annex 2 to the contract and name the optical brighteners used. In addition, the applicant shall verify compliance with the requirement by submitting a test report from an independent testing institute certifying compliance with the bleeding test according to DIN EN 648 or DIN EN 646 and achievement of valuation level 5. Alternatively, the applicant shall submit a declaration from the manufacturer of the optical brightener as Annex 3 to the contract stating that at least 95% of the optical brighteners cling to the substrate to be brightened.
3.5 Further requirements for production aids and paper refining agents, exclusion of glyoxal ..................................... 12 3.9 Optical brighteners ............................................................................................. 13
Does the standard include criteria on testing the final product regarding residues of chemicals?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
3.2 Diisopropylnaphtaline (DIPN) The content of diisopropylnaphthalene (DIPN) in paper and cardboard should be kept as low as technically possible. It is thus generally not permitted to use the grades of recovered paper 2.05.00 ordinary sorted office paper, 2.05.01 sorted office paper, 2.06.00 ordinary sorted coloured letters, 2.06.01 sorted coloured letters and 5.09.00 “carbonless copy paper (NCR)”. Alternatively, grades of recovered paper containing DIPN (2.05.00, 2.05.01, 2.06.00, 2.06.01 and 5.09.00) may be used if an efficient technical system (e.g. deinking) exists that largely removes the DIPN from the fibre cycle and the DIPN content in the finished paper does not exceed a maximum of 50 mg/kg. Compliance verification The applicant shall declare compliance with the requirements in Annex 1 to the contract. If the grades of recovered paper 2.05.00, 2.05.01, 2.06.00, 2.06.01 and 5.09.00 have been used, the applicant shall state the maximum DIPN content in the finished product in Annex 2 to the contract and submit a test report from an independent testing institution accredited according to ISO 17025 or a selected testing institution recognised by the UBA e.g. Chair of Paper Technology and Mechanical Process Engineering (PMV) at TU Darmstadt. The DIPN content shall be determined once a year in accordance with EN 14719 (DIPN in acetone extract). The applicant shall submit a product sample. 3.3 Bisphenol A and bisphenol S The content of bisphenol A and bisphenol S in the finished paper must be determined once a year. Compliance verification The content of bisphenol A (CAS 80-05-7) and bisphenol S (CAS 80-09-1) must be determined in a cold water extract prepared according to EN 645 using liquid chromatography with UV/fluorescence detection or MS detection. The applicant shall submit a test report for statistical purposes once a year from an independent testing institution accredited according to ISO 17025 or a testing institution recognised by the UBA. If multiple products are produced based on the same composition of recovered paper (Annex 2), it is sufficient to submit an analysis of a sample of the paper once a year.
3.2 Diisopropylnaphtaline (DIPN) ............................................................................... 10 3.3 Bisphenol A and bisphenol S ................................................................................ 10
Does the standard include criteria on the use of dyes or pigments based on lead, copper, chromium, nickel, cadmium, cobalt and aluminium in the production phase?
Possible answers
- Basic (1 point)
- Advanced: prohibit some dyes or pigments based on lead copper, chromium, nickel, cadmium, cobalt and aluminium (0 points)
Excerpt from standard:
3.11 Mercury, lead, cadmium or chromium VI compounds in colourants It is not permitted to add any colourants (pigments or dyes) containing mercury, lead, cadmium or chromium (VI) compounds as constituent ingredients. Compliance verification The applicant shall verify compliance with the requirement by submitting a declaration from the colourant supplier in Annex 3 to the contract pursuant to DE-UZ 14a.
3.11 Mercury, lead, cadmium or chromium VI compounds in colourants ........................... 14
Does the standard include criteria on the use of chlorine gas, elemental chlorine, chloroorganic compounds as bleaching agent?
Possible answers
- Basic: Restrict use (1 point)
- Advanced: Prohibit use (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
3.6 Bleaching and complexing agents The recovered paper must be processed without the use of chlorine, halogenated bleaching agents and not readily biodegradable complexing agents such as e.g. ehylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA). Compliance verification The applicant shall declare compliance with the requirement in Annex 1 to the contract and also state the bleaching chemicals and complexing agents used in Annex 2.
