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Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard, Version 4.0 (Silver Level)
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Cradle to Cradle Certified® ist ein branchenübergreifender Standard, der weltweit von Designer*innen, Marken und Hersteller*innen für die Entwicklung und Herstellung von Produkten verwendet wird, die eine gesunde, gerechte und nachhaltige Zukunft ermöglichen. Das Siegel zeichnet Produkte aus, die umweltsichere, gesundheitlich unbedenkliche und kreislauffähige Materialien verwenden. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf den Bereichen Chemikalieneinsatz, Wiederverwertbarkeit, Energie, Wasser und soziale Gerechtigkeit.
Cradle to Cradle („Von der Wiege zur Wiege“) ist ein Standard der gemeinnützigen Organisation Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. Ziel ist die Förderung eines Wirtschaftssystems ohne Abfall. Das heißt, dass alle Materialien, die in einem Produkt eingesetzt werden, wiederverwertet oder biologisch abgebaut werden können.
Das Cradle to Cradle Certified Products Program basiert auf dem Konzept der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung. Daher gibt es vier mögliche Leistungsstufen innerhalb jeder der fünf Hauptanforderungskategorien des Standards: Bronze, Silber, Gold und Platin. Um ein gewünschtes Niveau innerhalb jeder Kategorie zu erreichen, muss das Produkt alle Anforderungen für dieses Niveau erfüllen, zusätzlich zu den Anforderungen aller niedrigeren Niveaus.
Informationen zu den Standarddokumenten

Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Liste mit Dokumenten und Richtlinien, die bei der Erhebung der Standarddaten berücksichtigt wurden:

Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard, Version 4.0 Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard, Version 4.0 Reference Documents Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology and supporting methodologies Final Manufacturing Stage Process Definitions Methodology for Defining Homogeneous Materials Cradle to Cradle Certified Fees Schedule Cradle to Cradle Certified Compliance Policy Certification Product Grouping Policy Cradle to Cradle Certified Private Label Policy Cradle to Cradle Certified Extensions Policy Cradle to Cradle Certified Appeals Policy Cradle to Cradle Certified Complaints Policy Cradle to Cradle Certified Certification Scheme Trademark Use Guidelines Cradle to Cradle Certified® Trademark Surveillance Policy Process for Development of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard

Glaub­würdigkeit 81%

  • Verfügbarkeit der Organisationsstruktur
  • Unabhängigkeit des Systeminhabers vom Zertifikatsinhaber
  • Verfügbarkeit des Standards
  • Öffentliche Konsultation des Standards
  • Regelmäßige Revision des Standards
  • Rechtlicher Status
  • Finanzierungsquellen
  • Prozess der Standardsetzung
  • Bewertungsmethodik
  • Nachhaltigkeitsziele und Zielsetzung des Programms
  • Zentrale Themen
  • Feedback von Interessengruppen
  • Konsistente Auslegung des Standards
  • Zugänglichkeit des Systems
  • Beschwerde- und Einspruchsverfahren der Prüfstellen
  • Verfügbarkeit von Prüfberichten
  • Geltungsbereich und Gültigkeitsdauer des Zertifikats / der Lizenz
  • Zertifiziertes oder geprüftes Unternehmen / gelabelte Produktliste
  • Akkreditierte/ zugelassene Prüfstellen
  • Unabhängigkeit der Konformitätsbewertung
  • Konsistente Entscheidungsfindung bei Konformitätsbewertung
  • Verfahren bei Nicht-Konformität
  • Claims- und Kennzeichnungsrichtlinien
  • Systemmanagement
    • Governance
      • Stellt die standardsetzende Organisation ihre Organisationsstruktur, einschließlich der Zusammensetzung der Leitungsorgane, öffentlich zur Verfügung?
        Antwort: Ja, öffentlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (auf Anfrage) (0 Punkte)
        • Ja, öffentlich (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
      • Handelt es sich bei der standardsetzenden Organisation um eine juristische Person, eine Organisation, die eine Partnerschaft von juristischen Personen ist, oder um eine staatliche oder zwischenstaatliche Einrichtung?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Gibt es einen Mechanismus für die Beteiligung von Interessengruppen an der Entwicklung des Standardsystems und der Entscheidungsfindung?
        Antwort: No
        Punktzahl: 0/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Yes available publicly (2 Punkte)
        • Yes available on request (1 Punkt)
        • No (0 Punkte)
      • Stellen die Abstimmungsverfahren des obersten Entscheidungsgremiums eine ausgewogene Vertretung der Interessen der Beteiligten sicher, bei der kein Einzelinteresse überwiegt?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Stellt die standardsetzende Organisation quantitative Informationen über die Einkommensquellen oder die Finanzierungsstruktur des Systems zur Verfügung?
        Antwort: Ja (auf Anfrage)
        Punktzahl: 1/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (auf Anfrage) (1 Punkt)
        • Ja, öffentlich (2 Punkte)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
      • Verfügt der Systeminhaber über ein internes Qualitätsmanagementsystem?
        Antwort: Ja, öffentlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (auf Anfrage) (1 Punkt)
        • Ja, öffentlich (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
      • Ist die standardsetzende Organisation wirtschaftlich unabhängig vom Zertifikatsinhaber?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Hat die standardsetzen-de Organisation nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Ziele und Vorgaben?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Verfügt die standardsetzende Organisation über eine Strategie zur Erreichung ihrer nachhaltigkeitsorientierten Ziele?
        Antwort: Ja, öffentlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (auf Anfrage) (1 Punkt)
        • Ja, öffentlich (2 Punkte)
    • Wirkung
      • Verfügt die standardsetzende Organisation über ein System zur Messung der Wirkung und Fortschritte bei der Erreichung ihrer Nachhaltigkeitsziele?
        Antwort: Ja, öffentlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (auf Anfrage) (1 Punkt)
        • Ja, öffentlich (2 Punkte)
      • Nutzt die standardsetzende Organisation die Ergebnisse des Monitorings, um daraus zu lernen und ihr Programm zu verbessern?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Stellt der Systeminhaber die Nachhaltigkeitsergebnisse aus M&E zur Verfügung?
        Antwort: Ja, öffentlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (auf Anfrage) (1 Punkt)
        • Ja, öffentlich (2 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
    • Beschwerdemechanismus
      • Verfügt die standardsetzende Organisation über einen öffentlich und leicht zugänglichen Beschwerdemechanismus?
        Antwort: Yes
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • No (0 Punkte)
        • Yes (1 Punkt)
    • Unterstützende Strategien
      • Werden im Rahmen des Programms Strategien oder Aktivitäten angeboten, um die Leistung der teilnehmenden Unternehmen zu verbessern, z. B. durch den Aufbau von Kapazitäten oder den Zugang zu Finanzmitteln?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nicht anwendbar (0 Punkte)
  • Standardsetzung
    • Wird der Standard öffentlich und kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt?
      Antwort: Ja, öffentlich
      Punktzahl: 1/1
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Ja (auf Anfrage) (0 Punkte)
      • Ja, öffentlich (1 Punkt)
      • Nein (0 Punkte)
    • Wurden im Rahmen des Standardsetzungsprozesses wichtige Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte in dem Sektor, in dem das System tätig ist, oder im Produktlebenszyklus definiert?
      Antwort: Ja
      Punktzahl: 1/1
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Nein (0 Punkte)
      • Ja (1 Punkt)
    • Wird der Standardsetzungsprozess oder eine Zusammenfassung des Verfahrens, wie sich Interessengruppen an dem Standardsetzungsprozess beteiligen können, öffentlich zugänglich gemacht?
      Antwort: Ja, öffentlich
      Punktzahl: 1/1
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Ja (auf Anfrage) (0 Punkte)
      • Ja, öffentlich (1 Punkt)
      • Nein (0 Punkte)
    • Können sich Interessenvertreter*innen am Standardsetzungsprozess beteiligen?
      Antwort: All stakeholders
      Punktzahl: 2/2
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Members only (1 Punkt)
      • Invitation only (1 Punkt)
      • All stakeholders (2 Punkte)
    • Haben die von dem Standard direkt betroffenen Interessengruppen die Möglichkeit, sich an dem Standardsetzungsprozess zu beteiligen?
      Antwort: Ja
      Punktzahl: 1/1
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Nein (0 Punkte)
      • Ja (1 Punkt)
    • Werden Standardentwürfe im Rahmen des Entwicklungs- und Überarbeitungsprozesses auf ihre Relevanz und Überprüfbarkeit hin getestet/erprobt?
      Antwort: Ja
      Punktzahl: 1/1
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Nein (0 Punkte)
      • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
    • Legt die standardsetzende Organisation Informationen darüber vor, wie die Anregungen aus den Konsultationen in die endgültige Fassung des Standards eingeflossen sind?
      Antwort: Ja (auf Anfrage)
      Punktzahl: 1/2
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Ja (auf Anfrage) (1 Punkt)
      • Ja, öffentlich (2 Punkte)
      • Nein (0 Punkte)
    • Stellen die Abstimmungsverfahren des für den Standardsetzungsprozess zuständigen Entscheidungsgremiums eine ausgewogene Vertretung der Interessen der Beteiligten sicher?
      Antwort: Ja
      Punktzahl: 1/1
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Nein (0 Punkte)
      • Ja (1 Punkt)
    • Wird der Standard mindestens alle 5 Jahre überprüft und ggf. überarbeitet?
      Antwort: Ja
      Punktzahl: 1/1
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Nein (0 Punkte)
      • Ja (1 Punkt)
    • Stellt das System sicher, dass Leitlinien vorhanden sind, die eine einheitliche Auslegung des Standards unterstützen?
      Antwort: Ja
      Punktzahl: 1/1
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Nein (0 Punkte)
      • Ja (1 Punkt)
    • Gibt es Verfahren und Leitlinien für die Anwendung oder Auslegung des Standards in regionalen Kontexten?
      Antwort: Nein
      Punktzahl: 0/1
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Nein (0 Punkte)
      • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
  • Konformitätskontrolle
    • Konformitätskontrollsystem
      • Gibt es eine öffentlich zugängliche, dokumentierte Bewertungsmethodik, mit der die Konformität mit dem Standard bewertet werden kann?
        Antwort: Ja, öffentlich verfügbar
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja, verfügbar auf Anfrage (0 Punkte)
        • Ja, öffentlich verfügbar (1 Punkt)
      • Können sich alle potenziellen Antragsteller innerhalb des Geltungsbereichs des Programms bewerben (um zertifiziert/geprüft zu werden)?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Stellt die standardsetzende Organisation Informationen über die Bewertungsgebühren zur Verfügung oder verlangt sie dies von den Prüfstellen?
        Antwort: Ja, öffentlich verfügbar
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja, verfügbar auf Anfrage (1 Punkt)
        • Ja, öffentlich verfügbar (2 Punkte)
      • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation von den Prüfstellen, dass sie über ein leicht zugängliches Beschwerde- und Einspruchsverfahren verfügen?
        Antwort: Yes available on request
        Punktzahl: 1/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • No (0 Punkte)
        • Yes available on request (1 Punkt)
        • Yes publicly available (2 Punkte)
      • Stellt die standardsetzende Organisation eine Zusammenfassung der Zertifizierungs-/Verifizierungsberichte (ohne personenbezogene und wirtschaftlich sensible Informationen) zur Verfügung oder verlangt dies von den Prüfstellen?
        Antwort: Ja (auf Anfrage)
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (keine Berichte) (0 Punkte)
        • Nein (vertraulich) (1 Punkt)
        • Ja (auf Anfrage) (2 Punkte)
        • Ja, öffentlich (2 Punkte)
      • Legt das Zertifikat oder die Lizenz den Umfang der Konformitätsbewertung und die Gültigkeitsdauer fest?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Führt die standardsetzende Organisation eine öffentlich zugängliche Liste der zertifizierten oder geprüften Unternehmen oder eine Liste der geprüften Produkte/Produktgruppen oder eine Liste der Mitglieder (im Falle von mitgliedschaftsbasierten Initiativen) oder verlangt dies von Prüfstellen?
        Antwort: Yes incl. scope of certificate or license
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Yes (1 Punkt)
        • No (0 Punkte)
        • Yes incl. scope of certificate or license (2 Punkte)
      • Führt die standardsetzende Organisation eine aktuelle und öffentlich zugängliche Liste aller akkreditierten/zugelassenen/suspendierten Konformitätsbewertungsstellen?
        Antwort: Ja, öffentlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (auf Anfrage) (0 Punkte)
        • Ja, öffentlich (1 Punkt)
      • Überprüft die standard-setzende Organisation regelmäßig die Wirksamkeit des Konformitätskontrollsystems?
        Antwort: Annual
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Annual (1 Punkt)
        • Every 3 years (1 Punkt)
        • Every 5 years (1 Punkt)
        • Ad hoc (0 Punkte)
      • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass Kunden und andere betroffene Interessengruppen über Änderungen am Konformitätskontrollsystem informiert werden?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation kontinuierliche Leistungsverbesserungen, um die Zertifizierung aufrechtzuerhalten?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Verfügt die standardsetzende Organisation über eine dokumentierte Bewertungsmethode für Prüfstellen, die die CoC bewerten?
        Antwort: Not applicable
        Mögliche Antworten
        • yes publicly available (2 Punkte)
        • yes available on request (1 Punkt)
        • No (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation von den Prüfstellen, dass sie über die eingegangenen Beschwerden und die zur Lösung des Problems getroffenen Maßnahmen Bericht erstatten?
        Antwort: Yes
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • No (0 Punkte)
        • Yes (1 Punkt)
      • Unterhält die standardsetzende Organisation ein Informationsmanagementsystem?
        Antwort: Yes
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • No (0 Punkte)
        • Yes (1 Punkt)
      • Hat die standardsetzende Organisation Gleichwertigkeitsanforderungen an die Ergebnisse anderer, von ihr anerkannten, Konformitätskontrollen festgelegt?
        Antwort: Yes
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Yes (1 Punkt)
        • No (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
    • Konformitätsbewertung
      • Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren
        • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation eine Konformitätsprüfung aller Kunden durch unabhängige Dritte, um die Einhaltung des Standards zu überprüfen?
          Antwort: Ja
          Punktzahl: 2/2
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Ja (2 Punkte)
          • Nicht anwendbar (0 Punkte)
        • Legt die standardsetzende Organisation Leitlinien für die Entscheidungsfindung fest, um sicherzustellen, dass die Prüfstellen einheitliche Verfahren zur Konformitätsbewertung von Kun-den oder Laborergebnissen mit dem Standard anwenden?
          Antwort: Ja
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass die Prüfstellen über ein Verfahren verfügen, das regelt, wie die Kunden mit Nichtkonformitäten umzugehen haben, auch wenn ein Zertifikat oder eine Lizenz ausgesetzt oder widerrufen wird?
          Antwort: Ja
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
      • Nachhaltigkeitsprüfungen
        • Verfügt die standardsetzende Organisation über ein dokumentiertes Aufsichtskonzept, das von den Prüfstellen verlangt, dass sie akkreditiert sind oder die Anforderungen der ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17025 (für Laboratorien) erfüllen oder alternativ relevante Anforderungen des ISEAL Assurance Code erfüllen?
          Antwort: Ja
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • Nicht anwendbar (0 Punkte)
        • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass die Kunden regelmäßig und regelmäßig geprüft werden?
          Antwort: 2-3 Jahre
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • 1 Jahr oder weniger (1 Punkt)
          • 1-2 Jahre (1 Punkt)
          • 2-3 Jahre (1 Punkt)
          • 4-5 Jahre (1 Punkt)
          • 5 Jahre oder mehr (1 Punkt)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
        • Beruht die Häufigkeit oder Intensität eines Audits oder einer Aufsichtsprüfung auf einer Risikobewertung des Kunden oder der Konformitätsbewertungsstelle?
          Antwort: Nein
          Punktzahl: 0/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
        • Legt die standardsetzende Organisation die erforderliche Intensität für jede Art von Audit und die Tätigkeiten fest, die von den Prüfstellen für jeden Standard durchgeführt werden müssen?
          Antwort: Ja
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • Nicht anwendbar (0 Punkte)
        • Erlaubt oder verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass die Konformitätsbewertungsstellen unangekündigte Audits durchführen?
          Antwort: Erlaubt
          Punktzahl: 1/2
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Erlaubt (1 Punkt)
          • Vorgeschrieben (2 Punkte)
          • Nicht erlaubt (0 Punkte)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
        • Sind die Prüfer*innen verpflichtet, während des Audits- und Aufsichtsprüfprozesses den Beitrag externer Interessengruppen einzuholen?
          Antwort: Nein
          Punktzahl: 0/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • Nicht anwendbar (0 Punkte)
        • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation von den Konformitätsbewertungsstellen, dass sie ein einheitliches Berichtsformat verwenden?
          Antwort: Ja
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
        • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass Prüfstellen und Aufsichtsstellen kompetentes und unparteiisches Personal (neben Prüfer*innen / Auditor*innen /Teams) einsetzen, um Entscheidungen über die Einhaltung der Vorschriften zu treffen?
          Antwort: Ja
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Gruppenzertifizierung
        • Muss die Gruppe über ein gemeinsames Verwaltungssystem mit klaren Zuständigkeiten für die Umsetzung des Systems verfügen?
          Antwort: Not applicable
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
        • Verfügt die standardsetzende Organisation über einen Mechanismus, der vorschreibt und begründet, wie alle Standorte innerhalb einer Gruppenzertifizierung im Laufe der Zeit auditiert werden?
          Antwort: Not applicable
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
        • Gibt es eine Formel für den Stichprobenumfang und ein Stichprobenverfahren, um die Anzahl der Gruppenmitglieder zu bestimmen, die extern überprüft wird, und wie die Stichprobe ausgewählt wird?
          Antwort: Not applicable
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • ja, auf Grundlage einer Risikobewertung (2 Punkte)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
        • Sind in den Anforderungen an die Gruppenzerti-fizierung/-prüfung die Bedingungen festgelegt, unter denen ein Gruppenmitglied suspendiert oder aus einer Gruppe ausgeschlossen werden kann?
          Antwort: Not applicable
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Member suspended from certification (1 Punkt)
          • Member removed from a group (1 Punkt)
          • Group suspension (1 Punkt)
          • No repercussion (0 Punkte)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Produktionskette (Chain of Custody)
        • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass alle Unternehmen, die das zertifizierte Produkt physisch handhaben, sich einem CoC-Audit unterziehen, wenn das Produkt für den Einzelhandelsverkauf als zertifiziertes, gekennzeichnetes Produkt bestimmt sein kann?
          Antwort: Not applicable
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Laboruntersuchungen
        • Wird in der dokumentierten Bewertungsmethodik auf Testmethoden verwiesen oder sind diese enthalten?
          Antwort: Ja, öffentlich
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Ja (auf Anfrage) (1 Punkt)
          • Ja, öffentlich (1 Punkt)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
        • Gibt es Vorgaben für Stichproben bei der Konformitätsüberwachung?
          Antwort: Yes
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • No (0 Punkte)
          • Yes (1 Punkt)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
        • Gibt es ein Verfahren für den Umgang mit nicht-konformen Produkten, die von einem Kunden/Lizenznehmer hergestellt wurden?
          Antwort: Ja
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Ja (1 Punkt)
          • Nein (0 Punkte)
          • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
    • Kompetenzen der Prüfer*innen
      • Legt die standardsetzende Organisation die Qualifikationen, Kompetenzen, die erforderliche Mindesterfahrung in der Branche und die Schulungsanforderungen für die Prüfer*innen für Konformitäts- / Aufsichtskontrollen fest?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nicht anwendbar (0 Punkte)
      • Legt die standardsetzende Organisation die Qualifikationen, Kompetenzen, die erforderliche Mindesterfahrung in der Branche und die Schulungsanforderungen für die Prüfer*innen für Konformitäts- / Aufsichtskontrollen fest?
        Antwort: No
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • No (0 Punkte)
        • Yes (1 Punkt)
      • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass die Auditor*innen der Konformitätsbewertungsstellen eine Auditorenschulung zu einem für das System relevanten Standard, die auf der ISO 19011 oder einer gleichwertigen Norm basiert, erfolgreich absolvieren?
        Antwort: Nein
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass die Anbieter von Prüfungs- und Aufsichtsleistungen ein Programm zur Überwachung und Sicherstellung der kontinuierlichen Kompetenz und guten Leistung der Prüfer*innen und Auditor*innen durchführen?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Führt die standardsetzende Organisation Kalibrierungsmaßnahmen durch oder verlangt sie von den Konformitätsbewertungsstellen, dass sie sicherstellen, dass die der Prüfer*innen / Auditor*innen aufeinander abgestimmt sind?
        Antwort: Ad Hoc
        Punktzahl: 1/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Annually (2 Punkte)
        • Ad Hoc (1 Punkt)
        • No (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass die Konformitätsbewertungsstellen über einen Verhaltenskodex oder ein gleichwertiges Instrument sowie über unterstützende Verfahren verfügt, um das Verhalten und die Handlungen der Mitarbeitenden der Konformitätsbewertungsstelle zu lenken und gegen Fehlverhalten vorzugehen?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Bewertet die standardsetzende Organisation potenzielle Risiken für die Unparteilichkeit der Prüfer*innen und verlangt sie, wo dies gerechtfertigt ist, von den Konformitätsbewertungsstellen und Aufsichtsgremien, Praktiken zur Minderung dieser Risiken anzuwenden?
        Antwort: No
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • No (0 Punkte)
        • Yes (1 Punkt)
    • Aufsicht
      • Erfordert das System einen Aufsichtsmechanismus und ist dieser dokumentiert?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nicht anwendbar (0 Punkte)
      • Wird die Aufsicht von einer dritten Partei durchgeführt, die von der standardsetzenden Organisation und den Konformitätsbewertungsstellen unabhängig ist?
        Antwort: Nein
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Legt die standardsetzende Organisation die Art und Intensität der Aufsichtstätigkeiten über die Konformitätsbewertungsstellen fest?
        Antwort: 2-3 years
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • <1 year (2 Punkte)
        • 1 year (2 Punkte)
        • 2-3 years (2 Punkte)
        • 4-5 years (1 Punkt)
        • >5 years (1 Punkt)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
        • None (0 Punkte)
      • Berücksichtigt die Intensität der Aufsichtstätigkeiten die Risikofaktoren, die mit der Konformitätsbewertungsstelle und ihrem Personal verbunden sind?
        Antwort: Nein
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Legt die standardsetzende Organisation das Bewerbungs- und Auswahlverfahren für Konformitätsbewertungsstellen klar fest?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Bewertet die standardsetzende Organisation die systemspezifische Kompetenz bei der Zulassung von Konformitätsbewertungsstellen, die nach anderen einschlägigen Standards akkreditiert sind (Proxy-Akkreditierung)?
        Antwort: Nein
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Ja, Bewertung der programmspezifischen Kompetenz (1 Punkt)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Verfügt die standardsetzende Organisation über dokumentierte und zugängliche Beschwerde- und Einspruchsmechanismen oder verlangt es von den Aufsichtsstellen solche?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Legt die standardsetzende Organisation fest oder verlangt sie von der Aufsichtsstelle, dass sie festlegt, wie die Konformitätsbewertungsstellen mit den durch die Aufsicht festgestellten Nichtkonformitäten umgehen müssen?
        Antwort: Not applicable
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass Zusammenfassungen von Aufsichtsberichten (ohne persönliche und wirtschaftlich sensible Informationen) öffentlich zugänglich gemacht werden?
        Antwort: Not applicable
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (auf Anfrage) (1 Punkt)
        • Ja, öffentlich (2 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass die Vor-Ort-Prüfung der Konformitätsbewertungsstelle in den Aufsichtszyklus einbezogen werden?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation, dass die Aufsichtsstelle auch Überprüfungen der Leistung der Konformitätsbewertungsstelle vor Ort umfasst?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
  • Claims und Rückverfolgbarkeit
    • Rückverfolgbarkeit
      • Verfügt die standardsetzende Organisation über einen dokumentierten Chain-of-Custody-Standard oder andere Rückverfolgbarkeitsanforderungen, die für die gesamte Lieferkette gelten?
        Antwort: Ja, öffentlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja, auf Anfrage (1 Punkt)
        • Ja, öffentlich (2 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Gibt es CoC-Anforderungen für nicht zertifiziertes Material, falls die Vermischung von zertifizierten mit nicht zertifizierten Inputs erlaubt ist?
        Antwort: Not applicable
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Verlangt die standardsetzende Organisation von den Konformitätsbewertungsstellen, dass sie überprüfen, ob alle Unternehmen innerhalb der Produktkette genaue und zugängliche Aufzeichnungen führen, anhand derer jedes zertifizierte Produkt oder jede Charge von Produkten von der Verkaufsstelle bis zum Käufer zurückverfolgt werden kann?
        Antwort: Not applicable
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Sind Unternehmen verpflichtet, CoC-Aufzeichnungen mindestens für die Gültigkeitsdauer des Zertifikats aufzubewahren?
        Antwort: Not applicable
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Verfügt das System über ein Rückverfolgbarkeitssystem, das die Überprüfung des Produktflusses zwischen den Lieferkettenstufen ermöglicht?
        Antwort: Not applicable
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
    • Claims und Produktkennzeichnung
      • Verfügt die standardsetzende Organisation über dokumentierte Anforderungen für die Verwendung von Symbolen, Logos und/oder Claims im Zusammenhang mit dem Standard und macht diese öffentlich zugänglich?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nicht anwendbar (0 Punkte)
      • Sind in den Kennzeichnungsrichtlinien die Arten von Claims festgelegt, die für verschiedene Arten von CoC-Modellen geltend gemacht werden können, wenn die standardsetzende Organisation mehr als ein Modell zulässt?
        Antwort: Not applicable
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Müssen Claims- und Label-Nutzer*innen eindeutige Lizenznummern oder andere Rückverfolgungsmechanismen verwenden?
        Antwort: Not applicable
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Verlangt der Systeminhaber eine Überwachung der korrekten Verwendung von Claims und Kennzeichnungen auf dem Markt, einschließlich eines Beschwerdemechanismus zur Meldung von Missbrauch?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Ist das Etikett mit einer erklärenden Textaussage oder einem Link zu weiteren Informationen versehen?
        Antwort: Nein
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Not applicable (0 Punkte)
      • Verfügt die standardsetzende Organisation über ein Verfahren, in dem spezifische Folgen bei Missbrauch von Claims festgelegt sind, und verlangen sie dies auch von ihren Konformitätsbewertungsstellen?
        Antwort: Ja
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)

