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  • Aim/Focus
  • Standard organisation
  • Good to know
The objectives of the procedure SocialFair are the increased independence of the producers, who carry out improvements in their own interest and on the basis of their own capabilities. In addition, the German Importers apply the procedure to their own operating facilities (administration, warehouses and, where applicable, stores) in order to ensure efficient use of resources and less environmental impact in Germany as well.
The Association of Finished Goods Importers e. V. (VFI) was founded in 1962 and is the professional association of companies that are predominantly established in the European Union. These companies import semi-finished and/or finished products of the commercial sector or are associated with the importers as service providers. Since 2018, the VFI has been operating as German Importers.
And everything is accounted for and documented, enabling a fact-based dialog with stakeholders. Transparency in the supply chain and in the transport of goods. Creation of safe and fair working conditions. Improving the use of resources such as energy, water, paper and chemicals. Reduction of environmental pollution caused by waste, wastewater and CO2 emissions. Establishment of regular documentation and reporting

Which lifecycle phases are covered by the standard?

Raw materials extraction and production

Cultivation of natural fibers (e.g. cotton) and production of synthetic fibers (e.g. polyester)


The production and further processing of yarns and fabrics into a finished garment involves many sub-steps (e.g. spinning, weaving and knitting, sewing, tailoring and finishing)

Transportation / distribution

The transport route from one production stage to the next as well as to the end consumer

Products use and consumption

Usage through the owner


Proper disposal of textiles or return of materials to the cycle (recycling)