3.6 Bleaching and complexing agents ......................................................................... 12
Does the standard include criteria on the prohibition of azo dyes that may cleave aromatic amines which are harmful to human health in the production phase?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
3.10 Azo dyes and pigments in colourants No azo dyes or pigments may be added in colourants that can cleave into one of the amines stated in Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, Annex XVII, No. 43, Appendix 8 or 9, or in TRGS 6146 (see Appendix D). Compliance verification The applicant shall verify compliance with the requirement by submitting Annex 3 to the contract according to DE-UZ 14a. Anhang D Dyes and pigments that are not permitted In accordance with Paragraph 3.10, the azo dyes listed below may not be added. Azo dyes that may cleave to one of the following aromatic amines (according to Directive (EC) No. 1907/2007, Annex XVII, No. 43) 4-aminobiphenyl (92-67-1) benzidine (92-87-5) (....)
3.10 Azo dyes and pigments in colourants .................................................................... 14 Anhang D Dyes and pigments that are not permitted ................................................... 27
Does the standard include criteria on chemical use?
Handling of Chemicals
Does the standard include criteria on storage and labelling of chemicals?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on selective and targeted application of chemicals?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on training on chemicals handling and exposure?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on storage and labelling of chemicals?
Chemical Use
Water Use
Does the standard include criteria on water consumption in the production phase?
Possible answers
- Basic: Monitor volumes of water consumption over time (1 point)
- Advanced: Monitor water volumes & increase efficiency (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
3.1 Use of fibrous raw materials and grades of recovered paper The paper fibres in the recycled graphic paper must have been sourced 100% from recovered paper. Recovered paper is the umbrella term for paper and paperboard that is collected after use or processing.
3.1 Use of fibrous raw materials and grades of recovered paper ...................................... 8
Does the standard include criteria on water consumption in the production phase?
Does the standard include criteria on wastewater quality and wastewater treatment?
Possible answers
- Basic: Treat wastewater (1 point)
- Advanced: Treat wastewater with parameters defined to ensure appropriate quality of wastewater (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
3.14 Requirements for waste water The following requirements apply with respect to waste water: 3.14.1 Direct discharge In the production of recycled paper, the emission limits for the waste water load that are listed by the EU Commission in the “Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Pulp, Paper and Board” must be complied with by direct dischargers. These limits are also listed in Table 2 below: in the paper production process Parameter Lower reference value according to BREF and Appendix 28 of the German Waste Water Ordinance8 Volumetric flow rate of waste water 15 m3/Adt COD 3 kg/Adt BSB5 0.15 kg/Adt or 25 mg/l AOX < 0.01 kg/Adt Total N (inorganic + organic N) (TNb) 0.07 kg/Adt or 15 mg/l Total P 0.008 kg/Adt or 1.2 mg/l Adt = air dried ton TNb = total nitrogen bound. This parameter defines the total pollution of water by nitrogen compounds, which can appear in the form of e.g. ammonia, nitrites, nitrates or organic nitrogen compounds. A suitable method for determining this parameter is DIN EN 12260. 3.14.2 Indirect discharge Indirect dischargers must declare compliance with the emission limits for the parameters stated in Table 2 after treatment. Compliance verification If the manufacturer of the recycled paper is a direct discharger, he/she shall declare compliance with the emission limits according to Table 2 in Annex 1 to the contract and state the measured emission values in Annex 4 to the contract. If the manufacturer of the recycled paper is an indirect discharger, he/she shall declare: • compliance with the emission limits according to Table 2 after treatment in the waste water treatment plant and • compliance with the limit for the volumetric flow rate of waste water and • compliance with the AOX value at the mixing location in Annex 1 to the contract and shall submit confirmation from the operator of the waste water treatment plant that provided the emission values for the other parameters in the downstream waste water treatment plant as Annex 5 to the contract.