Umwelt­freundlichkeit 69%

  • Gefährliche Chemikalien - besonders besorgniserregende Stoffe gemäß REACH
  • Für die menschliche Gesundheit schädliche Chemikalien
  • Biologische Abbaubarkeit von Stoffen
  • Umweltschädliche Chemikalien
  • Chemikalienrückstände
  • Grenzwerte für Abwasserparameter
  • Vorgaben für die Produktion von Naturfasern
  • Verwendung von synthetischen Fasern
  • Chemikalien
    • Verwendung von Chemikalien
      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Verwendung von Chemikalien?
        Antwort: Advanced: Increase efficiency/reduce chemical use
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Document use of all chemicals (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Increase efficiency/reduce chemical use (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        4.4 Assessing Chemicals and Materials Intended Outcome(s) To encourage continued improvement of material health, an increasing percentage of the product’s chemicals and materials are assessed. By the time a product reaches the Gold level, all materials and chemicals subject to review within the product have been assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Bronze level: Assess at least 75% of the product. Silver level: Assess at least 95% of the product. Gold level: Assess 100% of the product. Platinum level: Assess 100% of the product AND all process chemistry that comes into contact with the product or its material constituents during the final manufacturing stage. 4.5 Material Health Optimization Strategy Intended Outcome(s) A strategy is in place for prioritizing the use of materials and chemicals known to be compatible with human and environmental health. Demonstrable progress is made toward achieving the strategy. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Develop a Material Health optimization strategy and demonstrate progress toward achieving the strategy at each recertification. ---- For the Bronze and Silver levels, the strategy must include a plan for assessing and optimizing or eliminating all X/x assessed and GREY/grey materials and chemicals subject to review. One or more material(s) or chemical(s) must be targeted for specific optimization actions in the near-term (defined as 0-2 years). Optimization work relevant to at least one material or chemical must have been completed during the two-year period between certification and recertification. For the Gold and Platinum levels, the strategy must focus on: 1. Increasing the percentage of A/a and/or B/b assessed materials and chemicals in the product, or 2. Optimizing chemistry in the supply chain per Section 4.9.


        4.4 page 39 bronze, silver, gold, platinum 4.5 page 45 bronze, silver, gold, platinum

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zu gefährlichen Chemikalien, die auf der REACH Kandidatenliste als besonders besorgniserregende Stoffe gelistet sind?
        Antwort: Advanced: Prohibit use except for defined derogations.
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: SVHC of Candidate List is prohibited but specific derogations/deviations/exceptions for a defined use OR lists prohibited/restricted substances based risk on an assessment (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Prohibit use except for defined derogations. (1 Punkt)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        4.1 Restricted Substances List Compliance Intended Outcome(s) In alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the use of wellknown toxic chemicals in the product is avoided. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Comply with the Restricted Substances List (RSL). The product and its homogeneous materials comply with relevant restrictions on the Restricted Substances List (see Cradle to Cradle Certified® Restricted Substances List reference document). Note: The RSL consists of a core list, which is applicable to all material and product types, as well as additional lists that are applicable to specific material and product types. Unless noted otherwise, the lists indicate the maximum allowable concentration of each restricted substance in any homogeneous material subject to review (as defined in Section 4.3) in a certified product. For textile chemical formulations, the product also complies with the most recent version of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) or equivalent. RSL 1. Background The following restrictions apply to all products seeking Cradle to Cradle certification or a Material Health Certificate at any certification level under Version 4.0 of the Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard (the Standard). Unless noted otherwise, the applicable thresholds may not be exceeded for the listed restricted substances present in any homogeneous material subject to review in a certified product. The restrictions are grouped into a core list that applies to all homogeneous materials subject to review in all products, and six supplementary lists, which include additional restrictions specific to certain material or product types (see Section 2). Some substances are on multiple lists with differing thresholds or restriction conditions. In such cases, the most conservative applicable restriction must be met (e.g., PAHs are restricted with different thresholds on the Biological Materials and the Children’s Products Lists. For a biological material in a children’s product, PAH concentrations must be below the more conservative thresholds on the Children’s Product List). With the exception of restrictions for certain classes of organohalogens on the core list (see ""Notes"" below), the restrictions for substances on the RSL are based on leading international chemical regulations. The chemical regulations included are those currently in effect in the European Union (EU) under Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), (...) 3. Legend Restriction Source Symbol or Indicator Notes REACH Annex XVII REACH [number (1-74, 62b, etc.)] Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Numbers correspond to entry in Annex XVII REACH Annex XIV Authorization list REACH Auth [number (1-54)] Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, numbers correspond to entry in Annex XIV for example from sheet textile materials Sub-Grouping Chemical(s) Name CAS Number(s) Max. allowable concentration (ppm) Restriction Source Phenol Derivatives Nonylphenol ethoxylates several 100 REACH 46a 4.6 Using Optimized Materials Intended Outcome(s) The product is made from chemicals and materials that have been intentionally selected based on their preferred safety attributes. • At the Silver level, the product does not contain chemicals classified or listed as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductive toxicants (CMRs), or, if these substances are present, exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. In addition, the product does not contain persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs) substances. The product also does not contain substances that cause an equivalent level of concern or exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Gold level, chemicals and materials intentionally added to the product are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Exposure to hazardous chemicals during final manufacture, use, and end-of-use of the product is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Platinum level, an increased percentage of the product is made from chemicals and materials that are assessed as preferable for human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Additionally, process chemicals are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Silver level: Use materials in the product that do not contain substances that are: • Classified or listed as known or suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic damage, reproductive harm (CMRs), or cause an equivalent level of concern, unless exposure to these substances during the product’s final manufacturing, use, and end-of-use is unlikely or expected to be negligible, or • Listed as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs). Gold level: Use materials that are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, including only A/a, B/b, and C/c assessed materials and chemicals in the product. Platinum level: Use materials and process chemicals that are assessed as preferable for human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, including > 50% A/a and B/b assessed materials and chemicals in the product (see “Determining Percentage Assessed” in Section 4.4), and only A/a, B/b, and C/c assessed process chemistry. ---- For the Silver level, CMRs are defined as substances that have received a harmonized classification of Category 1 or 2 in one or more of the CMR endpoints as listed within the EU’s Classification, Labelling, and Packaging regulation (CLP) Annex VI, or are CMR substances listed on the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). PBTs, vPvBs, and substances causing an equivalent level of concern are defined per the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). Further Explanation Assessment Ratings For a material to receive an A, B, or C rating, each of the substances subject to review within the material must receive an a, b, or c rating. The ratings for each substance consider its specific use in the applicant material/ product and are determined by the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health assessor (see the Material Health Assessment Methodology and supporting documents). Alternative compliance pathway for US EPA Safer Choice certified products to meet the Gold level requirement Please see Section 4.4 regarding the alternative compliance pathway for US EPA Safer Choice certified products to demonstrate compliance with the Gold level requirement in this section. Silver Level: Verifying Absence of CMRs, PBTs, vPvBs, and Substances of Equivalent Concern For each homogeneous material in the product (excluding exempt components as defined in Section 4.3 Material and Chemical Inventory), absence of CMRs, PBTs, vPvBs, and Substances of Equivalent Concern must be verified by a signed CMR & SVHC declaration from the material supplier, analytical testing (in the case of recycled content, biological, or geological materials), and/or full material disclosure. For any listed substance that is present at 100 ppm or above and not a PBT or vPvB, a Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessor (not a supplier or the applicant) may conduct an exposure assessment to determine whether exposure to the substance is expected to be negligible or may be considered unlikely. Note that reproductive toxicants that have received YELLOW hazard ratings per the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology are considered to be of negligible exposure concern when used below the limit indicated on the RSL or SCL, whichever is lower. This is true unless the applicable substance is listed on the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern or on REACH Annex XVII (in which case a YELLOW hazard rating is not allowed). Once absence of CMRs, PBTs, vPvBs, and substances of equivalent concern, or negligible or unlikely exposure has been verified for all listed substances present in the product’s homogeneous materials, the requirement is fulfilled. Category 1 and 2 CLP CMRs The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has prepared an Excel table containing all updates to the harmonized classification and labelling of hazardous substances, which is available in Table 3.1 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation. The harmonized classification and labelling of hazardous substances is updated through an “Adaptation to Technical Progress (ATP)”, which is issued yearly by the European Commission. Following the adoption of the opinion on the harmonized classification and labelling of a substance by the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC), the European Commission publishes the updated list in an ATP: https://echa.europa. eu/information-on-chemicals/annex-vi-to-clp Note that the Specific Concentration Limits (SCLs) as specified in Annex VI to the CLP for the relevant endpoints apply for the purpose of this requirement. If a substance is listed as a Category 1 or 2 in one or more of the CMR endpoints with SCL(s) assigned to that/those endpoints, it is only considered classified for the relevant endpoints at or above the SCL(s). Such substances are allowed at the Silver level in the Material Health category if they are present in the homogeneous materials of the finished product below their defined SCL(s) for any classified CMR endpoints. PBTs, vPvBs, and substances of equivalent concern listed on REACH SVHC list The SVHC candidate list is maintained by ECHA here: https://echa.europa.eu/candidate-list-table. Any substances listed as PBT or vPvB on this list would prevent a product from meeting this requirement if present above the subject to review threshold. For other substances listed, the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessor may conduct an assessment following the usual methodology. If the substance present is x-assessed in the product, this would prevent the product from meeting the Silver level requirement. However, if the substance is c-assessed or better, its presence does not prevent a product from meeting this requirement. CMR & SVHC declarations To demonstrate compliance with this requirement, declarations/attestations must be obtained from the supplier of each homogeneous material in the product for which full material disclosure is not available (excluding exempt components as defined per Section 4.3). C2CPII provides assessors with a supplier declaration form for this purpose. Declarations must be signed and dated, reference the specific EU lists included in this requirement at the stated date, and attest to the presence or absence of all of the substances on these lists. If any listed substances are present, their identity and concentration must be disclosed on the form. For materials for which full material disclosure has been obtained, the assessor may check the disclosed information against the CLP and SVHC lists. However, collection of a signed supplier declaration regarding presence or absence of listed CMRs and SVHCs is still recommended as an added precaution. Required Documentation All certification levels • For each material and chemical that is counted as assessed, the final ABC-X or abc-x rating, along with any relevant notes, assessment rationale, and supporting information, as provided by a Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Body Silver level The following are required for each homogeneous material in the product (excluding exempt components as defined per Section 4.3): • Full material disclosure regarding the chemical composition of the material and confirmation from a Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health assessor regarding the absence of classified CMRs or listed PBTs, vPvBs, or substances of equivalent concern (or negligible or unlikely exposure to these substances). OR If full material disclosure is not available, signed and dated CMR & SVHC declaration(s) referencing the current version of Table 3.1 in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation and the REACH SVHC list. • For recycled content, biological materials, and geological materials, analytical testing in compliance with the restricted substance list requirements as specified in the appropriate material specific methodology. If these materials contain additives or other inputs beyond the biological, geological, or recycled material, CMR & SVHC declaration(s) or full material disclosure as described in the bullet above is required in addition to analytical testing. Determining Percentage A/a and B/b-assessed for Platinum level The percentage of the product that is assessed must be determined as follows: 1. For each homogeneous material in a product the applicant must either: a. Count the entire material as assessed, by weight, if the material has received an A or B assessment rating. Or, b. Count the material as partially assessed based on assessed chemicals subject to review in the material. In this case, the percentage assessed for the material is equal to the lower of: i. the percentage by weight of all a or b assessed chemicals within the product, and ii. the percentage by number of all a or b assessed chemicals within the product. 2. For products consisting of a single homogeneous material, the percentage A/a- and B/b-assessed must be calculated as per 1b above (1a is not allowed). 3. For products composed of two or more homogeneous materials, the percentage A/a and B/b assessed is calculated as the weighted average of the percentages assessed for each homogeneous material subject to review in the product. Further Explanation The method for calculating the percentage of A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals is the same as the method for calculating the percentage assessed for the product in Section 4.4, with one exception: only the percentage of A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals, rather than the percentage of all assessed materials and/or chemicals, is determined. For product groups, the overall percentage of A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals is equal to the percentage for the product with the lowest percentage A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals among all products covered by the certification. For modular products, the overall percentage of A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals is equal to the percentage for the individual module with the lowest percentage A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals among all those covered by the certification. Required Documentation • Calculations showing how the percentage of A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals for the product or product group was derived. Calculation fields for determining the percentage of the product that is A/a- and B/b-assessed are included in the Bill of Materials form. A separate Bill of Materials form must be completed for product(s) with a unique composition within a product group if using the form for this purpose. For complex product groups, percentage assessed calculations may be provided in other formats.


        4.1 page 27 bronze RSL sheets background, legend 4.6 page 47 silver, gold, platinum

      • Enthält der Standard Kriterien für H-Sätze?
        Antwort: Basic: Bei der Risikobewertung ODER der Auswahl von Stoffen für MRSL werden die H-Sätze berücksichtigt.
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Bei der Risikobewertung ODER der Auswahl von Stoffen für MRSL werden die H-Sätze berücksichtigt. (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Verbot der Verwendung (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        4.1 Restricted Substances List Compliance Intended Outcome(s) In alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the use of wellknown toxic chemicals in the product is avoided. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Comply with the Restricted Substances List (RSL). (...) Further Explanation Complying with the Restricted Substances List The Cradle to Cradle Certified® Restricted Substances List (RSL) reference document can be found on C2CPII’s website. In addition, the RSL, including lists of chemical names and Chemical Abstract Service (AS) Registry Numbers for substances that are listed as a group in the RSL reference document, is available on pharosproject.net. Compliance with the RSL must be demonstrated via supplier declarations. A Supplier RSL Declaration template is available to Cradle to Cradle Certified assessors. It is recommended that the RSL declaration, CMR & SVHC declaration (see Section 4.6) and full material disclosure information (see Section 4.3) be requested from each supplier at the same time. 4.4 Assessing Chemicals and Materials Intended Outcome(s) To encourage continued improvement of material health, an increasing percentage of the product’s chemicals and materials are assessed. By the time a product reaches the Gold level, all materials and chemicals subject to review within the product have been assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Bronze level: Assess at least 75% of the product. Silver level: Assess at least 95% of the product. Gold level: Assess 100% of the product. Platinum level: Assess 100% of the product AND all process chemistry that comes into contact with the product or its material constituents during the final manufacturing stage. ---- Assessing Chemicals and Materials Homogeneous materials and chemicals subject to review, including process chemistry subject to review at the Platinum level, must be assessed according to the Material Health Assessment Methodology and supporting documents. Based on these methods, chemicals subject to review are assigned a, b, c, x, or grey chemical risk ratings and homogeneous materials are assigned A, B, C, X or GREY ratings. (...) At the Silver level, assurance that listed SVHCs or x-assessed CMRs are not present in any homogeneous materials, including unassessed homogeneous materials, is required. In other words, if using pathway #1a, a CMR & SVHC declaration is required for any GREY material and the GREY portion of any X-assessed homogeneous material counting as assessed. If using pathway #1b, a CMR & SVHC declaration is required for any undefined chemicals that are not counted as assessed. See Section 4.6 for additional information. 4.6 Using Optimized Materials Intended Outcome(s) The product is made from chemicals and materials that have been intentionally selected based on their preferred safety attributes. • At the Silver level, the product does not contain chemicals classified or listed as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductive toxicants (CMRs), or, if these substances are present, exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. In addition, the product does not contain persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs) substances. The product also does not contain substances that cause an equivalent level of concern or exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Gold level, chemicals and materials intentionally added to the product are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Exposure to hazardous chemicals during final manufacture, use, and end-of-use of the product is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Platinum level, an increased percentage of the product is made from chemicals and materials that are assessed as preferable for human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Additionally, process chemicals are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Silver level: Use materials in the product that do not contain substances that are: • Classified or listed as known or suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic damage, reproductive harm (CMRs), or cause an equivalent level of concern, unless exposure to these substances during the product’s final manufacturing, use, and end-of-use is unlikely or expected to be negligible, or • Listed as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs). Gold level: Use materials that are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, including only A/a, B/b, and C/c assessed materials and chemicals in the product. Platinum level: Use materials and process chemicals that are assessed as preferable for human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, including > 50% A/a and B/b assessed materials and chemicals in the product (see “Determining Percentage Assessed” in Section 4.4), and only A/a, B/b, and C/c assessed process chemistry. ---- For the Silver level, CMRs are defined as substances that have received a harmonized classification of Category 1 or 2 in one or more of the CMR endpoints as listed within the EU’s Classification, Labelling, and Packaging regulation (CLP) Annex VI, or are CMR substances listed on the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). PBTs, vPvBs, and substances causing an equivalent level of concern are defined per the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). Further Explanation Assessment Ratings For a material to receive an A, B, or C rating, each of the substances subject to review within the material must receive an a, b, or c rating. The ratings for each substance consider its specific use in the applicant material/ product and are determined by the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health assessor (see the Material Health Assessment Methodology and supporting documents). Alternative compliance pathway for US EPA Safer Choice certified products to meet the Gold level requirement Please see Section 4.4 regarding the alternative compliance pathway for US EPA Safer Choice certified products to demonstrate compliance with the Gold level requirement in this section. Silver Level: Verifying Absence of CMRs, PBTs, vPvBs, and Substances of Equivalent Concern For each homogeneous material in the product (excluding exempt components as defined in Section 4.3 Material and Chemical Inventory), absence of CMRs, PBTs, vPvBs, and Substances of Equivalent Concern must be verified by a signed CMR & SVHC declaration from the material supplier, analytical testing (in the case of recycled content, biological, or geological materials), and/or full material disclosure. For any listed substance that is present at 100 ppm or above and not a PBT or vPvB, a Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessor (not a supplier or the applicant) may conduct an exposure assessment to determine whether exposure to the substance is expected to be negligible or may be considered unlikely. Note that reproductive toxicants that have received YELLOW hazard ratings per the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology are considered to be of negligible exposure concern when used below the limit indicated on the RSL or SCL, whichever is lower. This is true unless the applicable substance is listed on the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern or on REACH Annex XVII (in which case a YELLOW hazard rating is not allowed). Once absence of CMRs, PBTs, vPvBs, and substances of equivalent concern, or negligible or unlikely exposure has been verified for all listed substances present in the product’s homogeneous materials, the requirement is fulfilled. Category 1 and 2 CLP CMRs The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has prepared an Excel table containing all updates to the harmonized classification and labelling of hazardous substances, which is available in Table 3.1 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation. The harmonized classification and labelling of hazardous substances is updated through an “Adaptation to Technical Progress (ATP)”, which is issued yearly by the European Commission. Following the adoption of the opinion on the harmonized classification and labelling of a substance by the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC), the European Commission publishes the updated list in an ATP: https://echa.europa. eu/information-on-chemicals/annex-vi-to-clp Note that the Specific Concentration Limits (SCLs) as specified in Annex VI to the CLP for the relevant endpoints apply for the purpose of this requirement. If a substance is listed as a Category 1 or 2 in one or more of the CMR endpoints with SCL(s) assigned to that/those endpoints, it is only considered classified for the relevant endpoints at or above the SCL(s). Such substances are allowed at the Silver level in the Material Health category if they are present in the homogeneous materials of the finished product below their defined SCL(s) for any classified CMR endpoints. PBTs, vPvBs, and substances of equivalent concern listed on REACH SVHC list The SVHC candidate list is maintained by ECHA here: https://echa.europa.eu/candidate-list-table. Any substances listed as PBT or vPvB on this list would prevent a product from meeting this requirement if present above the subject to review threshold. For other substances listed, the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessor may conduct an assessment following the usual methodology. If the substance present is x-assessed in the product, this would prevent the product from meeting the Silver level requirement. However, if the substance is c-assessed or better, its presence does not prevent a product from meeting this requirement. CMR & SVHC declarations To demonstrate compliance with this requirement, declarations/attestations must be obtained from the supplier of each homogeneous material in the product for which full material disclosure is not available (excluding exempt components as defined per Section 4.3). C2CPII provides assessors with a supplier declaration form for this purpose. Declarations must be signed and dated, reference the specific EU lists included in this requirement at the stated date, and attest to the presence or absence of all of the substances on these lists. If any listed substances are present, their identity and concentration must be disclosed on the form. For materials for which full material disclosure has been obtained, the assessor may check the disclosed information against the CLP and SVHC lists. However, collection of a signed supplier declaration regarding presence or absence of listed CMRs and SVHCs is still recommended as an added precaution. Required Documentation All certification levels • For each material and chemical that is counted as assessed, the final ABC-X or abc-x rating, along with any relevant notes, assessment rationale, and supporting information, as provided by a Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Body Silver level The following are required for each homogeneous material in the product (excluding exempt components as defined per Section 4.3): • Full material disclosure regarding the chemical composition of the material and confirmation from a Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health assessor regarding the absence of classified CMRs or listed PBTs, vPvBs, or substances of equivalent concern (or negligible or unlikely exposure to these substances). OR If full material disclosure is not available, signed and dated CMR & SVHC declaration(s) referencing the current version of Table 3.1 in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation and the REACH SVHC list. • For recycled content, biological materials, and geological materials, analytical testing in compliance with the restricted substance list requirements as specified in the appropriate material specific methodology. If these materials contain additives or other inputs beyond the biological, geological, or recycled material, CMR & SVHC declaration(s) or full material disclosure as described in the bullet above is required in addition to analytical testing. Determining Percentage A/a and B/b-assessed for Platinum level The percentage of the product that is assessed must be determined as follows: 1. For each homogeneous material in a product the applicant must either: a. Count the entire material as assessed, by weight, if the material has received an A or B assessment rating. Or, b. Count the material as partially assessed based on assessed chemicals subject to review in the material. In this case, the percentage assessed for the material is equal to the lower of: i. the percentage by weight of all a or b assessed chemicals within the product, and ii. the percentage by number of all a or b assessed chemicals within the product. 2. For products consisting of a single homogeneous material, the percentage A/a- and B/b-assessed must be calculated as per 1b above (1a is not allowed). 3. For products composed of two or more homogeneous materials, the percentage A/a and B/b assessed is calculated as the weighted average of the percentages assessed for each homogeneous material subject to review in the product. Further Explanation The method for calculating the percentage of A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals is the same as the method for calculating the percentage assessed for the product in Section 4.4, with one exception: only the percentage of A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals, rather than the percentage of all assessed materials and/or chemicals, is determined. For product groups, the overall percentage of A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals is equal to the percentage for the product with the lowest percentage A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals among all products covered by the certification. For modular products, the overall percentage of A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals is equal to the percentage for the individual module with the lowest percentage A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals among all those covered by the certification. Required Documentation • Calculations showing how the percentage of A/a and B/b-assessed materials and/or chemicals for the product or product group was derived. Calculation fields for determining the percentage of the product that is A/a- and B/b-assessed are included in the Bill of Materials form. A separate Bill of Materials form must be completed for product(s) with a unique composition within a product group if using the form for this purpose. For complex product groups, percentage assessed calculations may be provided in other formats. 4.9 Optimizing Chemistry in the Supply Chain Intended Outcome(s) The use and emissions of hazardous chemicals in the product’s supply chain are reduced or eliminated over time. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Platinum Requirement(s) Address hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain and develop a strategy to further reduce hazardous chemical use and/or emissions in the supply chain. Demonstrate progress toward achieving reductions at each recertification. ---- Hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain must be addressed by meeting one of the following: 1. 75% or more of the product’s input materials or chemicals have a C2CPII Material Health Certificate OR 50% or more are Cradle to Cradle Certified at the Gold or Platinum level or equivalent (percentage is calculated following the approach described for “Determining Percentage Assessed” in Section 4.4, but summing certified materials and/or chemicals rather than assessed materials and/or chemicals). 2. A cradle to cradle human and environmental health impact hot spot analysis has been performed based on life cycle assessment per ISO 14040, and each of the hot spots identified through this analysis are addressed by the strategy to reduce hazardous chemical use and/or emissions in the supply chain of the product. The life cycle assessment must be verified by a qualified third party. Depending on how hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain are addressed, the strategy must include one of the following: 1. Steps to increase the percentage of the product’s input materials or chemicals that have a C2CPII Material Health Certificate or are Cradle to Cradle Certified at the Gold or Platinum level (or equivalent) over time and also specifically to increase the percentage of inputs that are certified at the Platinum level. 2. Steps to positively impact (i.e., eliminate or reduce use or emissions of hazardous chemicals) for each of the supply chain hotspots identified through the life cycle assessment. example from RSL 6. Additional Restrictions for Children's Products Sub-Grouping Chemical(s) Name Acronym or Trade Name CAS Number(s) Max. allowable concentration (ppm) Restriction Notes Restriction Source CMRs Category 1 & 2 Substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction of category 1A, 1B or 2 under Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP) CMRs several 1,000* "*Limit is 200 ppm for gaseous preparations, where specific limits are noted in CLP Annex VI, those take precedence. Exceptions & exemptions specified in 2009/48/EC apply (i.e., for substances and mixtures that are inaccessible to children in any form, including inhalation or are listed as permitted in Appendix A of 2009/48/EC, such as nickel). An xlsx version of CLP Annex VI can be downloaded from ECHA here: https://echa.europa.eu/information-on-chemicals/annex-vi-to-clp. A single, fully searchable list is available through Pharos (https://www.pharosproject.net/hazard/list/show/324)." 9/48/EC, Prop 65 7. Additional Restrictions for Formulated Consumer Products Sub-Grouping Chemical(s) Name Acronym or Trade Name CAS Number(s) Max. allowable concentration (ppm) Restriction Notes Restriction Source CMRs Category 1A & 1B Substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction category 1A or 1B under Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP) and listed in Appendices 1-6 of REACH several 1,000* "*Limit is 200 ppm for gaseous preparations, where specific limits are noted for a substance in Appendices 1-6 of REACH, those take precedence. The full list of chemicals with CASRNs can be found in Appendices 1-6 of REACH: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:2006R1907:20130701:EN:PDF#page=254. A single, fully searchable list is available through Pharos (http://www.pharosproject.net/hazard/list/show/306). Note: REACH Appendices 1-6 contain a subset of the substances classified as CMRs under CLP, but all CLP CMRs will be added to the REACH Appendices eventually." REACH 28-30, Prop 65 3 ASSIGNING HAZARD RATINGS 3.1 Chemical Hazard Assessment Methodology The Cradle to Cradle Certified chemical hazard assessment methodology forms the basis of each chemical’s evaluation by using specified criteria to assign a hazard rating to 21 different human health, environmental health, and chemical class endpoints (Tables 1-3). The rating scheme follows a “traffic-light” hierarchy where the chemical’s hazard is communicated by a GREEN, YELLOW, RED, or GREY rating for each endpoint (Table 4). Section 3.3 provides a detailed description of each endpoint and the criteria used to assign the ratings. Table 1 Human health hazard endpoints HUMAN HEALTH ENDPOINTS DESCRIPTION Carcinogenicity Potential to cause cancer. Endocrine Disruption Potential to negatively affect hormone function and impact organism development. Mutagenicity Potential to alter DNA. Reproductive & Developmental Toxicity Potential to negatively impact the reproductive system as well as the potential to affect pre- and post-natal offspring development. Oral Toxicity Potential to cause harm via oral exposure. Both shortterm (acute) and longer-term (chronic) exposures are considered. Dermal Toxicity Potential to cause harm via dermal exposure. Both short-term (acute) and longer-term (chronic) exposures are considered. Inhalation Toxicity Potential to cause harm via inhalation exposure. Both short-term (acute) and longer-term (chronic) exposures are considered. Neurotoxicity Potential to cause an adverse change in the structure or function of the central and/or peripheral nervous system. Skin, Eye, and Respiratory Corrosion/Irritation Potential to cause direct reversible or irreversible damage to the skin, eyes, or respiratory system upon short-term exposure. Sensitization of Skin and Airways Potential to cause an allergic reaction upon exposure to skin or via inhalation. Other Any additional characteristic (e.g., flammability, skin penetration potential, etc.) relevant to the overall evaluation but not included in the previous criteria.


