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Not assessed
  • Aim/Focus
  • Standard organisation
  • Good to know
The myclimate carbon neutrality label recognises products, activities, events, locations and companies whose emissions are offset in myclimate carbon offset projects. The offset contribution flows into myclimate carbon offset projects in developing and emerging countries. Thus, myclimate projects not only aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also to promote social, ecological and economic development in the region. The projects meet the CDM, Gold Standard and Plan Vivo quality standards.
myclimate is an international initiative with Swiss roots that aims to promote climate protection and sustainable development through its projects with voluntary CO₂ offsetting measures in order to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
As a charitable non-profit organisation, myclimate guarantees that at least 80 percent of the offsetting funds are used for the carbon offset projects on site. For the calculation of the carbon footprint, myclimate follows international standards.

Which lifecycle phases are covered by the standard?

Raw materials extraction and production

Cultivation of basic products in fields (e.g. cereals, vegetables) in plantations (e.g. fruits, oils) as well as products of animal agriculture (e.g. meat, milk)


Some food products go through complex manufacturing processes. During production, basic products are processed, preserved and food additives are added

Transportation / distribution

The transport route from one production stage to the next as well as to the end consumer

Products use and consumption

Usage by the owner


Disposal of food (waste) or further energetic use (biogas)