3.14 Requirements for waste water.............................................................................. 15 3.14.1 Direct discharge .............................................................................................. 15 3.14.2 Indirect discharge ........................................................................................... 16
Does the standard include criteria on wastewater volumes (per unit of production)?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
3.14 Requirements for waste water The following requirements apply with respect to waste water: 3.14.1 Direct discharge In the production of recycled paper, the emission limits for the waste water load that are listed by the EU Commission in the “Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Pulp, Paper and Board” must be complied with by direct dischargers. These limits are also listed in Table 2 below: Table 2: Maximum limits for the average annual emission parameters (waste water) in the paper production process Parameter Lower reference value according to BREF and Appendix 28 of the German Waste Water Ordinance(8) Volumetric flow rate of waste water 15 m3/Adt (8)Appendix 28 Production of paper and cardboard of the German Waste Water Ordinance: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/abwv/anhang_28.html)
3.14 Requirements for waste water.............................................................................. 15 3.14.1 Direct discharge .............................................................................................. 15 3.14.2 Indirect discharge ........................................................................................... 16
Does the standard include threshold values on wastewater parameter of COD and P?
Possible answers
- Basic: Some of these parameters are covered (1 point)
- Advanced: All of these parameters are covered (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
3.14 Requirements for waste water The following requirements apply with respect to waste water: 3.14.1 Direct discharge In the production of recycled paper, the emission limits for the waste water load that are listed by the EU Commission in the “Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Pulp, Paper and Board” must be complied with by direct dischargers. These limits are also listed in Table 2 below: Table 2: Maximum limits for the average annual emission parameters (waste water) in the paper production process Parameter Lower reference value according to BREF and Appendix 28 of the German Waste Water Ordinance(8) COD 3 kg/Adt Total P 0.008 kg/Adt or 1.2 mg/l (8)Appendix 28 Production of paper and cardboard of the German Waste Water Ordinance: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/abwv/anhang_28.html)
3.14 Requirements for waste water.............................................................................. 15 3.14.1 Direct discharge .............................................................................................. 15 3.14.2 Indirect discharge ........................................................................................... 16
Does the standard include criteria on wastewater quality and wastewater treatment?
Water Use
Does the scheme include criteria on the use of postconsumer recycled content in the product or packaging?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
3.1 Use of fibrous raw materials and grades of recovered paper The paper fibres in the recycled graphic paper must have been sourced 100% from recovered paper. Recovered paper is the umbrella term for paper and paperboard that is collected after use or processing. For the production of the products, a maximum of 35% of the recovered paper – based on the total content of fibrous raw materials – may be sourced from the better grades (group 3) and at least 65% of the recovered paper – based on the total content of fibrous raw materials – must be sourced from the ordinary, medium and kraft paper grades and special grades (groups 1, 2, 4 and 5). If the grades 2.05.00 ordinary sorted office paper, 2.05.01 sorted office paper, 2.06.00 ordinary sorted coloured letters, 2.06.01 sorted coloured letters and 5.09.00 carbonless copy paper (NCR) are used, the product must comply with the requirement according to Paragraph 3.2 (DIPN content). Refer to DIN EN 643 for specifications about the different grades of recovered paper. Compliance verification The applicant shall characterise the paper in Annex 2 by stating the sort key, format, weight, surface treatment (coated or uncoated), whiteness and opacity. The applicant shall state the average percentage of the paper grades from groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 used in the product in Annex 2 to the contract and declare compliance with the requirement in Paragraph 3.1. The applicant shall also state the percentages of the individual grades 2.05.00 ordinary sorted office paper, 2.05.01 sorted office paper, 2.06.00 ordinary sorted coloured letters, 2.06.01 sorted coloured letters and 5.09.00 carbonless copy paper (NCR) in Annex 2. The correctness of the data provided in Annex 2 to the contract shall be verified on request once a year in accordance with Annex 6 to the Basic Award Criteria by: • a certification body for ISO 14001 accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) for the scope of paper manufacturers (NACE 17.12) or • an environmental verifier approved for this scope (NACE 17.12) by the German Society for the Accreditation and Registration of Environmental Verifiers (DAU) in accordance with the Environmental Audit Act or • an accredited FSC/PEFC certifier or • an expert recognised by the UBA in the areas of fibrous raw materials, grades of recovered paper and the recycling of recovered paper.