        4.1 page 27 bronze 4.4 page 39 bronze / silver / gold / platinum 4.6 page 47 silver / gold / platinum 4.9 page 55 platinum RSL sheet children's_product RSL sheet formulated consumer products Material Health Assessment Methodology chapter 3, table 1

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Verwendung von Bioziden?
        Antwort: Advanced: Verbot der Verwendung von Bioziden bei der Textilveredelung
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Beschränkung der Verwendung von Bioziden in der Textilveredelung (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Verbot der Verwendung von Bioziden bei der Textilveredelung (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        The following product types are not eligible for Cradle to Cradle certification: h. Products for which the core functionality is intrinsically tied to toxic active ingredients, thus rendering the product non-optimizable (e.g., herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, and antimicrobial products with x-assessed antimicrobial agents) or textiles/apparel with such products intentionally added, 4.1 Restricted Substances List Compliance Intended Outcome(s) In alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the use of wellknown toxic chemicals in the product is avoided. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Comply with the Restricted Substances List (RSL). 4.4 Assessing Chemicals and Materials Intended Outcome(s) To encourage continued improvement of material health, an increasing percentage of the product’s chemicals and materials are assessed. By the time a product reaches the Gold level, all materials and chemicals subject to review within the product have been assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Platinum level: Assess 100% of the product AND all process chemistry that comes into contact with the product or its material constituents during the final manufacturing stage. 4.9 Optimizing Chemistry in the Supply Chain Intended Outcome(s) The use and emissions of hazardous chemicals in the product’s supply chain are reduced or eliminated over time. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Platinum Requirement(s) Address hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain and develop a strategy to further reduce hazardous chemical use and/or emissions in the supply chain. Demonstrate progress toward achieving reductions at each recertification. (...) Also in alignment with the PEF pilot phase project, the following life cycle stages are to be included in the analysis: • Raw material acquisition and pre-processing (including production of parts and unspecific components); • Production of the main product; • Product distribution and storage; • Use stage scenario (if in scope); • End-of-life (including product / part reuse, recovery / recycling, if in scope).


        2.1 page 5 bronze 4.1 page 27 bronze 4.4 page 39 platinum

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Verwendung von Formaldehyd?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        4. Core Restricted Substances List for All Materials in All Products Sub-Grouping Organic Solvents Chemical(s) Name Formaldehyde, oligomeric reaction products with aniline CAS Number(s) 25214-70-4 Max. allowable concentration (ppm) 1,000 Restriction Source REACH Auth 23


        RSL sheet: all products

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Verwendung von Nanomaterialien?
        Antwort: Keine Informationen vorhanden
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Restrict the use of nanomaterials (0 Punkte)
        • Advanced: Verbot der Verwendung von Nanomaterialien (1 Punkt)
      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Verwendung von Flammschutzmitteln?
        Antwort: Basic
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic (0 Punkte)
        • Advanced: Verbot der Verwendung (1 Punkt)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        4.2 Avoidance of Organohalogens and Functionally Related Chemical Classes of Concern Intended Outcome(s) Organohalogens, a class of substances associated with toxicity concerns in multiple use-cycle stages, are progressively avoided, beginning with high organohalogen content materials, classes of special concern, and functionally related, non-halogenated classes of equivalent concern (e.g., organophosphate ester flame retardants being used in lieu of halogenated flame retardants). Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: Use materials that are not and do not contain organohalogen substances of special concern, or functionally related, non-halogenated substances of equivalent concern, above relevant thresholds (i.e., per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) and organophosphate ester flame retardants (OPFRs), halogenated polymers, halogenated organic solvents, and other highly halogenated, carbon-based materials). Certain exemptions apply. Silver level: Use materials in the product that do not contain organohalogen substances in exceedance of 1% by weight. Certain exemptions apply. Gold level: Use materials in the product that do not contain organohalogen substances above subject to review limits (i.e., 100 ppm or lower if specific concentration limits are defined). ---- further explanation (...) Identifying Halogenated Flame Retardants (Bronze Level Restriction #2) As noted in the standard: Halogenated flame retardants are defined as any chlorinated or brominated substance added to a material for the purpose of increasing heat/fire resistance or decreasing flammability. Toxicity concerns associated with halogenated flame retardants may be found here. A non-exhaustive list of halogenated flame retardants may be found here. Identifying Organophosphate Ester Flame Retardants (Bronze Level Restriction #3) As noted in the standard: Organophosphate ester flame retardants are defined as any organic esters of phosphoric acid, containing either alkyl chains or aryl groups, that are added to a material for the purpose of increasing heat/ Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 31 fire resistance or decreasing flammability. Toxicity concerns associated with organophosphate ester flame retardants may be found here. A non-exhaustive list of organophosphate ester flame retardants may be found here. RSL sheet 4. Core Restricted Substances List for All Materials in All Products Sub-Grouping Organohalogens Chemical(s) Name Halogenated and Organophosphate Ester Flame Retardants (HFRs & OPFRs) General restriction on halogenated and organophosphate ester flame retardants See Section 4.2 of the Standard In addition to the restrictions on specific HFRs listed below, carbon-bonded chlorine and bromine within any flame retardant in the material (intentionally added or present as an impurity) must be less than 1,000 ppm (except in exempt materials/parts as noted in Section 4.2 of the Standard). CAS Number(s) / Max. allowable concentration (ppm) / Restriction Source Polybrominated diphenyl ethers PBDEs / 10* *The 10 ppm limit applies to each individual PBDE. / REACH 45, 67, RoHS, POPs, Prop 65 (only DE-71) Polybrominated biphenyls PBBs / Non-use* *If present as an unintentional trace contaminant the substance must be below detection with a detection limit of 5 ppm [limit based on AFIRM’s Restricted Substances List v5.0]. Restriction threshold is 0.1% (1,000 ppm) for electronic products. / REACH 8, POPs, ROHS, Prop 65 Hexabromocyclododecane HBCDD / 3194-55-6, 25637-99-4, 134237-50-6, 134237-51-7, 134237-52-8/ 100 / REACH Auth 3, POPs Tris(2-chloroethylphosphate) TCEP /115-96-8 / 1,000* * 5 ppm for Children’s products /. REACH Auth 13, 9/48/EC, Prop 65


        4.2 page 29 (bronze / silver /gold) RSL sheet all products

      • Enthält der Standard Kriterien für die biologische Abbaubarkeit von Stoffen?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        '5.2 Defining the Product’s Technical and/or Biological Cycles Intended Outcome(s) The applicant has designated all homogeneous materials in the product as either biological or technical and has identified appropriate cycling pathways for those materials once the product has reached the end of its current use cycle. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze and Platinum Requirement(s) Bronze level: Designate all homogeneous materials in the product as being intended for technical and/or biological cycles and define the intended cycling pathway(s) for each material. For materials designated for technical cycles, recycling must be one intended cycling pathway. Platinum level: Define at least two intended cycling pathway(s) for each homogeneous material in the product. ---- The following homogeneous materials must be designated for the biological cycle: 1. Materials designed to be released directly to the biosphere as part of their intended use or cycling pathway (e.g., liquid cleaning products, soaps, perfume, toilet paper), 2. Biological or biologically derived materials commonly released to the biosphere (e.g., paper), and 3. Coatings, finishes, or liquids applied to materials intended for biological cycles. For intermediate and wet-applied products, the Bronze level requirements must be applied in the context of at least one relevant finished product or applied substrate example application, respectively. Further Explanation Designating Materials for Technical and/or Biological Cycles For the Bronze level, all homogeneous materials in the product must be designated as being intended for technical and/or biological cycles. The following definitions are included in the Definitions section: • Biological cycle – The cycle by which materials or parts are released to, and ideally reprocessed in, the environment via composting, biodegradation, nutrient extraction, or other biological metabolic pathways. (...) Biological Cycling Pathways If a material is designated for the biological cycle, one or more of the following must be selected as the intended cycling pathway(s): • Nutrient extraction • Anaerobic digestion • Composting (Home) • Composting (Industrial) • Biodegradation (Soil) • Biodegradation (Water) • Biodegradation (Anaerobic) It must be possible to cycle the product via the chosen intended pathway(s), at least at the pilot scale (e.g., at small-scale under “normal” processing conditions). This may be demonstrated specifically for the product or for one or more similar product(s) that is/are already being cycled in the intended pathway(s). A similar product is defined as a product with similar application/use, material composition, disassembly requirements, and end-of-use conditions. In addition to specifying the pathway (i.e., process(es) in the lists above), the applicant must also specify the entity intended to carry out the process (i.e., consumer, municipal waste processing facility, the applicant, current or future partner organization(s), etc.). 5.5 Material Compatibility for Technical and/or Biological Cycles Intended Outcome(s) Product materials with the highest capacity for biological and/or technical cycling have been intentionally selected, increasing the likelihood that such materials will retain their value and move through subsequent cycles of use. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirements Bronze level: For 50% of the product by weight, incorporate materials that are compatible with the intended cycling pathway(s). Silver level: For 70% of the product by weight, incorporate materials that are compatible with the intended cycling pathway(s). Gold level: For 90% of the product by weight, incorporate materials that are compatible with the intended cycling pathway(s) and have high-value technical or biological cycling potential. Platinum level: For 99% of the product by weight, incorporate materials that are compatible with the intended cycling pathway(s). ---- For a material to count toward the percentage of materials compatible with the intended cycling pathway(s) the following conditions must be met: (...) 4. For solid materials intended for the biological cycle, one of the following conditions must be met: a. The material must biodegrade in the intended cycling pathway(s) within the time period and to the extent specified by a C2CPII-recognized compostability or biodegradability standard test. b. For paper and biological materials with ≥ 99% unmodified organic material: i. The material, at its maximum thickness and/or density, must disintegrate in the intended cycling pathway(s) within the time period and to the extent specified by a C2CPII-recognized compostability or biodegradability standard test, and ii. If the intended cycling pathways include composting, a soil sample that is exposed to the material, after disintegration tests have been performed, must pass an ecotoxicity test demonstrating that the exposed soil sample is conducive to plant growth (OECD 208 or equivalent). c. For plastic materials, biologically derived materials, and biological materials with < 99% unmodified organic material (including paper that is < 99% cellulose), all of the following conditions must be met: i. The material must biodegrade in the intended cycling pathway(s) within the time period and to the extent specified by a C2CPII-recognized compostability standard test. ii. For any individual organic additives (e.g., pigments, inks, colorants, scents, secondary polymers, glues) present at a concentration of ≥ 1%, the additive must biodegrade in the intended cycling pathway(s) within a specific time period and to the extent specified by: 1. A C2CPII-recognized biodegradability standard test, or 2. The available scientific literature and/or research studies. iii. The material, at its maximum thickness and/or density, must disintegrate in the intended cycling pathway(s) within the time period and to the extent specified by a C2CPII-recognized compostability standard test, and iv. A soil sample that is exposed to the material, after disintegration tests have been performed, must pass an ecotoxicity test demonstrating that the exposed soil sample is conducive to plant growth (OECD 208 or equivalent). 5. For materials with unavoidable release to the environment during product use (e.g., tires, shoe soles, brake pads), the fraction of material that on average is likely to be released to the environment from the total product over its lifetime may not be counted as compatible with the intended cycling pathway, unless it is biodegradable in the likely environment where release occurs. 6. For wet-applied products that are intended to be applied to materials with likely biological cycling pathways (e.g., paints intended to be applied to wood), one of the following conditions must be met: a. The wet-applied product must not typically comprise > 1% by weight of the base material(s) to which it is likely to be applied and the wet-applied product, in combination with the one likely base material, must meet the requirements for solid materials intended for biological cycling (per #4b), OR b. The wet-applied product, in combination with one likely base material, must meet the requirements for solid materials intended for biological cycling (per #4c). 8. For products that are liquid formulations (excluding wet-applied products), individual substances within the formulation, or the formulation as a whole may be evaluated when determining the percentage compatible for the biological cycle. a. When evaluating based on individual substance(s), the following conditions apply: i. For organic chemicals and surfactants to count toward the percentage compatible, the substance must biodegrade in the intended cycling pathway(s) within the time period and extent specified by a C2CPII-recognized biodegradability standard test. In addition, 1. Organic chemicals with a log Koc < 4.5 must meet the OECD definition for ultimate biodegradability (aerobic), and 2. Organic chemicals with a log Koc ≥ 1.5 must meet the OECD definition of anaerobic biodegradability. ii. For inorganic chemicals, benign minerals may be counted toward the percentage compatible. iii. Water weight is excluded from the calculation. b. When evaluating the formulation as a whole, if one of the following requirements have been met the product counts as 100% compatible for the biological cycle: i. The formulation has demonstrated ready biodegradability in both anaerobic and aerobic conditions as demonstrated by a C2CPII-recognized biodegradability standard test. (The formulation may also contain benign mineral nutrients.) ii. For consumable consumer products (e.g., shampoo, detergents), the material must biodegrade in the intended cycling pathway(s) within the time period and to the extent specified by a C2CPII-recognized biodegradability standard test. For the Gold level: The use of materials with high-value cycling potential (i.e., high-quality material as defined in #1-2 below) is required. 1. For a material to count toward the required percentage (90%) of materials compatible with the intended cycling pathway(s), the following conditions must be met: (...) b. Solid materials intended for biological cycles must be certified by a C2CPII-recognized compostability program. 2. Select liquid formulations (e.g., soaps, cleaning products, lubricants) must meet minimum percent ready biodegradability and/or anaerobic biodegradability requirements per C2CPII-recognized standards; testing may be required. (Note: > 90% biodegradation of organic substances is required in some cases.) Analytical laboratories conducting required tests must be accredited or certified for the specific analysis per ISO 17025, DIN CERTCO approved, or equivalent. Further Explanation For requirement 1.b, Solid materials intended for biological cycles must be certified by a C2CPII-recognized compostability program). C2CPII-recognized Compostability Certification Programs The following are currently recognized compostability certification programs: • European Bioplastics: Seedling – provisionally recognized through 31 December 2022; pending review • DIN-Geprüft: Industrial Compostable – provisionally recognized through 31 December 2022; pending review • Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) – provisionally recognized through 31 December 2022; pending review • TÜV AUSTRIA: OK Compost HOME and OK Compost INDUSTRIAL – provisionally recognized through 31 December 2022; pending review • Renewable Energy Assurance Limited: Compostable Materials Certification Scheme (CMCS) – provisionally recognized through 31 December 2022; pending review Additional programs may be recognized and added to this list. Refer to Appendix 2 in this guidance document for requirements and the application process for recognition. Analytical laboratories conducting required tests must be accredited or certified for the specific analysis per ISO 17025, DIN CERTCO approved, or equivalent. Further Explanation For requirement #2, Select liquid formulations (e.g., soaps, cleaning products, lubricants) must meet minimum percent ready biodegradability and/or anaerobic biodegradability requirements per C2CPII-recognized standards; testing may be required. (Note: > 90% biodegradation of organic substances is required in some cases.) The following are required: • All surfactants used must be both readily biodegradable and anaerobically biodegradable. Refer to the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 84 most recent version of the Detergents Ingredients Database (DID) for indication of ready and anerobic biodegradability. If data are not available for the applicable surfactant(s) in the DID, the following apply: ◦ For ready biodegradability, OECD 301 or equivalent must be used; > 60% DOC removal or > 50% ThOD or ThCO2 removal is required. ◦ For anaerobic biodegradability, OECD 311 or equivalent must be used; > 60% DOC removal is required. • The organic substances in the product must all achieve the following percentages of readily biodegradable and anaerobically biodegradable content, based on product type: Product Type % Readily Biodegradable % Anaerobically Biodegradable Shampoo, and other shower products 75 75 Solid soaps 90 90 Hair care products 55 55 Shaving, foams, shaving gels, shaving creams 30 60 Solid shaving soaps 90 90 Dishwashing detergents, all-purpose cleaners, sanitary cleaners, and glass cleaners No requirement No Requirement Lubricants and hydraulic fuels 95 No requirement


