On average, women around the world earn 20% less than men for the same work. In addition, women and girls in many parts of the world still do not have equal access to education, healthcare and political decision-making processes. That is where SDG 5 comes in, aiming to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls to participate in political, economic and public life in a self-determined way. This includes the complete elimination of all forms of violence, including human trafficking and all forms of exploitation of women and girls.
Nine targets have been defined to concretise SDG 5.
Siegelklarheit contributes to the promotion of gender equality by informing consumers about credible standards that ensure fair working conditions and equal rights in companies and production facilities. This also includes measures for equal and fair pay and against discrimination in the workplace.

Also interesting
- The share of women in parliaments worldwide is around 27 per cent (German only).
- One in five young women is married before her 18th birthday, which reduces her educational opportunities.
- It is estimated that it will take around 140 years before women are fully represented in the workplace on an equal footing.
Note: The content of this publication has not been approved by the United Nations and does not reflect the views of the United Nations or its officials or Member States. Further information can be found here.