3.1 Use of fibrous raw materials and grades of recovered paper ...................................... 8
Does the standard include criteria on the usage of recycled material?
Possible answers
- Basic: Use of recycled material in packaging (1 point)
- Advanced: Use of recycled material in product (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
3.1 Use of fibrous raw materials and grades of recovered paper The paper fibres in the recycled graphic paper must have been sourced 100% from recovered paper. Recovered paper is the umbrella term for paper and paperboard that is collected after use or processing. For the production of the products, a maximum of 35% of the recovered paper – based on the total content of fibrous raw materials – may be sourced from the better grades (group 3) and at least 65% of the recovered paper – based on the total content of fibrous raw materials – must be sourced from the ordinary, medium and kraft paper grades and special grades (groups 1, 2, 4 and 5). If the grades 2.05.00 ordinary sorted office paper, 2.05.01 sorted office paper, 2.06.00 ordinary sorted coloured letters, 2.06.01 sorted coloured letters and 5.09.00 carbonless copy paper (NCR) are used, the product must comply with the requirement according to Paragraph 3.2 (DIPN content). Refer to DIN EN 643 for specifications about the different grades of recovered paper. Compliance verification The applicant shall characterise the paper in Annex 2 by stating the sort key, format, weight, surface treatment (coated or uncoated), whiteness and opacity. The applicant shall state the average percentage of the paper grades from groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 used in the product in Annex 2 to the contract and declare compliance with the requirement in Paragraph 3.1. The applicant shall also state the percentages of the individual grades 2.05.00 ordinary sorted office paper, 2.05.01 sorted office paper, 2.06.00 ordinary sorted coloured letters, 2.06.01 sorted coloured letters and 5.09.00 carbonless copy paper (NCR) in Annex 2. The correctness of the data provided in Annex 2 to the contract shall be verified on request once a year in accordance with Annex 6 to the Basic Award Criteria by: • a certification body for ISO 14001 accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) for the scope of paper manufacturers (NACE 17.12) or • an environmental verifier approved for this scope (NACE 17.12) by the German Society for the Accreditation and Registration of Environmental Verifiers (DAU) in accordance with the Environmental Audit Act or • an accredited FSC/PEFC certifier or • an expert recognised by the UBA in the areas of fibrous raw materials, grades of recovered paper and the recycling of recovered paper.
3.1 Use of fibrous raw materials and grades of recovered paper ...................................... 8
Does the standard include criteria on the production of natural fibres?
Possible answers
- Basic: 50% - 69% of certified fibres from sustainable forestry (1 point)
- Advanced: At least 70% of recycled fibres or of certified fibres from sustainable forestry (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
3.1 Use of fibrous raw materials and grades of recovered paper The paper fibres in the recycled graphic paper must have been sourced 100% from recovered paper. Recovered paper is the umbrella term for paper and paperboard that is collected after use or processing. For the production of the products, a maximum of 35% of the recovered paper – based on the total content of fibrous raw materials – may be sourced from the better grades (group 3) and at least 65% of the recovered paper – based on the total content of fibrous raw materials – must be sourced from the ordinary, medium and kraft paper grades and special grades (groups 1, 2, 4 and 5). If the grades 2.05.00 ordinary sorted office paper, 2.05.01 sorted office paper, 2.06.00 ordinary sorted coloured letters, 2.06.01 sorted coloured letters and 5.09.00 carbonless copy paper (NCR) are used, the product must comply with the requirement according to Paragraph 3.2 (DIPN content). Refer to DIN EN 643 for specifications about the different grades of recovered paper. Compliance verification The applicant shall characterise the paper in Annex 2 by stating the sort key, format, weight, surface treatment (coated or uncoated), whiteness and opacity. The applicant shall state the average percentage of the paper grades from groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 used in the product in Annex 2 to the contract and declare compliance with the requirement in Paragraph 3.1. The applicant shall also state the percentages of the individual grades 2.05.00 ordinary sorted office paper, 2.05.01 sorted office paper, 2.06.00 ordinary sorted coloured letters, 2.06.01 sorted coloured letters and 5.09.00 carbonless copy paper (NCR) in Annex 2. The correctness of the data provided in Annex 2 to the contract shall be verified on request once a year in accordance with Annex 6 to the Basic Award Criteria by: • a certification body for ISO 14001 accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) for the scope of paper manufacturers (NACE 17.12) or • an environmental verifier approved for this scope (NACE 17.12) by the German Society for the Accreditation and Registration of Environmental Verifiers (DAU) in accordance with the Environmental Audit Act or • an accredited FSC/PEFC certifier or • an expert recognised by the UBA in the areas of fibrous raw materials, grades of recovered paper and the recycling of recovered paper.