        5.2 page 62 bronze/platinum 5.5 page 74 bronze/silver/gold/platinum

      • Enthält der Standard Kriterien zu den H-Sätzen H400, H410, H411?
        Antwort: Basic: Aufnahme von Anforderungen für eine ökologische Risikobewertung der verwendeten Stoffe ODER die Auswahl von Stoffen für MRSL berücksichtigt H-Sätze
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Aufnahme von Anforderungen für eine ökologische Risikobewertung der verwendeten Stoffe ODER die Auswahl von Stoffen für MRSL berücksichtigt H-Sätze (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Verbot der Verwendung von H-Sätzen außer für die in dem Guidance aufgeführten Stoffgruppen (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        4.1 Restricted Substances List Compliance Intended Outcome(s) In alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the use of wellknown toxic chemicals in the product is avoided. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Comply with the Restricted Substances List (RSL). ---- The product and its homogeneous materials comply with relevant restrictions on the Restricted Substances List (see Cradle to Cradle Certified® Restricted Substances List reference document). Note: The RSL consists of a core list, which is applicable to all material and product types, as well as additional lists that are applicable to specific material and product types. Unless noted otherwise, the lists indicate the maximum allowable concentration of each restricted substance in any homogeneous material subject to review (as defined in Section 4.3) in a certified product. For textile chemical formulations, the product also complies with the most recent version of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) or equivalent. Further Explanation Complying with the Restricted Substances List The Cradle to Cradle Certified® Restricted Substances List (RSL) reference document can be found on C2CPII’s website. In addition, the RSL, including lists of chemical names and Chemical Abstract Service (AS) Registry Numbers for substances that are listed as a group in the RSL reference document, is available on pharosproject.net. Compliance with the RSL must be demonstrated via supplier declarations. A Supplier RSL Declaration template is available to Cradle to Cradle Certified assessors. It is recommended that the RSL declaration, CMR & SVHC declaration (see Section 4.6) and full material disclosure information (see Section 4.3) be requested from each supplier at the same time. 4.4 Assessing Chemicals and Materials Intended Outcome(s) To encourage continued improvement of material health, an increasing percentage of the product’s chemicals and materials are assessed. By the time a product reaches the Gold level, all materials and chemicals subject to review within the product have been assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Bronze level: Assess at least 75% of the product. Silver level: Assess at least 95% of the product. Gold level: Assess 100% of the product. Platinum level: Assess 100% of the product AND all process chemistry that comes into contact with the product or its material constituents during the final manufacturing stage. ---- Assessing Chemicals and Materials Homogeneous materials and chemicals subject to review, including process chemistry subject to review at the Platinum level, must be assessed according to the Material Health Assessment Methodology and supporting documents. Based on these methods, chemicals subject to review are assigned a, b, c, x, or grey chemical risk ratings and homogeneous materials are assigned A, B, C, X or GREY ratings. A chemical substance is considered to be assessed when it has been assigned an a, b, c, or x (abc-x) chemical risk rating. A homogeneous material is considered to be assessed when it has been assigned an A, B, C, or X (ABC-X) assessment rating or is otherwise considered to be assessed based on the specific, relevant methodology (e.g., recycled content assessment methodology, externally managed component methodology). A material or component that is separately certified and used in another product seeking certification may count as assessed at the same Material Health level and percentage assessed at which it was certified. Materials assessed as A, B, or C may only contain chemicals subject to review that have been assigned a, b, or c chemical risk ratings. Materials assessed as X will contain at least one chemical subject to review that has been assigned an x risk rating, and may also contain chemicals with grey ratings indicating insufficient data for assessment. (...) Required Documentation • Silver level: CMR & SVHC declarations, if required (see guidance above). Note: A CMR & SVHC declaration template is available to Cradle to Cradle Certified assessors. 4.6 Using Optimized Materials Intended Outcome(s) The product is made from chemicals and materials that have been intentionally selected based on their preferred safety attributes. • At the Silver level, the product does not contain chemicals classified or listed as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductive toxicants (CMRs), or, if these substances are present, exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. In addition, the product does not contain persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs) substances. The product also does not contain substances that cause an equivalent level of concern or exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Gold level, chemicals and materials intentionally added to the product are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Exposure to hazardous chemicals during final manufacture, use, and end-of-use of the product is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Platinum level, an increased percentage of the product is made from chemicals and materials that are assessed as preferable for human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Additionally, process chemicals are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodolog Applicable Achievement Level(s) Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Silver level: Use materials in the product that do not contain substances that are: • Classified or listed as known or suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic damage, reproductive harm (CMRs), or cause an equivalent level of concern, unless exposure to these substances during the product’s final manufacturing, use, and end-of-use is unlikely or expected to be negligible, or • Listed as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs). Gold level: Use materials that are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, including only A/a, B/b, and C/c assessed materials and chemicals in the product. Platinum level: Use materials and process chemicals that are assessed as preferable for human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, including > 50% A/a and B/b assessed materials and chemicals in the product (see “Determining Percentage Assessed” in Section 4.4), and only A/a, B/b, and C/c assessed process chemistry. ---- For the Silver level, CMRs are defined as substances that have received a harmonized classification of Category 1 or 2 in one or more of the CMR endpoints as listed within the EU’s Classification, Labelling, and Packaging regulation (CLP) Annex VI, or are CMR substances listed on the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). PBTs, vPvBs, and substances causing an equivalent level of concern are defined per the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). Required Documentation All certification levels • For each material and chemical that is counted as assessed, the final ABC-X or abc-x rating, along with any relevant notes, assessment rationale, and supporting information, as provided by a Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Body Silver level The following are required for each homogeneous material in the product (excluding exempt components as defined per Section 4.3): • Full material disclosure regarding the chemical composition of the material and confirmation from a Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health assessor regarding the absence of classified CMRs or listed PBTs, vPvBs, or substances of equivalent concern (or negligible or unlikely exposure to these substances). OR If full material disclosure is not available, signed and dated CMR & SVHC declaration(s) referencing the current version of Table 3.1 in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation and the REACH SVHC list. 4.9 Optimizing Chemistry in the Supply Chain Intended Outcome(s) The use and emissions of hazardous chemicals in the product’s supply chain are reduced or eliminated over time. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Platinum Requirement(s) Address hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain and develop a strategy to further reduce hazardous chemical use and/or emissions in the supply chain. Demonstrate progress toward achieving reductions at each recertification. ---- Hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain must be addressed by meeting one of the following: 1. 75% or more of the product’s input materials or chemicals have a C2CPII Material Health Certificate OR 50% or more are Cradle to Cradle Certified at the Gold or Platinum level or equivalent (percentage is calculated following the approach described for “Determining Percentage Assessed” in Section 4.4, but summing certified materials and/or chemicals rather than assessed materials and/or chemicals). 2. A cradle to cradle human and environmental health impact hot spot analysis has been performed based on life cycle assessment per ISO 14040, and each of the hot spots identified through this analysis are addressed by the strategy to reduce hazardous chemical use and/or emissions in the supply chain of the product. The life cycle assessment must be verified by a qualified third party. Depending on how hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain are addressed, the strategy must include one of the following: 1. Steps to increase the percentage of the product’s input materials or chemicals that have a C2CPII Material Health Certificate or are Cradle to Cradle Certified at the Gold or Platinum level (or equivalent) over time and also specifically to increase the percentage of inputs that are certified at the Platinum level. 2. Steps to positively impact (i.e., eliminate or reduce use or emissions of hazardous chemicals) for each of the supply chain hotspots identified through the life cycle assessment. 3 ASSIGNING HAZARD RATINGS 3.1 Chemical Hazard Assessment Methodology The Cradle to Cradle Certified chemical hazard assessment methodology forms the basis of each chemical’s evaluation by using specified criteria to assign a hazard rating to 21 different human health, environmental health, and chemical class endpoints (Tables 1-3). The rating scheme follows a “traffic-light” hierarchy where the chemical’s hazard is communicated by a GREEN, YELLOW, RED, or GREY rating for each endpoint (Table 4). Section 3.3 provides a detailed description of each endpoint and the criteria used to assign the ratings. Table 2 Environmental health endpoints ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ENDPOINTS DESCRIPTION Fish Toxicity Measure of toxicity to fish (both saltwater and freshwater) from single, short-term exposure, or from longer term, chronic exposure. Daphnia Toxicity Measure of toxicity to Daphnia (or other aquatic invertebrates) from single, short-term exposure, or from longer term, chronic exposure. Algae Toxicity Measure of toxicity to algae from single, short-term exposure, or from longer term, chronic exposure. Terrestrial Toxicity Acute toxicity to avian species and soil organisms. Persistence Measure of how long a substance will exist in air, soil, or water. Bioaccumulation Potential for a substance to accumulate in fatty tissue. Climatic Relevance Measure of the impact a substance has on the climate (e.g., ozone depletion, global warming). Other Any additional characteristic relevant to the overall evaluation but not included in the previous criteria.


        4.1 page 27 bronze 4.4 page 39 bronze / silver / gold / platinum 4.6 page 47 silver / gold / platinum 4.9 page 55 platinum Material Health Assessment Methodology chapter 3 table 2

      • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen für die Prüfung des Endprodukts auf Chemikalienrückstände?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        4.1 Restricted Substances List Compliance Intended Outcome(s) In alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the use of wellknown toxic chemicals in the product is avoided. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Comply with the Restricted Substances List (RSL). ---- The product and its homogeneous materials comply with relevant restrictions on the Restricted Substances List (see Cradle to Cradle Certified® Restricted Substances List reference document). Note: The RSL consists of a core list, which is applicable to all material and product types, as well as additional lists that are applicable to specific material and product types. Unless noted otherwise, the lists indicate the maximum allowable concentration of each restricted substance in any homogeneous material subject to review (as defined in Section 4.3) in a certified product. For textile chemical formulations, the product also complies with the most recent version of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) or equivalent. (...) Required Documentation For each homogeneous material in the product, including materials for which full material disclosure information has been collected, the following is required: • A declaration regarding any substances on the RSL that are present in the material, signed by an entity with sufficient knowledge of the material’s chemical composition to verify declaration. Note: A Supplier RSL Declaration template is available to C2CPII assessors. • For biological, geological, and recycled content materials, analytical testing reports demonstrating that any substances on the RSL with the potential for being present in the material are below relevant restriction limits. • For exempt metallic components (as defined per Section 4.3 Material and Chemical Inventory, evidence of Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) compliance. Additionally, for textile chemical formulations (e.g., a textile dye formulation), a ZDHC ChemCheck report or equivalent report or declaration verifying ZDHC MRSL compliance is required. The report or declaration must demonstrate conformance to ZDHC level 1 at a minimum. 4. Core Restricted Substances List for All Materials in All Products lists of restricted substances with tresholds 8. Additional Restrictions for Textile Materials lists of restricted substances with tresholds


        4.1 page 27 bronze RSL Sheet 4. Core Restricted Substances List for All Materials in All Products RSL sheet 8. Additional Restrictions for Textile Materials

      • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen für gefährliche Chemikalien gemäß (1) dem Stockholmer Überein-kommen, (2) den WHO-Klassen 1A und B und (3) dem Rotterdam-Übereinkommen?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        4.1 Restricted Substances List Compliance Intended Outcome(s) In alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the use of wellknown toxic chemicals in the product is avoided. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Comply with the Restricted Substances List (RSL). The product and its homogeneous materials comply with relevant restrictions on the Restricted Substances List (see Cradle to Cradle Certified® Restricted Substances List reference document). Note: The RSL consists of a core list, which is applicable to all material and product types, as well as additional lists that are applicable to specific material and product types. Unless noted otherwise, the lists indicate the maximum allowable concentration of each restricted substance in any homogeneous material subject to review (as defined in Section 4.3) in a certified product. For textile chemical formulations, the product also complies with the most recent version of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) or equivalent. "1. Background The following restrictions apply to all products seeking Cradle to Cradle certification or a Material Health Certificate at any certification level under Version 4.0 of the Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard (the Standard). Unless noted otherwise, the applicable thresholds may not be exceeded for the listed restricted substances present in any homogeneous material subject to review in a certified product. The restrictions are grouped into a core list that applies to all homogeneous materials subject to review in all products, and six supplementary lists, which include additional restrictions specific to certain material or product types (see Section 2). Some substances are on multiple lists with differing thresholds or restriction conditions. In such cases, the most conservative applicable restriction must be met (e.g., PAHs are restricted with different thresholds on the Biological Materials and the Children’s Products Lists. For a biological material in a children’s product, PAH concentrations must be below the more conservative thresholds on the Children’s Product List). With the exception of restrictions for certain classes of organohalogens on the core list (see ""Notes"" below), the restrictions for substances on the RSL are based on leading international chemical regulations. The chemical regulations included are those currently in effect in the European Union (EU) under Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), the Stockholm Convention (...) 3. Legend Restriction Source Symbol or Indicator Notes Persistent Organic Pollutants Banned by Stockholm Convention and/or EU Commission POPs EU Commission Regulation No 2019/1021 for example from sheet textile materials Organohalogens Sub-Grouping Chemical(s) Name Acronym or Trade Name CAS Number(s) Max. allowable concentration (ppm) Restriction Source Fluorinated Compounds Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid PFOS, C-8 1763-23-1 1 ug/m2 POPs, Prop 65 Perfluorooctane sulfonates PFOS, C-8 salts several 1 ug/m2 POPs Perfluorooctanesulfonyl flouride PFOSF, C-8 307-35-7 1 ug/m2 POPs


        4.1 page 27 (bronze) RSL sheets background, legend

      • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen für die Verwendung von Farbstoffen oder Pigmenten, die Blei, Kupfer, Chrom, Nickel, Kadmium, Kobalt und Aluminium enthalten, in der Produktionsphase?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        4.1 Restricted Substances List Compliance Intended Outcome(s) In alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the use of wellknown toxic chemicals in the product is avoided. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Comply with the Restricted Substances List (RSL). ---- The product and its homogeneous materials comply with relevant restrictions on the Restricted Substances List (see Cradle to Cradle Certified® Restricted Substances List reference document). Note: The RSL consists of a core list, which is applicable to all material and product types, as well as additional lists that are applicable to specific material and product types. Unless noted otherwise, the lists indicate the maximum allowable concentration of each restricted substance in any homogeneous material subject to review (as defined in Section 4.3) in a certified product. For textile chemical formulations, the product also complies with the most recent version of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) or equivalent. Further Explanation Complying with the Restricted Substances List The Cradle to Cradle Certified® Restricted Substances List (RSL) reference document can be found on C2CPII’s website. In addition, the RSL, including lists of chemical names and Chemical Abstract Service (AS) Registry Numbers for substances that are listed as a group in the RSL reference document, is available on pharosproject.net. Compliance with the RSL must be demonstrated via supplier declarations. A Supplier RSL Declaration template is available to Cradle to Cradle Certified assessors. It is recommended that the RSL declaration, CMR & SVHC declaration (see Section 4.6) and full material disclosure information (see Section 4.3) be requested from each supplier at the same time. 4.4 Assessing Chemicals and Materials Intended Outcome(s) To encourage continued improvement of material health, an increasing percentage of the product’s chemicals and materials are assessed. By the time a product reaches the Gold level, all materials and chemicals subject to review within the product have been assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Bronze level: Assess at least 75% of the product. Silver level: Assess at least 95% of the product. Gold level: Assess 100% of the product. Platinum level: Assess 100% of the product AND all process chemistry that comes into contact with the product or its material constituents during the final manufacturing stage. ---- Assessing Chemicals and Materials Homogeneous materials and chemicals subject to review, including process chemistry subject to review at the Platinum level, must be assessed according to the Material Health Assessment Methodology and supporting documents. Based on these methods, chemicals subject to review are assigned a, b, c, x, or grey chemical risk ratings and homogeneous materials are assigned A, B, C, X or GREY ratings. A chemical substance is considered to be assessed when it has been assigned an a, b, c, or x (abc-x) chemical risk rating. A homogeneous material is considered to be assessed when it has been assigned an A, B, C, or X (ABC-X) assessment rating or is otherwise considered to be assessed based on the specific, relevant methodology (e.g., recycled content assessment methodology, externally managed component methodology). A material or component that is separately certified and used in another product seeking certification may count as assessed at the same Material Health level and percentage assessed at which it was certified. Materials assessed as A, B, or C may only contain chemicals subject to review that have been assigned a, b, or c chemical risk ratings. Materials assessed as X will contain at least one chemical subject to review that has been assigned an x risk rating, and may also contain chemicals with grey ratings indicating insufficient data for assessment. (...) Required Documentation • Silver level: CMR & SVHC declarations, if required (see guidance above). Note: A CMR & SVHC declaration template is available to Cradle to Cradle Certified assessors. 4.6 Using Optimized Materials Intended Outcome(s) The product is made from chemicals and materials that have been intentionally selected based on their preferred safety attributes. • At the Silver level, the product does not contain chemicals classified or listed as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductive toxicants (CMRs), or, if these substances are present, exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. In addition, the product does not contain persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs) substances. The product also does not contain substances that cause an equivalent level of concern or exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Gold level, chemicals and materials intentionally added to the product are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Exposure to hazardous chemicals during final manufacture, use, and end-of-use of the product is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Platinum level, an increased percentage of the product is made from chemicals and materials that are assessed as preferable for human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Additionally, process chemicals are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodolog Applicable Achievement Level(s) Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Silver level: Use materials in the product that do not contain substances that are: • Classified or listed as known or suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic damage, reproductive harm (CMRs), or cause an equivalent level of concern, unless exposure to these substances during the product’s final manufacturing, use, and end-of-use is unlikely or expected to be negligible, or • Listed as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs). Gold level: Use materials that are assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, including only A/a, B/b, and C/c assessed materials and chemicals in the product. Platinum level: Use materials and process chemicals that are assessed as preferable for human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, including > 50% A/a and B/b assessed materials and chemicals in the product (see “Determining Percentage Assessed” in Section 4.4), and only A/a, B/b, and C/c assessed process chemistry. ---- For the Silver level, CMRs are defined as substances that have received a harmonized classification of Category 1 or 2 in one or more of the CMR endpoints as listed within the EU’s Classification, Labelling, and Packaging regulation (CLP) Annex VI, or are CMR substances listed on the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). PBTs, vPvBs, and substances causing an equivalent level of concern are defined per the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). Required Documentation All certification levels • For each material and chemical that is counted as assessed, the final ABC-X or abc-x rating, along with any relevant notes, assessment rationale, and supporting information, as provided by a Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Body Silver level The following are required for each homogeneous material in the product (excluding exempt components as defined per Section 4.3): • Full material disclosure regarding the chemical composition of the material and confirmation from a Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health assessor regarding the absence of classified CMRs or listed PBTs, vPvBs, or substances of equivalent concern (or negligible or unlikely exposure to these substances). OR If full material disclosure is not available, signed and dated CMR & SVHC declaration(s) referencing the current version of Table 3.1 in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation and the REACH SVHC list. 4.9 Optimizing Chemistry in the Supply Chain Intended Outcome(s) The use and emissions of hazardous chemicals in the product’s supply chain are reduced or eliminated over time. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Platinum Requirement(s) Address hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain and develop a strategy to further reduce hazardous chemical use and/or emissions in the supply chain. Demonstrate progress toward achieving reductions at each recertification. ---- Hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain must be addressed by meeting one of the following: 1. 75% or more of the product’s input materials or chemicals have a C2CPII Material Health Certificate OR 50% or more are Cradle to Cradle Certified at the Gold or Platinum level or equivalent (percentage is calculated following the approach described for “Determining Percentage Assessed” in Section 4.4, but summing certified materials and/or chemicals rather than assessed materials and/or chemicals). 2. A cradle to cradle human and environmental health impact hot spot analysis has been performed based on life cycle assessment per ISO 14040, and each of the hot spots identified through this analysis are addressed by the strategy to reduce hazardous chemical use and/or emissions in the supply chain of the product. The life cycle assessment must be verified by a qualified third party. Depending on how hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain are addressed, the strategy must include one of the following: 1. Steps to increase the percentage of the product’s input materials or chemicals that have a C2CPII Material Health Certificate or are Cradle to Cradle Certified at the Gold or Platinum level (or equivalent) over time and also specifically to increase the percentage of inputs that are certified at the Platinum level. 2. Steps to positively impact (i.e., eliminate or reduce use or emissions of hazardous chemicals) for each of the supply chain hotspots identified through the life cycle assessment.


        4.1 page 27 bronze 4.4 page 39 bronze 4.4 page 39 silver 4.4 page 39 gold 4.4 page 39 platinum 4.6 page 47 silver 4.6 page 47 gold 4.6 page 47 platinum 4.9 page 55 platinum

      • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen für das Verbot von Azofarbstoffen, die in der Produktionsphase aromatische Amine abspalten können, die für die menschliche Gesundheit schädlich sind?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        3.5.3 Cleavable carcinogenic aromatic amines This endpoint applies to the dyestuff molecule only. Azo dyestuffs are characterized by their specific chromophore, the azo group: -N=N- . This dyestuff class is important because it encompasses more dyestuffs than all of the other dyestuff classes combined. Azo dyestuffs may cleave off aromatic amines by reductive cleavage of the azo group. A number of such amines are known to be carcinogenic. Because reductive cleavage may occur within the human gut and under other conditions, it is important to evaluate the potential of an azo dye to cleave off carcinogenic amines when assessing its safety for humans and the environment. The use of azo dyestuffs that may cleave off certain carcinogenic aromatic amines has been forbidden in the European Union3; however, such dyestuffs may still be in use outside of the European Union. While category C just considers the specific aromatic amines referenced on the European legislation [3], categories A and B moreover consider any known or suspected carcinogenic aromatic amines that may be cleaved off under reductive or hydrolytic conditions. Data Source: The structure of the dyestuff molecule provides sufficient information about cleavable aromatic amines 4.4 Assessing Chemicals and Materials Intended Outcome(s) To encourage continued improvement of material health, an increasing percentage of the product’s chemicals and materials are assessed. By the time a product reaches the Gold level, all materials and chemicals subject to review within the product have been assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Bronze level: Assess at least 75% of the product. Silver level: Assess at least 95% of the product. Gold level: Assess 100% of the product. Platinum level: Assess 100% of the product AND all process chemistry that comes into contact with the product or its material constituents during the final manufacturing stage. further explanation (...) • If any colorants (dyestuffs or pigments) are contained in the formulation, confirm for each dyestuff chemical whether additional data are available for Acute Mammalian Toxicity (Oral), or Skin Sensitization endpoints. If data are available, confirm that each dyestuff chemical would receive at least a c-assessment rating according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Colorants Assessment Methodology. For pigment chemicals, make sure that no cleavable aromatic amines are present in the molecule. RSL 8. Additional Restrictions for Textile Materials Sub-Grouping Azo Dye Chemical(s) Name Chromate(2-), [1-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl) azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)][4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy -3,5-dinitrophenyl)azo]-7-[(4-methoxypheny l)amino]-2-naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-, disodium CAS Number(s) 118685-33-9 Max. allowable concentration (ppm) 1,000 Restriction Source REACH 43 Sub-Grouping Aromatic Amines (Anilines) "This restriction applies to the concentration of aromatic amines in the finished product. While not intentionally added, these aromatic amines can be present in textile materials as a breakdown product formed through reductive cleavage from certain azocolourants. Compliance with this restriction is most effectively evaluated by determining whether any azocolourants capable of producing any of these aromatic amines through reductive cleavage were used in the dying of a fabric. Alternatively, the analytical tests methods set forth in Appendix 10 of REACH (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:2006R1907:20130701:EN:PDF#page=517) may be used to verify compliance with this set of restrictions." Chemical(s) Name CAS Number(s) Max. allowable concentration (ppm) Restriction Source 2-naphthylamine 91-59-8 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 2,4,5-trimethylaniline 137-17-7 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 o-dianisidine 119-90-4 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 3,3'-dimethylbenzidine 119-93-7 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 4-Aminoazobenzene 60-09-3 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 4-chloro-o-toluidine (4-COT) 95-69-2 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 4-chloroaniline 106-47-8 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 4-methoxy-m-phenylenediamine 615-05-04 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine 95-80-7 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 4,4'-methylene-bis-(2-chloro-aniline (MOCA, MBOCA) 101-14-4 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 4,4'-methylenedi-o-toluidine 838-88-0 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane (MDA) 101-77-9 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 4,4'-oxydianiline 101-80-4 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 4,4'-thiodianiline (TDA) 139-65-1 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 5-nitro-o-toluidine 99-55-8 30 REACH 43 6-methoxy-m-toluidine p-Cresidine 120-71-8 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 1,1’-biphenyl-4,4’-diamine and its salts Benzidine 92-87-5 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 4-aminobiphenyl xenylamine 92-67-1 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 o-aminoazotoluene 97-56-3 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 o-anisidine 90-04-0 30 REACH 43, Prop 65 o-toluidine 95-53-4 30 REACH 43, Prop 65


        Colorants Assessment Methodology: 3.5.3 Cleavable carcinogenic aromatic amines 4.4 page 39 (bronze/silver/gold) RSL sheet 8 textile

      • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen für die Verwendung von Chlorgas, elementarem Chlor und chlororganischen Verbindungen als Bleichmittel?
        Antwort: Basic: Verwendung eingeschränkt
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Verwendung eingeschränkt (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Verwendung verboten (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        7.7 Assessing and Optimizing Product Relevant Chemicals in Effluent and Sludge Intended Outcome(s) Chemicals entering receiving waters and soils as a result of product manufacturing have been intentionally selected based on their preferred safety attributes. • At the Bronze level, in alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the release of well-known toxic chemicals is avoided. • At the Silver level, chemicals classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductive toxicants (CMRs) are not used, or, if these substances are present, exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. In addition, persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs) substances are not used. The product also does not contain substances that cause an equivalent level of concern or exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Gold level, chemicals used are compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Exposure to hazardous chemicals via product relevant effluent and sludge is unlikely or expected to be negligible. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, and Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: All product relevant chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage comply with the relevant restrictions on the Core Restricted Substances List (RSL). Silver level: Define and assess product relevant process chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage and develop a strategy for optimization. • Ensure that any product relevant chemicals (including product relevant process chemicals) released with effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage: ◦ Are not classified or listed as known or suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic damage, reproductive harm (CMRs), or cause an equivalent level of concern, or, if these substances are released, that exposure is unlikely or expected to be negligible, and ◦ Are not listed as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs), very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs). Gold level: • Define and assess all product relevant chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage and at select supplier facilities. • Ensure that any product relevant chemicals released with effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage or at select supplier facilities are compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, allowing only a, b, and c assessed chemicals within effluent and sludge. Required Assessment Ratings for Specific Materials and Substances The substances listed below will always be x-assessed if released with effluent or sludge (however, see note below regarding bleaching chemistry). For the substances listed below that are x-CMR (per the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (CLP) Regulation), PBT, vPvB, or equivalent concern (i.e., SVHCs), and are discharged with effluent during the final manufacturing stage of the product, the product is limited to the Bronze level. If the substance is released in the supply chain by a ‘select supplier’ in scope for the Gold level, the product is limited to the Silver level. Substances that are x-assessed but are non-CMR and not a SVHC may be used at the Silver level. • Chrome plating, use of chrome VI: x-CMR. • Leather tanning, use and/or formation of chrome VI: x-CMR • Biological and biologically-derived fibers ◦ Elemental chlorine bleaching: x-CMR (due to the likely formation of dioxins and other issues) unless shown otherwise. ◦ Elemental chlorine free (ECF) bleaching based on chlorine dioxide or similar: x-assessed due to the formation of organohalogens in effluent and sludge. It is allowable to assume no CMRs or SVHCs for the purposes of the Silver level. However, for the Gold level, this must be demonstrated as noted below. Note regarding assessment of bleaching chemistry It is highly unlikely that a process using ECF bleaching will achieve the Gold level in the Water & Soil Stewardship category because organohalogenated substances will be present in effluent and sludge when using the typical ECF process, and per the Material Health Assessment Methodology, all organohalogens must be x-assessed due to life cycle concerns. The Material Health Assessment Methodology has an allowance for determining that substances in effluent are below safe limits (thereby allowing for c-assessment if so); however, because a wide range of substances with a range of toxicity concerns can potentially form in effluent when using ECF bleaching, safe limits may not be easily determined. Another option is to demonstrate that any problematic substances (in this case Adsorbable Organic Halides (AOX) as a substance group and dioxins) are below detection in effluent and, assuming AOX is also in sludge, that sludge is handled appropriately. Refer to the Material Health Assessment Methodology for additional information. Note that the sludge handling method that would allow for a c-assessment per the current methodology (assuming AOX is present) is one where the sludge is kept in a closed system of nutrient recovery and re-used without exposure concerns. If effluent produced from a bleaching process will be tested with the aim of achieving a c-assessment, it must, at a minimum, be tested for AOX and the most toxic dioxin congener (2,3,7,8-TCDD). The required detection limits for effluent are as follows, unless permit limits are lower, in which case those take precedence: • AOX: 20 ppb. This is the detection limit for United States Environmental Protection Agency test method 1650, required for use in demonstrating compliance with the United States effluent guidelines for pulp and paper. Note that in the European Union, there are several possible test methods with ISO 9562 being common. The detection limit for ISO 9562 is 10 ppb. • 2,3,7,8-TCDD: 10 pg/L. This is based on the United States Environmental Protection Agency test method 1613.


        7.7 page 171 (bronze/silver/gold)

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Verwendung von Quecksilber, Kadmium, Blei, Chrom VI?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        4. Core Restricted Substances List for All Materials in All Products Sub-Grouping Metals & Metalloids Chemical(s) Name Acronym or Trade Name CAS Number(s) Max. allowable concentration (ppm) Restriction Notes Restriction Source Arsenic and its compounds As several 1,000* *1 ppm after extraction in footwear, clothing or related accessories, and textiles which, under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, come into contact with human skin to an extent similar to clothing. REACH 19, Auth 8, 9, 24, Prop 65 Cadmium and its compounds Cd several 100* *1 ppm after extraction in footwear, clothing or related accessories, and textiles which, under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, come into contact with human skin to an extent similar to clothing. REACH 23, RoHS, Prop 65 Chromium VI and its compounds Cr VI several 1,000* *1 ppm after extraction in footwear, clothing or related accessories, and textiles which, under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, come into contact with human skin to an extent similar to clothing ; 2 ppm in cement (dry weight); 3 ppm in leather (dry weight); 0.2 ppm for BN materials; 1,000 ppm for all other materials. REACH 47, Auth 16-22, 28-31, RoHS, Prop 65 Mercury and its compounds Hg several 1,000 REACH 18, RoHS, Prop 65 Lead and its compounds Pb several 1,000* "*Shall not be used in paint. 1 ppm after extraction in footwear, clothing or related accessories, and textiles which, under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, come into contact with human skin to an extent similar to clothing. Restriction threshold is 0.35% in steel, 0.4% in aluminum, and 4% in copper alloys, 1,000 ppm in all other non-BN materials." REACH 16, 17, 63, Auth 10-12, RoHS, Prop 65


        RSL sheet 4. Core Restricted Substances List for All Materials in All Products

    • Umgang mit gefährlichen Stoffen
      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zu Lagerung und Kennzeichnung von Chemikalien?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance Intended Outcome(s) Performance on upholding human rights is monitored and verified, ensuring that corrective actions are taken when poor performance is identified and increasing the level of assurance that risks to human rights are addressed. iii. Hazardous materials handling procedures: Copies of past health and safety reports, preferably conducted by an internal audit or third-party audit firm, to identify any type of health and safety violations. This must include evidence of/that: • Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations governing ‘Chemical and Hazardous Substances’. • An inventory of chemical and hazardous substances used in the workplace is maintained. • Chemicals used at the workplace are registered for the intended used when applicable. All local safety standards and applicable laws are adhered to. • Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) are prominently posted in both storage and use zones, and maintained in languages understood by workers. • Chemicals and hazardous substances are properly labelled as per label instructions of local safety standard and MSDSs are maintained. • There are functioning emergency eyewash station and/or showers provided where corrosive chemicals or high volumes of solvents are handled and used. • Employees who are involved in handling, clean-up and disposal of chemicals and hazardous substances received regular training on emergency response plans and actions (with training records maintained).


        8.3 page 209 bronze

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur gezielten Anwendung von Chemikalien?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        4.4 Assessing Chemicals and Materials Intended Outcome(s) To encourage continued improvement of material health, an increasing percentage of the product’s chemicals and materials are assessed. By the time a product reaches the Gold level, all materials and chemicals subject to review within the product have been assessed as compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Bronze level: Assess at least 75% of the product. Silver level: Assess at least 95% of the product. Gold level: Assess 100% of the product. Platinum level: Assess 100% of the product AND all process chemistry that comes into contact with the product or its material constituents during the final manufacturing stage. 4.5 Material Health Optimization Strategy Intended Outcome(s) A strategy is in place for prioritizing the use of materials and chemicals known to be compatible with human and environmental health. Demonstrable progress is made toward achieving the strategy. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Develop a Material Health optimization strategy and demonstrate progress toward achieving the strategy at each recertification. ---- For the Bronze and Silver levels, the strategy must include a plan for assessing and optimizing or eliminating all X/x assessed and GREY/grey materials and chemicals subject to review. One or more material(s) or chemical(s) must be targeted for specific optimization actions in the near-term (defined as 0-2 years). Optimization work relevant to at least one material or chemical must have been completed during the two-year period between certification and recertification. For the Gold and Platinum levels, the strategy must focus on: 1. Increasing the percentage of A/a and/or B/b assessed materials and chemicals in the product, or 2. Optimizing chemistry in the supply chain per Section 4.9.


        4.4 page 39 bronze, silver, gold, platinum 4.5 page 45 bronze, silver, gold, platinum

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zu Schulungen zum Umgang und zum Kontakt mit Chemikalien?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance Intended Outcome(s) Performance on upholding human rights is monitored and verified, ensuring that corrective actions are taken when poor performance is identified and increasing the level of assurance that risks to human rights are addressed. Required Documentation Bronze Level • Evidence that performance has been measured for the applicant company and all final manufacturing stage facilities on the required policy elements (Section 8.2 Human Rights Policy, #2a-j) and issues of high concern (Section 8.3 #2a-g). See detailed evidence/documentation requirements* following this bulleted list appliable to these points. iii. Hazardous materials handling procedures: Copies of past health and safety reports, preferably conducted by an internal audit or third-party audit firm, to identify any type of health and safety violations. This must include evidence of/that: (...) • Employees who are involved in handling, clean-up and disposal of chemicals and hazardous substances received regular training on emergency response plans and actions (with training records maintained).


        8.3 page 201 bronze

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zu spezifischen Verfahren / Kontrollen zum Umgang mit Verschmutzungsvorfälle (zur Eindämmung der Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt)?
        Antwort: Nein
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
  • Wasser
    • Wassernutzung
      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zum Wasserverbrauch in der Produktionsphase?
        Antwort: Advanced: Überwachung sowie Steigerung der Effizienz des Wasserverbrauchs
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Kontinuierliche Überwachung des Wasserverbrauchs (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Überwachung sowie Steigerung der Effizienz des Wasserverbrauchs (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        7.3 Quantifying Water Use Intended Outcome(s) Water withdrawals, discharge, and consumption at facilities manufacturing the product(s) are quantified, creating a baseline against which reductions can be measured, and helping to identify areas for improvement. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Quantify annual water withdrawals, discharge, and consumption for all final manufacturing stage facilities. ---- Data must be collected on the following and the data sources indicated: 1. Withdrawals by source and water type, 2. Discharges by receiving body/destination, 3. Capacity of on-site treatment equipment, 4. Consumption by source, 5. Total amount and percentage of water recycled and reused. Facilities that withdraw or purchase ≥ 100,000 m3 of water per year are considered as having high-volume processes. Further Explanation The requirements in this section apply to all final manufacturing stage facilities, including those that only use water for hygienic purposes (toilets, hand washing) and/or in kitchens. Data are to be collected at the facility level (i.e., not only for the certified product). (...) Required Documentation (...) • Water utility bills and and/or meter readouts as supporting evidence of the data provided.


        7.3 page 159 bronze

    • Abwasser
      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zu Abwasserqualität und Abwasseraufbereitung?
        Antwort: Advanced: Klärung des Abwassers mit Parametern, die für die Sicherstellung der entsprechenden Abwasserqualität festgelegt wurden
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Klärung des Abwassers (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Klärung des Abwassers mit Parametern, die für die Sicherstellung der entsprechenden Abwasserqualität festgelegt wurden (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        7.2 Effluent Quality Compliance Intended Outcome(s) Final manufacturing stage and select supplier facilities are in compliance with regulatory and/or industry best practice effluent limitations. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze and Silver Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the final manufacturing stage, treat effluent (either on or off site) prior to discharge to the environment and adhere to effluent quality regulations or guidelines. Silver level: For select tier 1 supplier facilities, treat effluent (either on or off site) prior to discharge to the environment and adhere to effluent quality regulations or guidelines. ---- Facilities discharging effluent directly to surface or groundwater must comply with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice effluent quality guidelines for direct discharge. (Note: Facilities discharging via a sewer system that does not route to an effluent treatment facility with at least secondary treatment capabilities or equivalent are discharging directly to surface or groundwater for the purposes of this requirement.) Bronze level For final manufacturing stage facilities meeting this requirement based on regulatory compliance, the parameters addressed in the permit must also be consistent with leading regulations, international guidelines, or industry best practice. Leading regulations are defined as those that include a functioning mechanism through which water quality-based limits are set. Final manufacturing stage facilities discharging process effluent to an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility (e.g., publicly owned treatment works, central effluent treatment plant, or wastewater treatment plant) with at least secondary treatment must: 1. Comply with required pretreatment limits, if any, and 2. Demonstrate that the treatment facility is treating the effluent received to quality standards in line with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any) or international guidelines. OR Comply with regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice effluent quality guidelines for direct discharge. Silver level Select tier 1 supplier facilities discharging process effluent to an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility (e.g., publicly owned treatment works, central effluent treatment plant, or wastewater treatment plant) with at least secondary treatment must comply with required pretreatment limits, if any. The “select” tier 1 supplier facilities in scope are those using pollutant intense processes to produce key materials (per the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Water & Soil Stewardship - Key Materials reference document) that make up ≥ 25% of the product by weight or by cost. Effluent testing When effluent must be tested for verification purposes, sampling and testing must be conducted according to the methods specified by regulatory permits, the off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility, and/or other guidelines as relevant. The analytical laboratory conducting the tests must be accredited or certified for the specific analysis per ISO 17025, NALEP, or equivalent. Required Documentation Bronze level (...) For facilities subject to the requirements in this section, the following (as applicable): • A copy of the discharge permit(s) including treatment or pretreatment limitations, and/or other quality guidelines employed (either in place of permits or used to determine consistency) as relevant. • Effluent test results for conventional quality parameters and any individual substances as required by the permits or other guidelines. Test results are to be summarized as required by the permitting authority, centralized treatment plant, or other guideline, as relevant. At a minimum, biannual testing is required (i.e., two times per year). For the initial certification provide two sets of test data from the prior year at a minimum. For recertification, provide four sets of test data (i.e., two per year for the prior twoyear certification cycle). 7.7 Assessing and Optimizing Product Relevant Chemicals in Effluent and Sludge Intended Outcome(s) Chemicals entering receiving waters and soils as a result of product manufacturing have been intentionally selected based on their preferred safety attributes. • At the Bronze level, in alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the release of well-known toxic chemicals is avoided. • At the Silver level, chemicals classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductive toxicants (CMRs) are not used, or, if these substances are present, exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. In addition, persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs) substances are not used. The product also does not contain substances that cause an equivalent level of concern or exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Gold level, chemicals used are compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Exposure to hazardous chemicals via product relevant effluent and sludge is unlikely or expected to be negligible. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, and Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: All product relevant chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage comply with the relevant restrictions on the Core Restricted Substances List (RSL). Silver level: Define and assess product relevant process chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage and develop a strategy for optimization. • Ensure that any product relevant chemicals (including product relevant process chemicals) released with effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage: ◦ Are not classified or listed as known or suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic damage, reproductive harm (CMRs), or cause an equivalent level of concern, or, if these substances are released, that exposure is unlikely or expected to be negligible, and ◦ Are not listed as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs), very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs). Gold level: • Define and assess all product relevant chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage and at select supplier facilities. • Ensure that any product relevant chemicals released with effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage or at select supplier facilities are compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, allowing only a, b, and c assessed chemicals within effluent and sludge. ---- For the Bronze level, 1. Product relevant chemicals are defined as intentional product inputs and process chemicals (including single chemicals and chemical mixtures, as well as known contaminants) used to manufacture the product. (Note: Process chemicals are further defined in the Definitions section). 2. All product relevant chemicals that enter or potentially enter the effluent are in scope. 3. If applicable, restriction thresholds apply to the chemical mixtures as received from the supplier. For the Silver level, 1. For process chemical formulations, all substances present at 1000 ppm (0.1%) or above within the formulation are subject to review. Substances may be grey-rated due to missing toxicity information and otherwise must have received an abc-x rating. 2. CMRs are defined as substances that have received a harmonized classification of Category 1 or 2 in one or more of the CMR endpoints as listed within the EU’s Classification, Labelling and Packaging regulation (CLP) Annex VI, or are CMR substances listed on the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). PBTs, vPvBs, and substances causing an equivalent level of concern are defined per the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). For the Gold level, the “select” suppliers in scope are those meeting both of the following conditions: 1. Tier 1 suppliers to the final manufacturing stage and suppliers that carry out pollutant intense processes associated with the following material types regardless of tier: leather, metal finishes, pulp and paper, and textiles, and 2. Suppliers that produce key materials using pollutant intense processes for materials that make up ≥ 25% of the product by weight or by cost. 7.10 Optimizing Effluent and Sludge Quality at the Facility Level Intended Outcome(s) Effluent and sludge at final manufacturing facilities are managed with the aim of protecting local water quality and ecosystem health. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Platinum Requirement(s) For the final manufacturing stage facilities: • Establish a comprehensive effluent and sludge quality management system, and • Optimize the effluent and sludge produced as a result of all manufacturing processes used at the facility. ---- The following are in scope: 1. Effluent and sludge produced as a result of all manufacturing processes at the facility. 2. Non-manufacturing effluent and sludge (e.g., from water used in toilets, kitchen areas) unless treated by an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility. 3. All chemicals with potential to enter effluent and sludge including, but not limited to: a. process chemicals, b. intentional product inputs, c. chemicals used to treat and clean cooling systems, d. chemicals used to treat the effluent, and e. custodial/cleaning chemicals used in the manufacturing area. Managing Effluent and Sludge Quality The comprehensive effluent quality management system must: 1. Be informed by an understanding of: a. The hazardous substances (defined as substances with RED hazard(s) per the Material Health Assessment Methodology) used intentionally and unintentionally by the facility and the industry. This must be determined based on a comprehensive review of safety data sheets and the relevant literature on chemicals of known and emerging concern, both regulated and non-regulated. (Note: This is different from the chemical inventory required for materials and products in the Material Health category.) b. Local and catchment level water quality issues that are relevant to the facility, surrounding Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 180 ecosystem, and community, including the quality of source and receiving waters, and the health of receiving ecosystems, determined per the Characterize Local and Product Relevant Water Issues requirement (Section 7.1) and communication with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on local water issues and/or local water authorities. 2. Include comprehensive methods for avoiding the intentional and unintentional use, and subsequent introduction, of hazardous substances to the environment via effluent and sludge. The methods must address all chemicals in scope and may include but are not limited to: a. Use of third-party certified and optimized input formulations and materials, b. Analytical testing of purchased formulations to screen for hazardous contaminants, and c. Adherence to industry best practice manufacturing restricted substances lists. 3. Include qualified third-party verification that processes and procedures for on-site treatment facility operation (if any) and water quality management are in place and functioning. 4. Monitor conventional water quality parameters (e.g., pH, total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand), and for the release of hazardous substances relevant to the industry and facility. The following are required: a. Effluent as it leaves the facility must be tested for all substances of concern identified per the required research (per #1). b. Best practices must be used to collect samples. c. Testing must be conducted at least two times per year. d. Laboratories conducting the tests must be ISO 17025 accredited. Optimizing Effluent and Sludge Quality 1. For conventional water quality parameters, facility(ies) releasing effluent directly to surface or groundwater (defined in Section 7.2) must comply with the more stringent of the limitations indicated by either their permits or as follows: a. pH: 6-9 b. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD): 25 mg/L c. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): 100 mg/L d. Total Suspended Solids (TSS): 30 mg/L e. Ammonia (as N): 10 mg/L f. Total nitrogen: 10 mg/L g. Total phosphorus: 2.0 mg/L h. Temperature: < 3 °C increase i. Color: 7 m-1 (436 nm; yellow) 5 m-1 (525 nm; red) 3 m-1 (620 nm; blue) j. Oil and grease: 10 mg/L k. Coliform: 400 bacteria/100 ml Applicants who would be required to comply with effluent limits more stringent than what is indicated by their permits may alternatively publicly disclose an explanation of the conditions and/or trade-offs preventing the facility from meeting the more stringent limits. These effluent limits are the most stringent of those listed for multi-brand consortia or for the benchmark countries (if not included in multi-brand consortia list) per Zero Discharge of Hazardous Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 181 Chemicals Programme, Textile Industry Wastewater Discharge Quality Standards Literature Review REV1, 2015. https://www.roadmaptozero.com/fileadmin/pdf/WastewaterQualityGuidelineLitReview.pdf 2. Hazardous substances identified per the required research (per the Effluent and Sludge Quality Management section #1) must not be x-assessed in effluent or sludge (per the Material Health Assessment Methodology section on assessment of effluent and sludge). Receiving water is defined as the ultimate receiving water in the case of off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facilities.


        7.2 page 150 bronze, silver 7.7 page 171 bronze, silver, gold 7.10 page 179 platinum

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zu Abwasservolumen (je Produktionseinheit)?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        7.3 Quantifying Water Use Intended Outcome(s) Water withdrawals, discharge, and consumption at facilities manufacturing the product(s) are quantified, creating a baseline against which reductions can be measured, and helping to identify areas for improvement. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Quantify annual water withdrawals, discharge, and consumption for all final manufacturing stage facilities. ---- Data must be collected on the following and the data sources indicated: 1. Withdrawals by source and water type, 2. Discharges by receiving body/destination, 3. Capacity of on-site treatment equipment, 4. Consumption by source, 5. Total amount and percentage of water recycled and reused.


        7.3 page 159 bronze

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Grenzwerte zu grundlegenden Abwasserparametern?
        Antwort: Basic: The scheme refers to national legislation.
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: The scheme refers to national legislation. (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: The schemes requires threshold values on basic wastewater parametersfor different production steps. (1 Punkt)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        7.2 Effluent Quality Compliance Intended Outcome(s) Final manufacturing stage and select supplier facilities are in compliance with regulatory and/or industry best practice effluent limitations. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze and Silver Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the final manufacturing stage, treat effluent (either on or off site) prior to discharge to the environment and adhere to effluent quality regulations or guidelines. Silver level: For select tier 1 supplier facilities, treat effluent (either on or off site) prior to discharge to the environment and adhere to effluent quality regulations or guidelines. ---- Facilities discharging effluent directly to surface or groundwater must comply with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice effluent quality guidelines for direct discharge. (Note: Facilities discharging via a sewer system that does not route to an effluent treatment facility with at least secondary treatment capabilities or equivalent are discharging directly to surface or groundwater for the purposes of this requirement.) Bronze level For final manufacturing stage facilities meeting this requirement based on regulatory compliance, the parameters addressed in the permit must also be consistent with leading regulations, international guidelines, or industry best practice. Leading regulations are defined as those that include a functioning mechanism through which water quality-based limits are set. Final manufacturing stage facilities discharging process effluent to an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility (e.g., publicly owned treatment works, central effluent treatment plant, or wastewater treatment plant) with at least secondary treatment must: 1. Comply with required pretreatment limits, if any, and 2. Demonstrate that the treatment facility is treating the effluent received to quality standards in line with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any) or international guidelines. OR Comply with regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice effluent quality guidelines for direct discharge. Silver level Select tier 1 supplier facilities discharging process effluent to an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility (e.g., publicly owned treatment works, central effluent treatment plant, or wastewater treatment plant) with at least secondary treatment must comply with required pretreatment limits, if any. The “select” tier 1 supplier facilities in scope are those using pollutant intense processes to produce key materials (per the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Water & Soil Stewardship - Key Materials reference document) that make up ≥ 25% of the product by weight or by cost. Effluent testing When effluent must be tested for verification purposes, sampling and testing must be conducted according to the methods specified by regulatory permits, the off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility, and/or other guidelines as relevant. The analytical laboratory conducting the tests must be accredited or certified for the specific analysis per ISO 17025, NALEP, or equivalent. Required Documentation Bronze level (...) For facilities subject to the requirements in this section, the following (as applicable): • A copy of the discharge permit(s) including treatment or pretreatment limitations, and/or other quality guidelines employed (either in place of permits or used to determine consistency) as relevant. • Effluent test results for conventional quality parameters and any individual substances as required by the permits or other guidelines. Test results are to be summarized as required by the permitting authority, centralized treatment plant, or other guideline, as relevant. At a minimum, biannual testing is required (i.e., two times per year). For the initial certification provide two sets of test data from the prior year at a minimum. For recertification, provide four sets of test data (i.e., two per year for the prior twoyear certification cycle). 7.7 Assessing and Optimizing Product Relevant Chemicals in Effluent and Sludge Intended Outcome(s) Chemicals entering receiving waters and soils as a result of product manufacturing have been intentionally selected based on their preferred safety attributes. • At the Bronze level, in alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the release of well-known toxic chemicals is avoided. • At the Silver level, chemicals classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductive toxicants (CMRs) are not used, or, if these substances are present, exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. In addition, persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs) substances are not used. The product also does not contain substances that cause an equivalent level of concern or exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Gold level, chemicals used are compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Exposure to hazardous chemicals via product relevant effluent and sludge is unlikely or expected to be negligible. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, and Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: All product relevant chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage comply with the relevant restrictions on the Core Restricted Substances List (RSL). Silver level: Define and assess product relevant process chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage and develop a strategy for optimization. • Ensure that any product relevant chemicals (including product relevant process chemicals) released with effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage: ◦ Are not classified or listed as known or suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic damage, reproductive harm (CMRs), or cause an equivalent level of concern, or, if these substances are released, that exposure is unlikely or expected to be negligible, and ◦ Are not listed as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs), very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs). Gold level: • Define and assess all product relevant chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage and at select supplier facilities. • Ensure that any product relevant chemicals released with effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage or at select supplier facilities are compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, allowing only a, b, and c assessed chemicals within effluent and sludge. ---- Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 172 For the Bronze level, 1. Product relevant chemicals are defined as intentional product inputs and process chemicals (including single chemicals and chemical mixtures, as well as known contaminants) used to manufacture the product. (Note: Process chemicals are further defined in the Definitions section). 2. All product relevant chemicals that enter or potentially enter the effluent are in scope. 3. If applicable, restriction thresholds apply to the chemical mixtures as received from the supplier. For the Silver level, 1. For process chemical formulations, all substances present at 1000 ppm (0.1%) or above within the formulation are subject to review. Substances may be grey-rated due to missing toxicity information and otherwise must have received an abc-x rating. 2. CMRs are defined as substances that have received a harmonized classification of Category 1 or 2 in one or more of the CMR endpoints as listed within the EU’s Classification, Labelling and Packaging regulation (CLP) Annex VI, or are CMR substances listed on the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). PBTs, vPvBs, and substances causing an equivalent level of concern are defined per the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). For the Gold level, the “select” suppliers in scope are those meeting both of the following conditions: 1. Tier 1 suppliers to the final manufacturing stage and suppliers that carry out pollutant intense processes associated with the following material types regardless of tier: leather, metal finishes, pulp and paper, and textiles, and 2. Suppliers that produce key materials using pollutant intense processes for materials that make up ≥ 25% of the product by weight or by cost. 7.10 Optimizing Effluent and Sludge Quality at the Facility Level Intended Outcome(s) Effluent and sludge at final manufacturing facilities are managed with the aim of protecting local water quality and ecosystem health. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Platinum Requirement(s) For the final manufacturing stage facilities: • Establish a comprehensive effluent and sludge quality management system, and • Optimize the effluent and sludge produced as a result of all manufacturing processes used at the facility. ---- The following are in scope: 1. Effluent and sludge produced as a result of all manufacturing processes at the facility. 2. Non-manufacturing effluent and sludge (e.g., from water used in toilets, kitchen areas) unless treated by an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility. 3. All chemicals with potential to enter effluent and sludge including, but not limited to: a. process chemicals, b. intentional product inputs, c. chemicals used to treat and clean cooling systems, d. chemicals used to treat the effluent, and e. custodial/cleaning chemicals used in the manufacturing area. Managing Effluent and Sludge Quality The comprehensive effluent quality management system must: 1. Be informed by an understanding of: a. The hazardous substances (defined as substances with RED hazard(s) per the Material Health Assessment Methodology) used intentionally and unintentionally by the facility and the industry. This must be determined based on a comprehensive review of safety data sheets and the relevant literature on chemicals of known and emerging concern, both regulated and non-regulated. (Note: This is different from the chemical inventory required for materials and products in the Material Health category.) b. Local and catchment level water quality issues that are relevant to the facility, surrounding Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 180 ecosystem, and community, including the quality of source and receiving waters, and the health of receiving ecosystems, determined per the Characterize Local and Product Relevant Water Issues requirement (Section 7.1) and communication with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on local water issues and/or local water authorities. 2. Include comprehensive methods for avoiding the intentional and unintentional use, and subsequent introduction, of hazardous substances to the environment via effluent and sludge. The methods must address all chemicals in scope and may include but are not limited to: a. Use of third-party certified and optimized input formulations and materials, b. Analytical testing of purchased formulations to screen for hazardous contaminants, and c. Adherence to industry best practice manufacturing restricted substances lists. 3. Include qualified third-party verification that processes and procedures for on-site treatment facility operation (if any) and water quality management are in place and functioning. 4. Monitor conventional water quality parameters (e.g., pH, total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand), and for the release of hazardous substances relevant to the industry and facility. The following are required: a. Effluent as it leaves the facility must be tested for all substances of concern identified per the required research (per #1). b. Best practices must be used to collect samples. c. Testing must be conducted at least two times per year. d. Laboratories conducting the tests must be ISO 17025 accredited. Optimizing Effluent and Sludge Quality 1. For conventional water quality parameters, facility(ies) releasing effluent directly to surface or groundwater (defined in Section 7.2) must comply with the more stringent of the limitations indicated by either their permits or as follows: a. pH: 6-9 b. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD): 25 mg/L c. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): 100 mg/L d. Total Suspended Solids (TSS): 30 mg/L e. Ammonia (as N): 10 mg/L f. Total nitrogen: 10 mg/L g. Total phosphorus: 2.0 mg/L h. Temperature: < 3 °C increase i. Color: 7 m-1 (436 nm; yellow) 5 m-1 (525 nm; red) 3 m-1 (620 nm; blue) j. Oil and grease: 10 mg/L k. Coliform: 400 bacteria/100 ml Applicants who would be required to comply with effluent limits more stringent than what is indicated by their permits may alternatively publicly disclose an explanation of the conditions and/or trade-offs preventing the facility from meeting the more stringent limits. These effluent limits are the most stringent of those listed for multi-brand consortia or for the benchmark countries (if not included in multi-brand consortia list) per Zero Discharge of Hazardous Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 181 Chemicals Programme, Textile Industry Wastewater Discharge Quality Standards Literature Review REV1, 2015. https://www.roadmaptozero.com/fileadmin/pdf/WastewaterQualityGuidelineLitReview.pdf 2. Hazardous substances identified per the required research (per the Effluent and Sludge Quality Management section #1) must not be x-assessed in effluent or sludge (per the Material Health Assessment Methodology section on assessment of effluent and sludge). Receiving water is defined as the ultimate receiving water in the case of off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facilities.