3.1 Use of fibrous raw materials and grades of recovered paper ...................................... 8
Does the standard include criteria on the usage of recycled material?
Does the scheme include criteria on the use of postconsumer recycled content in the product or packaging?
Energy Consumption
Does the standard include criteria on energy consumption in the production phase?
Possible answers
- Basic: Monitor energy consumption over time (1 point)
- Advanced: Reduce consumption, increase efficiency OR increase use of renewables (2 points)
Excerpt from standard:
1.2 Background The use of recovered paper in the production of graphic paper contributes to the preservation of resources, especially ecosystems such as forests, and thus helps to protect species and the climate. The use of recovered paper from household and commercial collections also reduces the amount of waste generated. In a comparison of their impact on ecological systems, those paper products made from recovered paper perform significantly better in terms of their use of resources, waste water load and water and energy consumption than paper products made from virgin fibres that use wood as a source of fibrous raw materials – when the products have comparable performance characteristics. 1.3 Objectives of the environmental label The requirements in these Basic Award Criteria are intended, in particular, to promote the use of lower and medium grades of recovered paper and prevent the use of substances that are not required for technical reasons during production. The use of recycled paper that has been awarded the Blue Angel makes an important contribution to the preservation of resources and the protection of species and the climate. Therefore, the following benefits for the environment and health are stated in the explanatory box: • made from 100% recovered paper • saves energy, water and wood • low level of harmful materials
1.2 Background ......................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Objectives of the environmental label ..................................................................... 6
Does the standard include criteria on energy consumption in the production phase?
Energy Consumption
Waste and Air Pollution
Waste Management
Does the standard include criteria on waste management in the production phase?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on safe disposal of hazardous waste?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Reduce and/or treat toxic waste (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on waste management in the production phase?
Air pollution (excl. GHG) and Emmission
Does the standard include criteria on air pollution?
Possible answers
- Basic: Monitor emissions over time (1 point)
- Advanced: End-of-pipe technology (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on threshold values of sulphur (S) and NOx emissions to air?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on air pollution?
Waste Management
Environmental Management
Environmental Management
Does the standard include a general criterion on compliance with all relevant local, regional and national environmental laws and regulations?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria to ensure that relevant and up-to-date permits are held (such as water use rights or land use titles)?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the standard include criteria on mitigating negative environmental impacts prior to production/operation?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on assessing the environmental risks and impacts of production/operations prior to any significant intensification or expansion of business operations/cultivation and infrastructure?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on stakeholder engagement to achieve environmental targets?
Possible answers
Does the standard include a general criterion on compliance with all relevant local, regional and national environmental laws and regulations?
Environmental Management
Does the standard include criteria on the fitness for use of the product for the intended purpose?
Possible answers
Excerpt from standard:
3.15 Fitness for use The fitness for use of the recycled paper must be guaranteed. If relevant DIN standards include technical requirements for individual products, these must be observed in the versions valid at the time of application. This applies to e.g. • Continuous paper: DIN EN 12858 • Envelope paper: DIN 6733 • Paper and board for office purposes: DIN 19307 • Paper for copying purposes: DIN EN 12281 Compliance verification The applicant shall declare compliance with the requirement in Annex 1 to the contract and state the corresponding DIN standard. 3.16 Durability of the paper Office paper and paper used for the production of printed matter and press products must comply with the durability requirements according to DIN 20494. Alternatively, verification of the durability of the paper used for the production of printed matter and press products can be provided by complying with the requirements pursuant to LDK 24-85 in accordance with DIN 6738. A classification of the paper grades is provided in Appendix E. Compliance verification The applicant shall verify compliance with the requirements by submitting a test report from an independent testing institution. Refer to Appendix E9 for information on which reports are required for which paper.