        7.2 page 150 bronze, silver 7.7 page 171 bronze, silver, gold 7.10 page 179 platinum

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Grenzwerte zu erweiterten Abwasserparametern?
        Antwort: Nein
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Empfehlung
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        7.2 Effluent Quality Compliance Intended Outcome(s) Final manufacturing stage and select supplier facilities are in compliance with regulatory and/or industry best practice effluent limitations. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze and Silver Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the final manufacturing stage, treat effluent (either on or off site) prior to discharge to the environment and adhere to effluent quality regulations or guidelines. Silver level: For select tier 1 supplier facilities, treat effluent (either on or off site) prior to discharge to the environment and adhere to effluent quality regulations or guidelines. ---- Facilities discharging effluent directly to surface or groundwater must comply with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice effluent quality guidelines for direct discharge. (Note: Facilities discharging via a sewer system that does not route to an effluent treatment facility with at least secondary treatment capabilities or equivalent are discharging directly to surface or groundwater for the purposes of this requirement.) Bronze level For final manufacturing stage facilities meeting this requirement based on regulatory compliance, the parameters addressed in the permit must also be consistent with leading regulations, international guidelines, or industry best practice. Leading regulations are defined as those that include a functioning mechanism through which water quality-based limits are set. Final manufacturing stage facilities discharging process effluent to an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility (e.g., publicly owned treatment works, central effluent treatment plant, or wastewater treatment plant) with at least secondary treatment must: 1. Comply with required pretreatment limits, if any, and 2. Demonstrate that the treatment facility is treating the effluent received to quality standards in line with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any) or international guidelines. OR Comply with regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice effluent quality guidelines for direct discharge. Silver level Select tier 1 supplier facilities discharging process effluent to an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility (e.g., publicly owned treatment works, central effluent treatment plant, or wastewater treatment plant) with at least secondary treatment must comply with required pretreatment limits, if any. The “select” tier 1 supplier facilities in scope are those using pollutant intense processes to produce key materials (per the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Water & Soil Stewardship - Key Materials reference document) that make up ≥ 25% of the product by weight or by cost. Effluent testing When effluent must be tested for verification purposes, sampling and testing must be conducted according to the methods specified by regulatory permits, the off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility, and/or other guidelines as relevant. The analytical laboratory conducting the tests must be accredited or certified for the specific analysis per ISO 17025, NALEP, or equivalent. 7.7 Assessing and Optimizing Product Relevant Chemicals in Effluent and Sludge Intended Outcome(s) Chemicals entering receiving waters and soils as a result of product manufacturing have been intentionally selected based on their preferred safety attributes. • At the Bronze level, in alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the release of well-known toxic chemicals is avoided. • At the Silver level, chemicals classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductive toxicants (CMRs) are not used, or, if these substances are present, exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. In addition, persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs) substances are not used. The product also does not contain substances that cause an equivalent level of concern or exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. • At the Gold level, chemicals used are compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology. Exposure to hazardous chemicals via product relevant effluent and sludge is unlikely or expected to be negligible. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, and Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: All product relevant chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage comply with the relevant restrictions on the Core Restricted Substances List (RSL). Silver level: Define and assess product relevant process chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage and develop a strategy for optimization. • Ensure that any product relevant chemicals (including product relevant process chemicals) released with effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage: ◦ Are not classified or listed as known or suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic damage, reproductive harm (CMRs), or cause an equivalent level of concern, or, if these substances are released, that exposure is unlikely or expected to be negligible, and ◦ Are not listed as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs), very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs). Gold level: • Define and assess all product relevant chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage and at select supplier facilities. • Ensure that any product relevant chemicals released with effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage or at select supplier facilities are compatible with human and environmental health according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Assessment Methodology, allowing only a, b, and c assessed chemicals within effluent and sludge. ---- Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 172 For the Bronze level, 1. Product relevant chemicals are defined as intentional product inputs and process chemicals (including single chemicals and chemical mixtures, as well as known contaminants) used to manufacture the product. (Note: Process chemicals are further defined in the Definitions section). 2. All product relevant chemicals that enter or potentially enter the effluent are in scope. 3. If applicable, restriction thresholds apply to the chemical mixtures as received from the supplier. For the Silver level, 1. For process chemical formulations, all substances present at 1000 ppm (0.1%) or above within the formulation are subject to review. Substances may be grey-rated due to missing toxicity information and otherwise must have received an abc-x rating. 2. CMRs are defined as substances that have received a harmonized classification of Category 1 or 2 in one or more of the CMR endpoints as listed within the EU’s Classification, Labelling and Packaging regulation (CLP) Annex VI, or are CMR substances listed on the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). PBTs, vPvBs, and substances causing an equivalent level of concern are defined per the REACH Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation (including those on Annex XIV). For the Gold level, the “select” suppliers in scope are those meeting both of the following conditions: 1. Tier 1 suppliers to the final manufacturing stage and suppliers that carry out pollutant intense processes associated with the following material types regardless of tier: leather, metal finishes, pulp and paper, and textiles, and 2. Suppliers that produce key materials using pollutant intense processes for materials that make up ≥ 25% of the product by weight or by cost. 7.10 Optimizing Effluent and Sludge Quality at the Facility Level Intended Outcome(s) Effluent and sludge at final manufacturing facilities are managed with the aim of protecting local water quality and ecosystem health. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Platinum Requirement(s) For the final manufacturing stage facilities: • Establish a comprehensive effluent and sludge quality management system, and • Optimize the effluent and sludge produced as a result of all manufacturing processes used at the facility. ---- The following are in scope: 1. Effluent and sludge produced as a result of all manufacturing processes at the facility. 2. Non-manufacturing effluent and sludge (e.g., from water used in toilets, kitchen areas) unless treated by an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility. 3. All chemicals with potential to enter effluent and sludge including, but not limited to: a. process chemicals, b. intentional product inputs, c. chemicals used to treat and clean cooling systems, d. chemicals used to treat the effluent, and e. custodial/cleaning chemicals used in the manufacturing area. Managing Effluent and Sludge Quality The comprehensive effluent quality management system must: 1. Be informed by an understanding of: a. The hazardous substances (defined as substances with RED hazard(s) per the Material Health Assessment Methodology) used intentionally and unintentionally by the facility and the industry. This must be determined based on a comprehensive review of safety data sheets and the relevant literature on chemicals of known and emerging concern, both regulated and non-regulated. (Note: This is different from the chemical inventory required for materials and products in the Material Health category.) b. Local and catchment level water quality issues that are relevant to the facility, surrounding Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 180 ecosystem, and community, including the quality of source and receiving waters, and the health of receiving ecosystems, determined per the Characterize Local and Product Relevant Water Issues requirement (Section 7.1) and communication with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on local water issues and/or local water authorities. 2. Include comprehensive methods for avoiding the intentional and unintentional use, and subsequent introduction, of hazardous substances to the environment via effluent and sludge. The methods must address all chemicals in scope and may include but are not limited to: a. Use of third-party certified and optimized input formulations and materials, b. Analytical testing of purchased formulations to screen for hazardous contaminants, and c. Adherence to industry best practice manufacturing restricted substances lists. 3. Include qualified third-party verification that processes and procedures for on-site treatment facility operation (if any) and water quality management are in place and functioning. 4. Monitor conventional water quality parameters (e.g., pH, total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand), and for the release of hazardous substances relevant to the industry and facility. The following are required: a. Effluent as it leaves the facility must be tested for all substances of concern identified per the required research (per #1). b. Best practices must be used to collect samples. c. Testing must be conducted at least two times per year. d. Laboratories conducting the tests must be ISO 17025 accredited. Optimizing Effluent and Sludge Quality 1. For conventional water quality parameters, facility(ies) releasing effluent directly to surface or groundwater (defined in Section 7.2) must comply with the more stringent of the limitations indicated by either their permits or as follows: a. pH: 6-9 b. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD): 25 mg/L c. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): 100 mg/L d. Total Suspended Solids (TSS): 30 mg/L e. Ammonia (as N): 10 mg/L f. Total nitrogen: 10 mg/L g. Total phosphorus: 2.0 mg/L h. Temperature: < 3 °C increase i. Color: 7 m-1 (436 nm; yellow) 5 m-1 (525 nm; red) 3 m-1 (620 nm; blue) j. Oil and grease: 10 mg/L k. Coliform: 400 bacteria/100 ml Applicants who would be required to comply with effluent limits more stringent than what is indicated by their permits may alternatively publicly disclose an explanation of the conditions and/or trade-offs preventing the facility from meeting the more stringent limits. These effluent limits are the most stringent of those listed for multi-brand consortia or for the benchmark countries (if not included in multi-brand consortia list) per Zero Discharge of Hazardous Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 181 Chemicals Programme, Textile Industry Wastewater Discharge Quality Standards Literature Review REV1, 2015. https://www.roadmaptozero.com/fileadmin/pdf/WastewaterQualityGuidelineLitReview.pdf 2. Hazardous substances identified per the required research (per the Effluent and Sludge Quality Management section #1) must not be x-assessed in effluent or sludge (per the Material Health Assessment Methodology section on assessment of effluent and sludge). Receiving water is defined as the ultimate receiving water in the case of off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facilities.


        7.2 page 150 bronze, silver 7.7 page 171 bronze, silver, gold 7.10 page 179 platinum

  • Materialeinsatz
    • Fasern
      • Enthält der Standard Kriterien für die Herstellung von Naturfasern?
        Antwort: Advanced: Mindestens 51 % der Fasern sind bio oder in der Umstellung zu bio (nicht bio Naturfasern müssen auf Rückstände von Agrochemikalien untersucht werden).
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Die Fasern werden stichprobenartig auf Rückstände von Agrochemikalien untersucht UND gefährliche Pestizide, wie in den Leitlinien beschrieben, sind verboten. (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Mindestens 51 % der Fasern sind bio oder in der Umstellung zu bio (nicht bio Naturfasern müssen auf Rückstände von Agrochemikalien untersucht werden). (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        5.4 Increasing Demand: Incorporating Cycled and/or Renewable Content Intended Outcome(s) Demand for circularly sourced materials is increased as a result of the increased use of cycled or renewable materials in the product, helping to close the loop and advance the circular economy. Negative impacts of virgin material use are also minimized. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Bronze level: For select commonly cycled product and material types, incorporate a minimum percentage of cycled and/or renewable content into the product. Alternatively, publicly disclose an explanation of the limitation(s) preventing achievement of the required minimums. Silver level: Incorporate a percentage of cycled and/or renewable content into the product equal to or greater than industry averages and/or consistent with common practice. Develop a plan for increasing the use of post-consumer recycled and/or responsibly sourced renewable content, and demonstrate progress toward achieving the plan at recertification. Alternatively, publicly disclose an explanation of the limitation(s) preventing achievement of the required percentage(s). 3. For biological and biologically derived materials associated with extensive evidence of ecosystem destruction due to land conversion and/or poor management practices (e.g., palm oil, wood, peat) to count as renewable, the material must be certified to a C2CPII-recognized responsible sourcing standard, or an alternative equivalent to certification must be in place, that requires: a. Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of the country in which farming or harvesting operations occur. b. Operations that respect land rights and land use rights, and are unlikely to cause displacement of food production. c. Planning, monitoring, management, and continuous impact assessment for the farming and/or harvesting of material. d. Maintenance, conservation, or enhancement of biodiversity in the forest/vegetation or other ecosystem. e. Maintenance or enhancement of the productive function of the forest/vegetation or other ecosystem area and efficient use of harvested materials (e.g., rate of harvest does not exceed rate of regrowth in the long term). f. Maintenance or enhancement of the health and vitality of the forest/vegetation or other ecosystem and its protective systems (soil and water). 4. For commonly recycled biological and biologically derived materials, renewable content counts half as much as recycled content toward meeting the required cycled content percentages (e.g., if the percentage of cycled content required is 30%, then 60% renewable content OR 30% recycled content is required). This requirement does not apply to biological fibers used in apparel (i.e., for biological fibers used in apparel, renewable content counts in the same way as recycled content toward meeting the required percentages). Further Explanation The purpose of this requirement is to encourage the use of recycled content over virgin renewable content for biological materials that are commonly recycled. Materials that are considered “commonly recycled biological and biologically-derived materials” subject to this requirement are: • Cellulose-based paper, corrugated fiberboard, paperboard, and similar • Wood sawdust (used in particleboard, MDF, and similar) Paper Bag Example: The Gold level requirements for paper bags per the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Required Percentages of Cycled and Renewable Content by Product and Material Type reference document are 75% post-consumer recycled content and 100% total cycled and/or renewable content. Given that for cellulose-based paper, renewable content counts half as much as recycled content toward meeting the required percentages, 100% recycled content is required for Gold level (i.e., there is no way to achieve the required 100% when using virgin renewable given the constraints of the requirements). The remaining 25% may be from either post-consumer or pre-consumer sources. The Silver level requirement for paper bags is 50% renewable and/or cycled content. There is no postconsumer requirement at the Silver level. This means that Silver level can be achieved by using 100% renewable content, or 50% post-consumer and/or pre-consumer recycled content. If the paper is made from virgin wood fibers, then the material must also be certified as responsibly sourced (this is required for wood at the Bronze level per #3 in this section). If some recycled content is used (but less than 50%), the remainder of the required percentage can be fulfilled by using renewable content. For example, 25% recycled content and 50% responsibly sourced renewable content. For non-wood cellulose-based paper, the Silver level requirement could be met by using 100% renewable material without a responsible sourcing certification. Required Assessment Ratings for Specific Materials and Substances The substances listed below will always be x-assessed if released with effluent or sludge (however, see note below regarding bleaching chemistry). For the substances listed below that are x-CMR (per the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (CLP) Regulation), PBT, vPvB, or equivalent concern (i.e., Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 175 SVHCs), and are discharged with effluent during the final manufacturing stage of the product, the product is limited to the Bronze level. If the substance is released in the supply chain by a ‘select supplier’ in scope for the Gold level, the product is limited to the Silver level. Substances that are x-assessed but are non-CMR and not a SVHC may be used at the Silver level. • Chrome plating, use of chrome VI: x-CMR. • Leather tanning, use and/or formation of chrome VI: x-CMR • Biological and biologically-derived fibers ◦ Elemental chlorine bleaching: x-CMR (due to the likely formation of dioxins and other issues) unless shown otherwise. ◦ Elemental chlorine free (ECF) bleaching based on chlorine dioxide or similar: x-assessed due to the formation of organohalogens in effluent and sludge. It is allowable to assume no CMRs or SVHCs for the purposes of the Silver level. However, for the Gold level, this must be demonstrated as noted below.


        5.4 page 67, bronze, silver 7.7 page 171 bronze, silver, gold

      • Enthält der Standard spezifische Kriterien für verschiedene Arten von synthetischen Fasern (einschließlich künstlicher Zellulosefasern)?
        Antwort: Advanced: Der Standard formuliert spezifische Kriterien für die nachhaltige Produktion von Kunstfasern ODER behandelt die nachhaltige Beschaffung von Kunstfasern.
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Nicht anwendbar (für Systeme, die weniger als 10% synthetische Fasern enthalten) (0 Punkte)
        • Advanced: Der Standard formuliert spezifische Kriterien für die nachhaltige Produktion von Kunstfasern ODER behandelt die nachhaltige Beschaffung von Kunstfasern. (1 Punkt)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        3.2.1 Assessing Environmental Risks and Opportunities Intended Outcome(s) Environmental risks and opportunities relevant to the company and product are examined and understood. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Identify environmental risks and opportunities for all final manufacturing stage facilities and for the certified product. ---- The risk and opportunity assessment must include: 1. Identification of environmental risks associated with processes occurring at final manufacturing stage facilities, countries in which the final manufacturing stage facilities are located, the product’s supply chain, product use, and product end of use. The following issues are de facto high-risk in the noted scenarios: (...) d. Water and/or soil quality (i.e., pollution) are high-risk issues for: iii. Products that are primary contributors to microfiber and microplastic pollution (i.e., textile and apparel products made from synthetic fibers that are wet processed and/or that require washing with water during the use phase, tires, and plastic pellets). 4.1 Restricted Substances List Compliance Intended Outcome(s) In alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the use of wellknown toxic chemicals in the product is avoided. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Comply with the Restricted Substances List (RSL). ---- (...) For textile chemical formulations, the product also complies with the most recent version of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) or equivalent. (...) Complying with the ZDHC MRSL (Textile Chemical Formulations) The following is required: For textile chemical formulations, the product also complies with the most recent version of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) or equivalent. As noted, this requirement is only relevant when the product seeking certification is a textile chemical formulation (e.g., a textile dye formulation). Refer to the ZDHC documentation for guidance on how to comply: • ZDHC Programme • MRSL v1.1 Note that there are several levels of conformance defined by ZDHC, with a self-declaration from a supplier considered level 0 conformance. For the purposes of Cradle to Cradle Certified, Level 1 conformance is required at a minimum. 5.5 Material Compatibility for Technical and/or Biological Cycles Intended Outcome(s) Product materials with the highest capacity for biological and/or technical cycling have been intentionally selected, increasing the likelihood that such materials will retain their value and move through subsequent cycles of use. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirements Bronze level: For 50% of the product by weight, incorporate materials that are compatible with the intended cycling pathway(s). Silver level: For 70% of the product by weight, incorporate materials that are compatible with the intended cycling pathway(s). Gold level: For 90% of the product by weight, incorporate materials that are compatible with the intended cycling pathway(s) and have high-value technical or biological cycling potential. For the Gold level: The use of materials with high-value cycling potential (i.e., high-quality material as defined in #1-2 below) is required. 1. For a material to count toward the required percentage (90%) of materials compatible with the intended cycling pathway(s), the following conditions must be met: a. Materials intended for technical cycles and solid materials intended for biological cycles: i. Must not contain additives or features that are likely to result in low-value (i.e., low-quality) reprocessed material, and ii. Must be able to substitute for virgin material without loss of essential product function or material durability, contain at least 80% renewable or post-consumer recycled content, or have at least two plausible next uses. (...) Further Explanation For requirement 1.a.ii, Materials intended for technical cycles and solid materials intended for biological cycles must: • be able to substitute for virgin material without loss of essential product function or material durability, • contain at least 80% renewable or post-consumer recycled content, or • have at least two plausible next uses. Evaluating for Loss of Function and Durability The following materials, after undergoing reprocessing, may be assumed to have similar properties (i.e., minimal to no loss in function or durability): Glass, metal, clay, chemically recycled polymers. For other materials, loss of function must be assumed if cycled material must be mixed with > 50% virgin material and other additives in the next use. Loss in material durability must be assumed if there is a > 10% change in one of the following physical indicators in the cycled material compared to virgin material (i.e., > 10% decrease for the parameters currently listed). • Polymeric plastics ◦ Decrease in ductility ◦ Decrease in number, weight, or viscosity average molecular weight (g/mol) ◦ Decrease in impact strength (kj/m2) ◦ Decrease in tensile strength (MPa) • Cellulosic fibers ◦ Decrease in tensile strength ◦ Decrease in bursting strength ◦ Decrease in apparent density Additional indicators may be added upon request to C2CPII.


        3.2.1 page 9 bronze 4.1 page 27 bronze 5.5. page 74 gold

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Verwendung von recycelten Materialien?
        Antwort: Advanced: Verwendung von recyceltem Material im Produkt
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Verwendung von recyceltem Material in der Verpackung (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Verwendung von recyceltem Material im Produkt (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        5.4 Increasing Demand: Incorporating Cycled and/or Renewable Content Intended Outcome(s) Demand for circularly sourced materials is increased as a result of the increased use of cycled or renewable materials in the product, helping to close the loop and advance the circular economy. Negative impacts of virgin material use are also minimized. Requirement(s) (...) Silver level: Incorporate a percentage of cycled and/or renewable content into the product equal to or greater than industry averages and/or consistent with common practice. Develop a plan for increasing the use of post-consumer recycled and/or responsibly sourced renewable content, and demonstrate progress toward achieving the plan at recertification. Alternatively, publicly disclose an explanation of the limitation(s) preventing achievement of the required percentage(s). For the Bronze through Platinum certification levels, the required minimum percentages of cycled and/ or renewable content are listed by homogeneous material and application type in the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Required Percentages of Cycled and Renewable Content by Product and Material Type reference document. In general, the percentages increase with achievement level, but for products and materials where it is challenging to use cycled materials, the percentage may be zero at one or more levels. The required percentages must be met at the homogeneous material level or the product level as noted below and in the “Instructions for Use” tab in the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Required Percentages of Cycled and Renewable Content by Product and Material Type reference document. The following are required for multi-material products (i.e., products containing more than one homogeneous material), with one exception as noted below: 1. For the Bronze and Silver levels, at least 90% of the homogeneous materials by weight must meet the required minimum percentages of cycled or renewable content. 2. For the Gold and Platinum levels, at least 95% of the homogeneous materials by weight must meet the required minimum percentages of cycled or renewable content. Exception: For multi-material products where there is only one percentage listed per achievement level, the percentages provided are product-level percentages that may be met in a variety of ways, as long as the finished product overall achieves the required percentage of cycled or renewable content by weight. In these cases, there are no minimum percentages required for individual materials in the product. For the Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels, 1. For cycled content to count toward the required percentages, the amount of cycled content must be verified based on chain of custody documentation (with the exception of steel and aluminum material that can be traced via specification). 2. For biologically derived plastics and liquid formulations to count as renewable, the amount of biobased content must be determined based on: a. Established standards that quantify bio-based content using radiocarbon dating, or b. Chain of custody documentation 3. For biological and biologically derived materials associated with extensive evidence of ecosystem destruction due to land conversion and/or poor management practices (e.g., palm oil, wood, peat) to count as renewable, the material must be certified to a C2CPII-recognized responsible sourcing standard, or an alternative equivalent to certification must be in place, that requires: a. Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of the country in which farming or harvesting operations occur. b. Operations that respect land rights and land use rights, and are unlikely to cause displacement of food production. c. Planning, monitoring, management, and continuous impact assessment for the farming and/or harvesting of material. d. Maintenance, conservation, or enhancement of biodiversity in the forest/vegetation or other ecosystem. e. Maintenance or enhancement of the productive function of the forest/vegetation or other ecosystem area and efficient use of harvested materials (e.g., rate of harvest does not exceed rate of regrowth in the long term). f. Maintenance or enhancement of the health and vitality of the forest/vegetation or other ecosystem and its protective systems (soil and water). 4. For commonly recycled biological and biologically derived materials, renewable content counts half as much as recycled content toward meeting the required cycled content percentages (e.g., if the percentage of cycled content required is 30%, then 60% renewable content OR 30% recycled content is required). This requirement does not apply to biological fibers used in apparel (i.e., for biological fibers used in apparel, renewable content counts in the same way as recycled content toward meeting the required percentages).


        5.4 page 67 silver

      • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen für die Verwendung von genetisch veränderten Organismen (GVO)?
        Antwort: Keine Informationen vorhanden
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
        Punktzahl: 0/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Verwendung mit angemessenen Kontrollen zur Verhinderung von Kontaminationen zulassen (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Verwendung verbieten (2 Punkte)
  • Qualität
    • Qualität und Gebrauchstauglichkeit
      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien für die Qualität von Textilien?
        Antwort: Keine Informationen vorhanden
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
        Punktzahl: 0/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Less than four aspects are tested textile (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: All four aspects (fastness of rubbing/ perspiration/ light/ washing) are tested (2 Punkte)
  • Energie & Klima
    • Klimaschutz
      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zum Energieverbrauch in der Herstellungsphase?
        Antwort: Advanced: Verbrauchsreduzierung, Effizienzsteigerung ODER verstärkte Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Überwachung des Energieverbrauchs im Zeitverlauf (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Verbrauchsreduzierung, Effizienzsteigerung ODER verstärkte Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        6.2 Quantifying Electricity Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intended Outcome(s) Electricity use and greenhouse gas emissions associated with final manufacturing and the product’s embodied greenhouse gas emissions have been quantified and verified, creating a baseline against which reductions can be measured, and helping to identify areas for improvement. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirement(s) Bronze level: Quantify annual electricity use and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the final manufacturing stage of the product. (...) For the Bronze level: 1. Report electricity in terms of kWh or equivalent and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions in terms of CO2e. Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 107 2. Report greenhouse gas emissions from all other sources (e.g., direct emissions from burning fuels, including biofuels) in terms of CO2e. The methods employed must follow a recognized greenhouse gas accounting methodology (i.e., the Greenhouse Gas Protocol or others listed by CDP).


        6.2 page 106 bronze

  • Abfall & Luftverschmutzung
    • Abfallmanagement
      • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen an das Abfallvolumen?
        Antwort: Keine Informationen vorhanden
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic (0 Punkte)
        • Advanced: Verringerung des Abfallvolumens (1 Punkt)
      • Enthält der Standard Kriterien zu giftigem Abfall?
        Antwort: Keine Informationen vorhanden
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic (0 Punkte)
        • Advanced: Reduce and/or treat toxic waste (1 Punkt)
      • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen für die Wiederverwendung oder das Recycling von Abfällen vor Ort?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        5.2 Defining the Product’s Technical and/or Biological Cycles Intended Outcome(s) The applicant has designated all homogeneous materials in the product as either biological or technical and has identified appropriate cycling pathways for those materials once the product has reached the end of its current use cycle. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze and Platinum Requirement(s) Bronze level: Designate all homogeneous materials in the product as being intended for technical and/or biological cycles and define the intended cycling pathway(s) for each material. For materials designated for technical cycles, recycling must be one intended cycling pathway. Platinum level: Define at least two intended cycling pathway(s) for each homogeneous material in the product. ---- Further Explanation Designating Materials for Technical and/or Biological Cycles For the Bronze level, all homogeneous materials in the product must be designated as being intended for technical and/or biological cycles. The following definitions are included in the Definitions section: (...) • Technical cycle – The cycle by which a product’s materials or parts are reprocessed for a new product use cycle via recycling, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing, or reuse. Technical Cycling Pathways If a material is designated for the technical cycle, one or more of the following must be selected as the intended cycling pathway(s) – one of which must be recycling. Recycling must always be a designated pathway because it is not possible to endlessly reuse and repair. • Reuse/Recontextualizing • Repair • Refurbish • Remanufacture • Recycling 5.3 Preparing for Active Cycling Intended Outcome(s) The applicant has taken demonstrable steps toward addressing any barriers to material recovery and processing in order to actively cycle those materials for their next use. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze and Silver Requirement(s) Bronze level: Develop a cycling plan to address challenge(s) inhibiting development of the cycling infrastructure for the product at the end of its first use, and identify potential partners that are capable of recovering and processing the product. Report on progress made toward achieving the plan at recertification. Silver level: Initiate partnerships for recovery and processing of the product according to its intended cycling pathway(s). If the product is intended for cycling via municipal systems, use materials that are compatible with those systems. ----


        5.2 page 62 bronze, platinum 5.3 page 64 bronze, silver

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zum Abfallmanagement in der Herstellungsphase?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        5 // Product Circularity Requirements Category Intent Products are intentionally designed for their next use and are actively cycled in their intended cycling pathway(s). 12 // Definitions Cycling – The processing of material, parts, or whole products toward a new use cycle via a technical or biological cycling pathway that includes at least one of the following: reuse, remanufacturing, refurbishing, recycling, nutrient extraction/anaerobic digestion, composting, or biodegradation. Cycled content – Material or parts that have been reclaimed, recycled, salvaged, or otherwise captured from a pre-consumer or post-use phase of a previous cycle. Cycling pathway – A specific method, system, or other means of processing a material at the end of its use phase. Examples include: municipal recycling, home composting, aerobic biodegradation in wastewater (i.e., at municipal treatment plant), take-back and repair/remanufacture by the manufacturer. Post-consumer cycled content – Material generated by households or by commercial, industrial and institutional facilities in their role as end-users of the product which can no longer be used for its intended purpose. Pre-consumer cycled content – Material or parts diverted from the waste stream during a manufacturing process. Material or parts such as rework, regrind, or scrap that are generated in a process and are capable of being reclaimed within the same process that generated it are excluded. Recycled content – proportion of pre-consumer or post-consumer materials, by mass, of recycled material in a product or packaging. Recycling – The process by which a material, after serving its intended function, is processed into a new material via mechanical or chemical transformation and then added to a new material formulation in a different context. Refurbishing – The process of returning a product to good working condition by replacing or repairing major components that are faulty or close to failure, and making cosmetic changes to update the appearance of a product, such as cleaning, changing fabric, painting, or refinishing. Remanufacturing – The process of disassembly and recovery at the subassembly or component level. Functioning, reusable parts are taken out of a used product and rebuilt into a new one. This process includes quality assurance and potential enhancements or changes to the components.


        5. page 59 bronze 12 page 262 bronze

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Abfalltrennung?
        Antwort: Nein
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Empfehlung
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        5.7 Circular Design Opportunities and Innovation Intended Outcome(s) The product is designed in a way that creates more end-of-use cycling opportunities. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Silver and Gold Requirement(s) Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 87 Silver level: Develop a plan for implementing a circular design opportunity or innovation that increases product circularity; demonstrate progress toward achieving the plan at recertification. Gold level: Implement a circular design opportunity or innovation. ---- For the Gold level, circular design opportunities and innovations receiving credit are those that are commonly known and/or can be demonstrated to contribute to one or more of the following: 1. Increased end-of-use cycling 2. Greater engagement with users for end-of-use cycling 3. Prolonged use of the product 4. Decreased need to extract and produce virgin materials For intermediate and wet-applied products, the applicant company must communicate how to implement the circular design opportunity to finished product manufacturer(s) or the customers of the wet-applied material, respectively. 10. Designed for Extending Resource Value a. Description: A product that is designed to incorporate the residual value of otherwise “wasted” materials or resources. b. Examples of acceptable progress for Silver level recertification: Any work that has been done toward prolonging the residual value of wasted materials or establishing partnerships that will allow for prolonging the residual value of wasted materials.


        5.7 page 86 silver, gold

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur sicheren Entsorgung von gefährlichem Abfall?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        3.2.1 Assessing Environmental Risks and Opportunities Intended Outcome(s) Environmental risks and opportunities relevant to the company and product are examined and understood. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Identify environmental risks and opportunities for all final manufacturing stage facilities and for the certified product. ---- The risk and opportunity assessment must include: 1. Identification of environmental risks associated with processes occurring at final manufacturing stage facilities, countries in which the final manufacturing stage facilities are located, the product’s supply chain, product use, and product end of use. The following issues are de facto high-risk in the noted scenarios: (...) e. Waste generation is a high-risk issue for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities for which hazardous waste is regulated per the corresponding regional regulatory permitting system. In regions where hazardous waste is not regulated, any facility producing waste that is listed or characterized as hazardous waste as defined by the European Union’s Waste Framework Directive and associated List of Waste or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is de facto high-risk for this issue. 4.9 Optimizing Chemistry in the Supply Chain Intended Outcome(s) The use and emissions of hazardous chemicals in the product’s supply chain are reduced or eliminated over time. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Platinum Requirement(s) Address hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain and develop a strategy to further reduce hazardous chemical use and/or emissions in the supply chain. Demonstrate progress toward achieving reductions at each recertification. (...) Depending on how hazardous chemicals in the product supply chain are addressed, the strategy must include one of the following: 1. Steps to increase the percentage of the product’s input materials or chemicals that have a C2CPII Material Health Certificate or are Cradle to Cradle Certified at the Gold or Platinum level (or equivalent) over time and also specifically to increase the percentage of inputs that are certified at the Platinum level. 2. Steps to positively impact (i.e., eliminate or reduce use or emissions of hazardous chemicals) for each of the supply chain hotspots identified through the life cycle assessment. 6.3 Clean Air & Climate Protection Strategy Intended Outcome(s) A clean air and climate protection strategy that includes targets aligned with international climate science and goals is established, providing a pathway for increasing the amount of renewable energy used to manufacture the product and reducing or offsetting greenhouse gas emissions during the product manufacturing process. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Requirements Develop a Clean Air & Climate Protection strategy and report on progress made toward achieving the strategy at each recertification. (...) Further Explanation The Clean Air & Climate Protection Strategy may focus only on using renewable electricity and addressing greenhouse gas emissions. However, it is important to note that transitioning to clean renewable energy sources will also positively impact air quality. This is because burning fuels is one of the primary contributors to poor air quality. Although not required, applicants are encouraged to also explicitly include plans for reducing emissions of hazardous air pollutants in the strategy. 7.7 Assessing and Optimizing Product Relevant Chemicals in Effluent and Sludge Intended Outcome(s) Chemicals entering receiving waters and soils as a result of product manufacturing have been intentionally selected based on their preferred safety attributes. • At the Bronze level, in alignment with leading regulations that aim to protect human health and the environment, the release of well-known toxic chemicals is avoided. • At the Silver level, chemicals classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductive toxicants (CMRs) are not used, or, if these substances are present, exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. In addition, persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs) substances are not used. The product also does not contain substances that cause an equivalent level of concern or exposure to them is unlikely or expected to be negligible. (...) Requirement(s) Bronze level: All product relevant chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage comply with the relevant restrictions on the Core Restricted Substances List (RSL). Silver level: Define and assess product relevant process chemicals entering effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage and develop a strategy for optimization. • Ensure that any product relevant chemicals (including product relevant process chemicals) released with effluent or sludge during the final manufacturing stage: ◦ Are not classified or listed as known or suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic damage, reproductive harm (CMRs), or cause an equivalent level of concern, or, if these substances are released, that exposure is unlikely or expected to be negligible, and ◦ Are not listed as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs), very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs). (...) Assessing Chemicals in Effluent and Sludge See the Material Health Methodology (in particular the methods for assessing effluent and sludge) for further information on how to assess chemicals in this context. In brief, regarding exposure, if a closed loop system is in place this may allow for chemicals with RED and grey hazard ratings to receive a c-assessment. However, if hazardous substances are disposed of with effluent or sludge when the system is periodically flushed or cleaned, or if hazardous substances are within the sludge and it is not handled appropriately, a c-assessment will not be possible. Appropriate handling of sludge is defined based on the Material Health Assessment Methodology. If a chemical can be c-assessed in the context of sludge, the sludge by definition is handled adequately or appropriately 7.10 Optimizing Effluent and Sludge Quality at the Facility Level Intended Outcome(s) Effluent and sludge at final manufacturing facilities are managed with the aim of protecting local water quality and ecosystem health. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Platinum Requirement(s) For the final manufacturing stage facilities: • Establish a comprehensive effluent and sludge quality management system, and • Optimize the effluent and sludge produced as a result of all manufacturing processes used at the facility. ---- The following are in scope: 1. Effluent and sludge produced as a result of all manufacturing processes at the facility. 2. Non-manufacturing effluent and sludge (e.g., from water used in toilets, kitchen areas) unless treated by an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility. 3. All chemicals with potential to enter effluent and sludge including, but not limited to: a. process chemicals, b. intentional product inputs, c. chemicals used to treat and clean cooling systems, d. chemicals used to treat the effluent, and e. custodial/cleaning chemicals used in the manufacturing area. Managing Effluent and Sludge Quality The comprehensive effluent quality management system must: 1. Be informed by an understanding of: a. The hazardous substances (defined as substances with RED hazard(s) per the Material Health Assessment Methodology) used intentionally and unintentionally by the facility and the industry. This must be determined based on a comprehensive review of safety data sheets and the relevant literature on chemicals of known and emerging concern, both regulated and non-regulated. (Note: This is different from the chemical inventory required for materials and products in the Material Health category.) b. Local and catchment level water quality issues that are relevant to the facility, surrounding Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 180 ecosystem, and community, including the quality of source and receiving waters, and the health of receiving ecosystems, determined per the Characterize Local and Product Relevant Water Issues requirement (Section 7.1) and communication with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on local water issues and/or local water authorities. 2. Include comprehensive methods for avoiding the intentional and unintentional use, and subsequent introduction, of hazardous substances to the environment via effluent and sludge. The methods must address all chemicals in scope and may include but are not limited to: a. Use of third-party certified and optimized input formulations and materials, b. Analytical testing of purchased formulations to screen for hazardous contaminants, and c. Adherence to industry best practice manufacturing restricted substances lists. 3. Include qualified third-party verification that processes and procedures for on-site treatment facility operation (if any) and water quality management are in place and functioning. 4. Monitor conventional water quality parameters (e.g., pH, total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand), and for the release of hazardous substances relevant to the industry and facility. The following are required: a. Effluent as it leaves the facility must be tested for all substances of concern identified per the required research (per #1). b. Best practices must be used to collect samples. c. Testing must be conducted at least two times per year. d. Laboratories conducting the tests must be ISO 17025 accredited. 8.2 Human Rights Policy Intended Outcome(s) The applicant is formally committed to respecting and upholding human rights as defined by international standards. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Commit to respect human rights, as enshrined in municipal law and internationally recognized human rights standards, through company policy. ---- The policy must: (...) 2. Include the company’s commitment to support the following (Note: These are the expectations that must be established and are referred to as “required policy elements” in other sections of the standard): (...) g. Safe and healthy work, including: (...) iii. Hazardous materials handling procedures, iii. Hazardous materials handling procedures: Copies of past health and safety reports, preferably conducted by an internal audit or third-party audit firm, to identify any type of health and safety violations. This must include evidence of/that: • Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations governing ‘Chemical and Hazardous Substances’. • An inventory of chemical and hazardous substances used in the workplace is maintained. • Chemicals used at the workplace are registered for the intended used when applicable. All local safety standards and applicable laws are adhered to. • Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) are prominently posted in both storage and use zones, and maintained in languages understood by workers. Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 210 • Chemicals and hazardous substances are properly labelled as per label instructions of local safety standard and MSDSs are maintained. • There are functioning emergency eyewash station and/or showers provided where corrosive chemicals or high volumes of solvents are handled and used. • Employees who are involved in handling, clean-up and disposal of chemicals and hazardous substances received regular training on emergency response plans and actions (with training records maintained).


        3.2.1 page 9 bronze 4.9 page 55 platinum 6.3 page 112 bronze, silver, gold, platinum 7.7 page 171 bronze, silver 7.10 page 179 platinum 8.2 page 199 bronze

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zu unkontrollierter Abfallverbrennung am Standort?
        Antwort: Advanced: Verbot der Abfallverbrennung
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic (0 Punkte)
        • Advanced: Verbot der Abfallverbrennung (1 Punkt)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        3.2.1 Assessing Environmental Risks and Opportunities Intended Outcome(s) Environmental risks and opportunities relevant to the company and product are examined and understood. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Identify environmental risks and opportunities for all final manufacturing stage facilities and for the certified product. ---- The risk and opportunity assessment must include: b. Air pollution is a high-risk issue for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities with on-site combustion power plants (including biomass combustion). ii. Final manufacturing stage facilities at which processes commonly known to be air pollutant intense take place. This includes (but is not limited to): Smelting metals, refining oil, producing cement, using high volumes of organic solvents, and incinerating waste. 6.1 Air Emissions Compliance Intended Outcome(s) The final manufacturing stage facilities where the product is manufactured are in compliance with regulatory and/or industry best practice air emissions limitations. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Final manufacturing stage facilities comply with air emissions regulations or guidelines. ---- Facilities must comply with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice air emissions guidelines. Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including compliance with regional regulatory air emissions limitations, is required as a baseline. For final manufacturing stage facilities meeting this requirement based on regulatory compliance, the parameters addressed in the permit must also be consistent with leading regulations, international guidelines, or industry best practice. Leading regulations are defined as those that include a functioning mechanism through which ambient air quality-based limits are set (i.e., assessment of the existing ambient air quality is used to inform and set the permitted limits with the goal of maintaining high quality standards).


        3.2.1 page 9 bronze 6.1 page 102 bronze

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zu unkontrollierter Deponierung von Abfällen?
        Antwort: Keine Informationen vorhanden
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic (0 Punkte)
        • Advanced: Prohibit waste landfilling (1 Punkt)
      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Behandlung oder Entsorgung von Abfall durch Dritte?
        Antwort: Keine Informationen vorhanden
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic (0 Punkte)
        • Advanced: Keep records on third party contractors (1 Punkt)
    • Luftverschmutzung (exkl. Treibhausgase) & Immissionen
      • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen zu Luftverschmutzung?
        Antwort: Basic: Überwachung der Emissionen
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Überwachung der Emissionen (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: End-of-Pipe-Technologie (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        6.1 Air Emissions Compliance Intended Outcome(s) The final manufacturing stage facilities where the product is manufactured are in compliance with regulatory and/or industry best practice air emissions limitations. Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 103 Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Final manufacturing stage facilities comply with air emissions regulations or guidelines. ---- Facilities must comply with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice air emissions guidelines. Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including compliance with regional regulatory air emissions limitations, is required as a baseline. For final manufacturing stage facilities meeting this requirement based on regulatory compliance, the parameters addressed in the permit must also be consistent with leading regulations, international guidelines, or industry best practice. Leading regulations are defined as those that include a functioning mechanism through which ambient air quality-based limits are set (i.e., assessment of the existing ambient air quality is used to inform and set the permitted limits with the goal of maintaining high quality standards) (...) Required Documentation For all facilities: A signed statement from the applicant or final manufacturer stating that the facility or facilities at which the product is manufactured (1) is/are not required to hold air emissions permits, or (2) is/ are in compliance with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice guidelines (as applicable), and have been in compliance for the prior two years. For facilities that are not subject to the requirements in this section: A description of how this was determined and any applicable supporting evidence (e.g., process flow diagrams, photos of the facility, and/or reference to a manufacturing site visit conducted for the purposes of Cradle to Cradle certification). For facilities subject to the requirements in this section, the following (as applicable): • A copy of the permit(s) including all controlled parameters and limitations, and/or other air emissions guidelines employed (either in place of permits or used to determine consistency) as relevant. • Test results as required by the permits or other guidelines. Test results are to be summarized as required by the permitting authority or other guideline, as relevant. At a minimum, biannual testing is required (i.e., two times per year). For the initial certification provide two sets of test data from the prior year at a minimum. For recertification, provide four sets of test data (i.e., two per year for the prior twoyear certification cycle). • For facilities in locations without leading regulations, evidence of emissions control equipment capacity and throughput (e.g., description of system design, technical manuals and specifications, and throughput volume). • If guidelines other than those indicated by permits are used, and guidelines specific to the industry are not available, provide the rationale for selecting the comparative guidelines, including a description of how the processes occurring at the facility are analogous to the relevant industry.