3.15 Fitness for use ................................................................................................... 16 3.16 Durability of the paper ........................................................................................ 17
Does the standard include criteria on the fitness for use of the product for the intended purpose?
Socio-Economic 0%
Freedom of Association (ILO 87)
Collective Bargaining (ILO 98)
Written labour contract(s)
Prohibition of Forced Labor (ILO 29)
Minimum Age (ILO 138)
Prohibition of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (ILO 182)
Equal Remuneration (ILO 100)
Non-Discrimination (ILO 111)
Criteria on Working Hours
Rights Apply to Sub-Contractors
Occupational Health and Safety / ILO 155
Social & Cultural Rights and Community Engagement
Local Economic Development
Does the standard include criteria relating to a preference to purchase local materials, goods, products and services?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria relating to hiring workers from local communities?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on investment in community development beyond the business' operations?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on not adversely affecting local communities and neighboring small producers access to livelihoods (especially land and water)?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria relating to a preference to purchase local materials, goods, products and services?
Community Rights
Does the standard include criteria on dispute resolution mechanisms for affected communities?
Possible answers
- Basic: The standard has to require a grievance mechanism for affected communities (1 point)
- Advanced: The standard provides fair compensation for negative impacts of operations on local communities and individuals (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on the protection of local historical, archaeological, cultural, and spiritual properties and sites?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Protect and do not impede access (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on dispute resolution mechanisms for affected communities?
Local Economic Development
Labour Rights and Working Conditions
ILO Core Conventions
Does the standard include criteria on freedom of association and the right to organize as described in ILO 87?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the right to collective bargaining, as laid down by ILO 98?
Possible answers
Does the standard prohibit forced and compulsory labour as defined in ILO 29 and ILO 105?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the prohibition of child labour as defined under ILO 138?
Possible answers
Does the standard cover requirements on the prohibition of the worst forms of child labour as defined under ILO 182?
Possible answers
Does the standard address the payment of equal wages as defined in ILO 100?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the non-discrimination in the workplace, as defined in ILO 111?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on occupational health and safety, as defined in ILO 155?
Possible answers
- Basic: Partial compliance with ILO 155 (1 point)
- Advanced: Full compliance with ILO 155 (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on freedom of association and the right to organize as described in ILO 87?
Labour Rights
Voluntary Labour
Does the standard prohibit the withholding of workers' documents?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Must prohibit the withholding of workers' documents (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on the freedom of movemenent of employees?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Must not restrict freedom of movement (1 point)
Does the standard prohibit the withholding of workers' documents?
Child Labour
Does the standard require verification and documentation of age of (young) workers?
Possible answers
Does the standard require that assistance be provided to replaced child workers?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on special treatment of young workers?
Possible answers
Does the standard require verification and documentation of age of (young) workers?
Does the standard include criteria on having policies and/ or processes in place that prevent discrimination of women and men in the workplace?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the right to maternity leave (as defined in ILO 183)?
Possible answers
- Basic: Partial compliance (1 point)
- Advanced: Full compliance (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on having policies and/ or processes in place that prevent discrimination of women and men in the workplace?
Does the standard include criteria on the non-discrimination of persons with disabilities?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the non-discrimination of persons with disabilities?
Wages and Benefits
Does the standard require paying wages sufficient to meet basic needs of the worker and his or her family (living wage)?
Possible answers
Does the standard require paying legal minimum wages?
Possible answers
Does the standard require the provision of social benefits?
Possible answers
Does the standard require compensating overtime?
Possible answers
- Basic: Yes (1 point)
- Advanced: Yes and overtime is paid at a rate of at least 125% of the regular income (2 points)
Does the standard require paid leave?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Two out of three (casual/sick/annual leave) (1 point)
Does the standard require wages being paid in a timely, regular and convenient manner understood by all employees?
Possible answers
- Basic: Yes, some measures are in place (1 point)
- Advanced: Yes, all measures are in place (2 points)
Does the standard require paying wages sufficient to meet basic needs of the worker and his or her family (living wage)?
Working Hours
Does the standard include criteria on working hours, rest days or overtime?
Possible answers
- Basic (0 points)
- Advanced: Standard requirements comply with ILO 1 requirements (1 point)
Does the standard include criteria on working hours, rest days or overtime?
Scope of Labour Rights
Do worker's rights and benefits set out by the standard apply to all forms of work?
Possible answers
Do the standard's rights and benefits for workers also apply to sub-contracted labour?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the establishment of labour contracts compliant with national legal requirements?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Do worker's rights and benefits set out by the standard apply to all forms of work?
Other Labour Rights
Does the standard include criteria on the formation of workers representations where freedom of association is restricted by law?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on worker grievance mechanisms?
Possible answers
Does the standard include requirements on setting up policies or procedures to manage basic labour rights in the workplace?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the formation of workers representations where freedom of association is restricted by law?
Voluntary Labour
Health and Safety
Occupational Health and Safety
Does the standard prohibit harassment or abuse of workers?
Possible answers
Does the standard include requirements on workplace conditions?
Possible answers
- Basic: Some requirements on proper workplace environment. (1 point)
- Advanced (0 points)
Does the standard require policies and procedures to manage health and safety in the workplace?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the access to basic medical services for workers?
Possible answers
- Basic: Only treatment of acute work-related accidents/ illness (1 point)
- Advanced: Work-related accidents plus preventative care (2 points)
Does the standard require compensation payments/ covering of costs in case of work related accidents and injuries?
Possible answers
- Basic: Partial coverage of costs (1 point)
- Advanced: Full coverage of costs (2 points)
Does the standard require that workers have access to safe drinking water?
Possible answers
- Basic: Drinking water is available (1 point)
- Advanced (0 points)
Does the standard require access to clean and improved sanitation facilities?
Possible answers
- Basic: Sanitation facilities are available. (1 point)
- Advanced (0 points)
Does the standard prohibit harassment or abuse of workers?
Building and Fire Safety
Does the standard include criteria on building safety?
Possible answers
Does the standard cover fire-preparedness?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on evacuation safety and emergency management plan?
Possible answers
- Basic: Emergency and evacuation safety requirements exist (1 point)
- Advanced (0 points)
Does the standard include criteria on building safety?
Occupational Health and Safety
ILO Core Conventions
Business Practice and Ethical Issues
Economic Development and Fair Business Practice
Economic Sustainability
Does the standard include criteria on the provision of professional training for workers?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on business viability?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on management plans for continuous improvement?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on improving productivity?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on the provision of professional training for workers?
Does the standard include criteria on business legality?
Possible answers
- Basic: (0 points)
- Advanced: The scheme assesses business legality for certificate holders, e.g. checking all permits that are required by law (national, regional, local) within a due diligence process (1 point)
Does the standard include a requirement for compliance with relevant local, regional and national laws and regulations?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on business legality?
Responsible Sourcing Practices
Does the standard include criteria on fair prices or price premiums?
Possible answers
- No (0 points)
- Yes (1 point)
- Not Applicable (0 points)
Does the standard's rights and benefits for workers also apply to input suppliers?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on reducing time pressure for suppliers?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on fair prices or price premiums?
Economic Sustainability
Corruption and Bribery
Does the standard include criteria for the production processes beyond primary production?
Possible answers
- Basic: Corruption and bribery is prohibited (1 point)
- Advanced (0 points)
Does the standard include criteria on conducting a due diligence assessment of business partners, including subsidiaries and contractors?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria on training workers in positions of responsibility workers on issues of corruption and bribery?
Possible answers
Does the standard include criteria for the production processes beyond primary production?
Economic Development and Fair Business Practice
Company Responsibility
Impact Assessment
Does the standard include criteria on assessing the impacts of operations on human rights?
Possible answers
- Basic: Human Rights Impact Assessment OR Social Impact Assessment (1 point)
- Advanced: Human Rights Impact Assessment AND Social Impact Assessment (2 points)
Does the standard include criteria on assessing the impacts of operations on human rights?
Impact Assessment