        6.1 page 102 bronze

      • Für welche Produktionsphase enthält der Standard Anforderungen zu Luftverschmutzung?
        Antwort: Advanced: Restrictions on air pollution for some of the production steps
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic (0 Punkte)
        • Advanced: Restrictions on air pollution for some of the production steps (1 Punkt)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        6.1 Air Emissions Compliance Intended Outcome(s) The final manufacturing stage facilities where the product is manufactured are in compliance with regulatory and/or industry best practice air emissions limitations. Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 103 Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Final manufacturing stage facilities comply with air emissions regulations or guidelines. ---- Facilities must comply with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice air emissions guidelines. Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including compliance with regional regulatory air emissions limitations, is required as a baseline. For final manufacturing stage facilities meeting this requirement based on regulatory compliance, the parameters addressed in the permit must also be consistent with leading regulations, international guidelines, or industry best practice. Leading regulations are defined as those that include a functioning mechanism through which ambient air quality-based limits are set (i.e., assessment of the existing ambient air quality is used to inform and set the permitted limits with the goal of maintaining high quality standards). Further Explanation Determining if a Facility is Subject to These Requirements The requirements in this section apply to final manufacturing facilities, not only to air emissions that occur as a result of manufacturing the product(s). This means that in some cases, facilities will be subject to these requirements when the process to produce the certified product does not produce emissions to air. The requirements in this section apply to facilities that are required to hold air emissions permits or that would otherwise be subject to international guidelines as described below. For final manufacturing facilities that are not subject to the Bronze level requirements in this section, a signed statement and evidence that the facility is out of scope are required. Refer to the Required Documentation box below for additional information. Determining What is Required for Final Manufacturing Facilities in Scope For facilities that are subject to the requirements in this section, what specifically must be done depends on whether or not the facility is in a region with leading regulations. The following definition applies: Leading regulations: Leading regulations are defined as those that include a functioning mechanism through which ambient air quality-based limits are set (i.e., assessment of the existing ambient air quality is used to inform and set the permitted limits with the goal of maintaining high quality standards). This is in contrast to technology-based limits that are set based on what is economically and/or otherwise technically feasible. An exhaustive list of locations with functioning mechanisms through which ambient air quality-based limits are set has not been developed. However, such mechanisms do exist in the European Union and the United States. It may currently be assumed that facilities in the European Union, United Kingdom, Switzerland, and the United States are subject to leading regulations. This means that in these locations, the parameters addressed in the permits are by definition consistent with leading regulations as required. Other regions may be added to this list upon consultation with and pre-approval from C2CPII. Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 104 Requirements Specific to Facilities That are in Regions with ‘Leading Regulations’ As noted above, facilities in the European Union, United Kingdom, Switzerland, and the United States are currently assumed to be subject to leading regulations. For facilities in this category, it must be demonstrated that the facility is in compliance with its permitted limits. Definition of Compliance: Compliance means that the manufacturing facility is adhering to the limitations required by the permit. This must be true currently and for the two years prior to certification. Compliance is more specifically defined per the applicable regulations. If the permitting authority allows minor exceedances (e.g., exceedances of a certain frequency and amount may be allowed without corrective action required and/ or violations may be otherwise categorized as major and minor), such exceedances are also accepted for the purposes of Cradle to Cradle Certified. To determine if a facility is in compliance, emissions test results, summarized as required by the permitting authority, must be compared to what is allowed according to the permit. Permits and test results must be provided by the manufacturer. Alternatively, the compliance status of manufacturing facilities may be demonstrated based on publicly available information (e.g., through the Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) database in the United States). See the final sub-section in this Further Explanation box titled When Final Manufacturing Facilities are not in Compliance for additional information. Requirement Specific to Facilities in Other Regions (i.e., Without ‘Leading Regulations’) For facilities in this category, it must be demonstrated that the facility is in compliance with its permitted limits and that the parameters addressed in the permit are consistent with leading regulations, international guidelines, or industry best practice. If the parameters are not consistent, additional work is required as described below. Definition of Compliance: Compliance means that the manufacturing facility is adhering to the limitations required by its permit and/or leading regulations, international guidelines, or industry best practice. This must be true currently and for the two years prior to certification. Compliance is more specifically defined per the applicable regulations, guidelines, or best practices. If minor exceedances are permitted, such exceedances are also accepted for the purposes of Cradle to Cradle Certified. To determine if a facility in in compliance, emissions test results (summarized as required by the permitting authority), international guidelines, or industry best practice (as applicable), must be compared to the allowable limits. Determining Parameter Consistency with Leading Regulations: To determine whether or not the parameters included in existing permits* for direct discharge are consistent with leading regulations, international guidelines, or industry best practice: • Select a set of guidelines from the references listed below that are relevant to the industry and processes occurring at the facility. • If guidelines specific to the industry are not available, reference guidelines for an industry sector with analogous processes (this aligns with the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) approach). • Compare the existing permits to these guidelines. The permits must include limitations on all Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 105 parameters and specific chemical substances that are included in the selected set of comparative guidelines in order to be considered consistent. • If any parameters or substances are missing from the permits, the applicant must identify appropriate limits for the additional parameters and/or substances per the international or industry best practice guidelines and demonstrate adherence to these limits as described in the applicable reference below. *If permits do not exist, and processes that are typically controlled per international guidelines are occurring regularly at the facility (per the IFC reference below at a minimum), the same steps apply. International and industry best practice guidelines include the following: • International Finance Corporation (IFC) - Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines • European Union - Best Available Techniques Reference document (BREFs) • United States – U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Air Act Standards and Guidelines and National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Note: This list does not currently include ‘industry best practice’ guidelines (only international guidelines). The term is included so that the list can be expanded in the event that such guidelines become available (e.g., the similar Water & Soil Stewardship requirements refer to the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines). Confirming that Emissions Control Capacity is Sufficient for Compliance For manufacturing facilities in this category (i.e., in regions without leading regulations), the capacity of the on-site emissions control equipment must be compared to throughput to determine if the facility is able to consistently control its emissions as required. If equipment capacity is insufficient, then the issue must be resolved prior to certification. When Final Manufacturing Facilities are Not in Compliance Products manufactured in facilities that are not in compliance as defined in the guidance above are not eligible for certification unless it can be demonstrated that the issues resulting in non-compliance have been corrected. If this is demonstrated, non-compliances that have occurred in the prior two years are acceptable. Required Documentation For all facilities: A signed statement from the applicant or final manufacturer stating that the facility or facilities at which the product is manufactured (1) is/are not required to hold air emissions permits, or (2) is/ are in compliance with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice guidelines (as applicable), and have been in compliance for the prior two years. For facilities that are not subject to the requirements in this section: A description of how this was determined and any applicable supporting evidence (e.g., process flow diagrams, photos of the facility, and/or reference to a manufacturing site visit conducted for the purposes of Cradle to Cradle certification). For facilities subject to the requirements in this section, the following (as applicable): • A copy of the permit(s) including all controlled parameters and limitations, and/or other air emissions Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 106 guidelines employed (either in place of permits or used to determine consistency) as relevant. • Test results as required by the permits or other guidelines. Test results are to be summarized as required by the permitting authority or other guideline, as relevant. At a minimum, biannual testing is required (i.e., two times per year). For the initial certification provide two sets of test data from the prior year at a minimum. For recertification, provide four sets of test data (i.e., two per year for the prior twoyear certification cycle). • For facilities in locations without leading regulations, evidence of emissions control equipment capacity and throughput (e.g., description of system design, technical manuals and specifications, and throughput volume). • If guidelines other than those indicated by permits are used, and guidelines specific to the industry are not available, provide the rationale for selecting the comparative guidelines, including a description of how the processes occurring at the facility are analogous to the relevant industry.


        6.1 page 102 bronze

  • Umweltmanagement
    • Umweltmanagement
      • Beinhaltet der Standard ein allgemeines Kriterium zur Einhaltung aller relevanten lokalen, regionalen und nationalen Umweltgesetze und -vorschriften?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        Further Explanation The following product types are not eligible for Cradle to Cradle certification: (...) 3. Products that are not in compliance with applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. 3.2.3 Strategy for Environmental Policy Implementation Intended Outcome(s) Environmental performance data are regularly analyzed to ensure manufacturing processes are not having a negative impact on the environment and to measure progress toward environmental performance goals. Time-bound Performance and Impact Objectives (Requirement #2): The specific objectives and related targets included in the strategy will depend on the priority action areas identified in requirement #1. Examples of performance objectives and related targets include: • Consistent compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations at all final manufacturing facilities with a target of zero instances of permit exceedance 8.3 page 212 e) Missing or deficient permits (i.e., business license, building permit, and environmental permit(s) if required by local regulations): All valid permits required by local regulations. If there is a delayed permit due to longer governmental review periods, the applicant must provide documentation verifying it has requested the permit.


        page 6 8.3 page 212

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Anforderungen, die sicherstellen, dass relevante und aktuelle Genehmigungen vorliegen (z. B. Wassernutzungsrechte oder Landnutzungstitel)?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Nein (0 Punkte)
        • Ja (1 Punkt)
        • Nicht anwendbar (0 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        7.2 Effluent Quality Compliance Intended Outcome(s) Final manufacturing stage and select supplier facilities are in compliance with regulatory and/or industry best practice effluent limitations. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze and Silver Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the final manufacturing stage, treat effluent (either on or off site) prior to discharge to the environment and adhere to effluent quality regulations or guidelines. Silver level: For select tier 1 supplier facilities, treat effluent (either on or off site) prior to discharge to the environment and adhere to effluent quality regulations or guidelines. ---- Facilities discharging effluent directly to surface or groundwater must comply with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice effluent quality guidelines for direct discharge. (Note: Facilities discharging via a sewer system that does not route to an effluent treatment facility with at least secondary treatment capabilities or equivalent are discharging directly to surface or groundwater for the purposes of this requirement.) Bronze level For final manufacturing stage facilities meeting this requirement based on regulatory compliance, the parameters addressed in the permit must also be consistent with leading regulations, international guidelines, or industry best practice. Leading regulations are defined as those that include a functioning mechanism through which water quality-based limits are set. Final manufacturing stage facilities discharging process effluent to an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility (e.g., publicly owned treatment works, central effluent treatment plant, or wastewater treatment plant) with at least secondary treatment must: 1. Comply with required pretreatment limits, if any, and 2. Demonstrate that the treatment facility is treating the effluent received to quality standards in line with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any) or international guidelines. OR Comply with regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice effluent quality guidelines for direct discharge. Silver level Select tier 1 supplier facilities discharging process effluent to an off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility (e.g., publicly owned treatment works, central effluent treatment plant, or wastewater treatment plant) with at least secondary treatment must comply with required pretreatment limits, if any. The “select” tier 1 supplier facilities in scope are those using pollutant intense processes to produce key materials (per the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Water & Soil Stewardship - Key Materials reference document) that make up ≥ 25% of the product by weight or by cost. Effluent testing When effluent must be tested for verification purposes, sampling and testing must be conducted according to the methods specified by regulatory permits, the off-site, independently operated effluent treatment facility, and/or other guidelines as relevant. The analytical laboratory conducting the tests must be accredited or certified for the specific analysis per ISO 17025, NALEP, or equivalent. Required Documentation Bronze level For all facilities: A signed statement from the applicant or final manufacturer stating that the facility or facilities at which the product is manufactured (1) is/are not required to hold discharge permits, or (2) is/are in compliance with the corresponding regional regulatory (if any), international, or industry best practice effluent quality guidelines (as applicable), and have been in compliance for the prior two years. For facilities that are not subject to the requirements in this section: A description of how this was determined and any applicable supporting evidence (e.g., process flow diagrams, photos of the facility, and/or reference to a manufacturing site visit conducted for the purposes of Cradle to Cradle certification). For facilities subject to the requirements in this section, the following (as applicable): • A copy of the discharge permit(s) including treatment or pretreatment limitations, and/or other quality guidelines employed (either in place of permits or used to determine consistency) as relevant. (...) • For any select tier 1 suppliers in scope that are required to comply with pretreatment limits, a copy of the pretreatment limitation requirements/permit and test results summarized as required by the permitting authority, centralized treatment plant, or other guideline, as relevant. 8.3 page 212 e) Missing or deficient permits (i.e., business license, building permit, and environmental permit(s) if required by local regulations): All valid permits required by local regulations. If there is a delayed permit due to longer governmental review periods, the applicant must provide documentation verifying it has requested the permit.


        7.2 page 150 bronze silver 8.3

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Minderung negativer Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt vor Aufnahme der Produktion / den Arbeiten?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        3.2.1 Assessing Environmental Risks and Opportunities Intended Outcome(s) Environmental risks and opportunities relevant to the company and product are examined and understood. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Identify environmental risks and opportunities for all final manufacturing stage facilities and for the certified product. ---- The risk and opportunity assessment must include: 1. Identification of environmental risks associated with processes occurring at final manufacturing stage facilities, countries in which the final manufacturing stage facilities are located, the product’s supply chain, product use, and product end of use. The following issues are de facto high-risk in the noted scenarios: Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 10 a. Greenhouse gas emissions and contribution to climate change are high-risk issues for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities with combined total scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions ≥ 10,000 metric tons CO2e/year. ii. Products requiring energy during the use phase (unless the product saves more energy than it uses). b. Air pollution is a high-risk issue for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities with on-site combustion power plants (including biomass combustion). ii. Final manufacturing stage facilities at which processes commonly known to be air pollutant intense take place. This includes (but is not limited to): Smelting metals, refining oil, producing cement, using high volumes of organic solvents, and incinerating waste. c. Water availability is a high-risk issue for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities purchasing and/or withdrawing ≥ 100,000 m3 of freshwater per year when located in medium to high stress location(s) (as defined per the Water & Soil Stewardship requirements). ii. Products requiring high volumes of water during the use phase. d. Water and/or soil quality (i.e., pollution) are high-risk issues for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities with pollutant intense processes (defined per the Water & Soil Stewardship requirements). ii. Final manufacturing stage facilities for which stormwater discharge is regulated per the corresponding regional regulatory permitting system. In regions where stormwater is not regulated, any facility within the specific categories of industrial activity that must be covered under the U.S. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System is de facto highrisk for this issue. iii. Products that are primary contributors to microfiber and microplastic pollution (i.e., textile and apparel products made from synthetic fibers that are wet processed and/or that require washing with water during the use phase, tires, and plastic pellets). e. Waste generation is a high-risk issue for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities for which hazardous waste is regulated per the corresponding regional regulatory permitting system. In regions where hazardous waste is not regulated, any facility producing waste that is listed or characterized as hazardous waste as defined by the European Union’s Waste Framework Directive and associated List of Waste or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is de facto high-risk for this issue. 2. Identification of best practices employed to address the risks. 3. Information regarding the impact and importance of identified risks. 4. Prioritization of the risks and opportunities identified.


        3.2.1 page 9 bronze

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Bewertung der Umweltrisiken und der Auswirkungen der Produktion / Aktivitäten, bevor Geschäftstätigkeit / Anbau und Infrastruktur beträchtlich verstärkt oder ausgebaut werden?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        3.2.1 Assessing Environmental Risks and Opportunities Intended Outcome(s) Environmental risks and opportunities relevant to the company and product are examined and understood. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Identify environmental risks and opportunities for all final manufacturing stage facilities and for the certified product. ---- The risk and opportunity assessment must include: 1. Identification of environmental risks associated with processes occurring at final manufacturing stage facilities, countries in which the final manufacturing stage facilities are located, the product’s supply chain, product use, and product end of use. The following issues are de facto high-risk in the noted scenarios: a. Greenhouse gas emissions and contribution to climate change are high-risk issues for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities with combined total scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions ≥ 10,000 metric tons CO2e/year. ii. Products requiring energy during the use phase (unless the product saves more energy than it uses). b. Air pollution is a high-risk issue for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities with on-site combustion power plants (including biomass combustion). ii. Final manufacturing stage facilities at which processes commonly known to be air pollutant intense take place. This includes (but is not limited to): Smelting metals, refining oil, producing cement, using high volumes of organic solvents, and incinerating waste. c. Water availability is a high-risk issue for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities purchasing and/or withdrawing ≥ 100,000 m3 of freshwater per year when located in medium to high stress location(s) (as defined per the Water & Soil Stewardship requirements). ii. Products requiring high volumes of water during the use phase. d. Water and/or soil quality (i.e., pollution) are high-risk issues for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities with pollutant intense processes (defined per the Water & Soil Stewardship requirements). ii. Final manufacturing stage facilities for which stormwater discharge is regulated per the corresponding regional regulatory permitting system. In regions where stormwater is not regulated, any facility within the specific categories of industrial activity that must be covered under the U.S. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System is de facto highrisk for this issue. iii. Products that are primary contributors to microfiber and microplastic pollution (i.e., textile and apparel products made from synthetic fibers that are wet processed and/or that require washing with water during the use phase, tires, and plastic pellets). e. Waste generation is a high-risk issue for: i. Final manufacturing stage facilities for which hazardous waste is regulated per the corresponding regional regulatory permitting system. In regions where hazardous waste is not regulated, any facility producing waste that is listed or characterized as hazardous waste as defined by the European Union’s Waste Framework Directive and associated List of Waste or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is de facto high-risk for this issue. 2. Identification of best practices employed to address the risks. 3. Information regarding the impact and importance of identified risks. 4. Prioritization of the risks and opportunities identified. Further Explanation The requirements in this section apply to final manufacturing stage facility(ies), the supply chain of the certified product, and product end of use. The risk and opportunity assessment itself must be conducted by the applicant company. It must be completed in collaboration with the company or companies owning the final manufacturing stage facilities in cases where the applicant does not manufacture the product. Definition of Final Manufacturing Stage Facilities These are the facilities where the final production steps used to manufacture the product occur. The term ‘final manufacturing stage’ is used throughout the standard. For the definition of the final manufacturing stage by product type see the Methodology for Applying the Final Manufacturing Stage Requirements. The processes that must be included in the final manufacturing stage typically align with the manufacturing stage as defined in product category rules, where available. For product types that are not yet listed in the Methodology for Applying the Final Manufacturing Stage Requirements, it is recommended to refer to existing product category rules (if any) as the starting place for defining final manufacturing. Please contact C2CPII in cases where the product category for an applicant product is not represented in the methodology. Identifying Environmental Risks and Opportunities (Requirement #1) The standard requires that applicant companies identify the environmental risks associated with processes occurring at final manufacturing stage facilities, countries in which the final manufacturing stage facilities are located, the product’s supply chain, product use, and product end of use. Risks may be identified based on desk research and it is expected that information be obtained from a variety of sources. However, a list of de facto high-risk issues are also provided, and a majority of the de facto high-risk issues are relevant to final manufacturing facilities. The de facto high-risk issues are issues that must always be considered high risk if a facility manufacturing the product carries out the process or otherwise fits into the category described. Several issues apply to other stages of a product’s life cycle, as follows: • Requirement #1.a.ii: Products requiring energy during the use phase (unless the product saves more energy than it uses). • Requirement #1.b.ii: Products requiring high volumes of water during the use phase. • Requirement #1.d.iii: Products that are primary contributors to microfiber and microplastic pollution (i.e., textile and apparel products made from synthetic fibers that are wet processed and/or that require washing with water during the use phase, tires, and plastic pellets). Although not required as part of the risk assessment, it is recommended that applicants also consider and include any environmental risks associated with raw material extraction and/or production. Note that the other categories of the standard aim to address these risks through requirements to, for example, quantify and address embodied greenhouse gas emissions, use responsibly sourced raw materials, and use positively assessed recycled materials. Identifying Best Practices to Address the Risks (Requirement #2) Once the full set of environmental risks and opportunities has been identified as described above (requirement #1), the next step is to identify best practices for addressing the risks. These may be practices that are already in place, planned for future implementation, or that have just been identified as part of the research conducted for Cradle to Cradle certification. In some cases, best practices may not yet be available (e.g., in the case of microfiber pollution from washing of synthetic textiles). In this case, applicants must identify the current status of the problem, including who is already working to solve the problem, research that has been conducted to identify solutions, and opportunities for engaging/collaborating. Gathering Information Regarding the Impact and Importance of Identified Risks (Requirement #3) This type of information may also be obtained from publicly available sources (e.g., regulatory commissions/ departments, non-governmental organizations, and the academic literature). It is also recommended that internal and external stakeholders be directly consulted. The information obtained on the impact and importance of risks may help to refine the risk assessment (requirement #1) and inform prioritization (requirement #4) as described below. Prioritizing Risks (Requirement #4) Issues associated with the greatest negative environmental impact (or that would result in highly negative impact were they to occur), and any issues related to legal compliance, must be prioritized. ISO 14001 refers to the risks that should be managed as the most significant environmental aspects. Refer to the process of prioritization described in Social Fairness Section 8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities for additional guidance. Facilities with ISO 14001 Certification or Equivalent Assessing environmental risks and opportunities for final manufacturing is similar to cataloging environmental aspects and identifying those that can result in significant impacts as required for ISO 14001. This means that for facilities that are ISO 14001, some (if not all) of the risks relevant to the final manufacturing facility will have already been identified. In some cases, the risk assessment will be complete. However, it will always be necessary to review the list of de facto high-risk issues listed in the standard to ensure that these are included in the ISO management system. This is because ISO provides a process for use in identifying risks, but it is not prescriptive regarding what risks are identified – rather it is left to the ISO applicant to determine the scope. In addition, some of the de facto high risks are not typically included in scope for facility level management systems. In particular, these are the three de facto high-risk issues that are appliable to the product’s use: microfiber pollution, energy, and water use. Required Documentation Bronze level • Description of the risk assessment methods and results that demonstrates the risk assessment was conducted using the required scope (i.e., final manufacturing facilities, and product use and end of use) • List of relevant best practices for addressing the risks and opportunities identified • Description of the methods used to determine the importance of, and thereby prioritize, risks and opportunities • List of high-risk issues, indication of which are high priority, and why • References used, including any information obtained (either directly or indirectly) from stakeholders For facilities with ISO 14001 certification • Valid ISO 14001 certificate and evidence that the list of de facto high-risk issues have been evaluated and included in the management system, if relevant. If all relevant de facto high-risk issues have been determined to be significant environmental aspects per ISO, the other documents and evidence listed above are not required.


        3.2.1 page 9 bronze

      • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen für die Einbeziehung von Interessengruppen zur Erreichung von Umweltzielen?
        Antwort: Nein
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
        Punktzahl: 0/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:


Sozial­verträglichkeit 56%

  • Vereinigungsfreiheit (ILO 87)
  • Kollektivverhandlungen (ILO 98)
  • Arbeitsverträge
  • Arbeitnehmendenvertretungen bei gesetzlich eingeschränkter Vereinigungsfreiheit
  • Zwangsarbeitsverbot (ILO 29)
  • Verbot der Schuldknechtschaft
  • Verbot der Einbehaltung persönlicher Dokumente (z.B. Pass)
  • Bewegungsfreiheit
  • Mindestalter (ILO 138)
  • Verifizierung des Alters
  • Verbot der schlimmsten Formen der Kinderarbeit (ILO 182)
  • Gleiche Entlohnung (ILO 100)
  • Mutterschutz
  • Diskriminierungsverbot (ILO 111)
  • Rechtmäßigkeit des Unternehmens
  • Zahlung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns
  • Geregelte Arbeitszeiten
  • Rechte und Leistungen für Subunternehmer
  • Verbot der Belästigung und Misshandlung
  • Bedingungen am Arbeitsplatz
  • Zugang zu Trinkwasser
  • Verbesserte Sanitäreinrichtungen
  • Gebäudesicherheit
  • Vorbereitung auf Brandfälle
  • Notfall- und Evakuierungssicherheit
  • Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz/ ILO 155
  • Unternehmerische Verantwortung
    • Verlangt der Standard Maßnahmen, die auf die Schaffung gleicher wirtschaftlicher Chancen für Frauen und Männer abzielen?
      Antwort: Nein
      Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
      Punktzahl: 0/1
      Mögliche Antworten
    • Enthält der Standard Kriterien zur Bewertung der Auswirkungen der Geschäftstätigkeit auf die Menschenrechte?
      Antwort: Keine Informationen vorhanden
      Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
      Punktzahl: 0/2
      Mögliche Antworten
      • Basic: Menschenrechtliche Sorgfaltspflicht ODER soziale Sorgfaltspflicht (1 Punkt)
      • Advanced: Menschenrechtliche Sorgfaltspflicht UND soziale Sorgfaltspflicht (2 Punkte)
  • Arbeiterrechte
    • ILO Kernarbeitsnormen
      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien für die Vereinigungsfreiheit und das Organisationsrecht gemäß ILO 87?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities The ILO Core Conventions are: 1. Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) 8.2 Human Rights Policy Intended Outcome(s) The applicant is formally committed to respecting and upholding human rights as defined by international standards. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Commit to respect human rights, as enshrined in municipal law and internationally recognized human rights standards, through company policy. The policy must: 1. Establish human rights expectations for the applicant company, the supply chain, communities, potentially affected groups, and other relevant stakeholders. 2. Include the company’s commitment to support the following (Note: These are the expectations that must be established and are referred to as “required policy elements” in other sections of the standard): (...) f. Freedom of association and collective bargaining, 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance Intended Outcome(s) Performance on upholding human rights is monitored and verified, ensuring that corrective actions are taken when poor performance is identified and increasing the level of assurance that risks to human rights are addressed. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, and Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the applicant company and final manufacturing stage facilities, measure performance against the human rights policy and confirm the completion of corrective actions associated with issues of high concern including child labor, forced labor, corruption/bribery, and immediate threats to life and safety. For any other poor performance issues, plan corrective actions and, at recertification, demonstrate progress on addressing the issues. Silver level: Request data measuring performance against the human rights policy from all high-risk tier 1 suppliers. At recertification, demonstrate continued efforts to obtain performance data and evidence of tracking corrective actions that may be necessary at tier 1 supplier locations. Gold level: For components and raw materials associated with high risk of child labor, forced labor, or support of conflict, specify or certify to a C2CPII-recognized certification (if available) or equivalent that includes performance requirements aligned with the human rights policy. ---- *The following evidence is required for each policy element (Section 8.2 Human Rights Policy #2a-j) to demonstrate that performance has been measured for the applicant company and all final manufacturing stage facilities: (...) f) Freedom of association and collective bargaining: • Written policies and procedures that the applicant respects freedom of association and collective bargaining, and that discrimination, harassment, intimidation, interference, or retaliation for efforts to freely associate or bargain collectively is not tolerated.


        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities 8.2 Human Rights Policy 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien für das Recht auf Kollektivverhandlungen gemäß ILO 98?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities The ILO Core Conventions are: 2. Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) 8.2 Human Rights Policy Intended Outcome(s) The applicant is formally committed to respecting and upholding human rights as defined by international standards. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Commit to respect human rights, as enshrined in municipal law and internationally recognized human rights standards, through company policy. ---- The policy must: 1. Establish human rights expectations for the applicant company, the supply chain, communities, potentially affected groups, and other relevant stakeholders. 2. Include the company’s commitment to support the following (Note: These are the expectations that must be established and are referred to as “required policy elements” in other sections of the standard): (...) f. Freedom of association and collective bargaining, 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance Intended Outcome(s) Performance on upholding human rights is monitored and verified, ensuring that corrective actions are taken when poor performance is identified and increasing the level of assurance that risks to human rights are addressed. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, and Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the applicant company and final manufacturing stage facilities, measure performance against the human rights policy and confirm the completion of corrective actions associated with issues of high concern including child labor, forced labor, corruption/bribery, and immediate threats to life and safety. For any other poor performance issues, plan corrective actions and, at recertification, demonstrate progress on addressing the issues. Silver level: Request data measuring performance against the human rights policy from all high-risk tier 1 suppliers. At recertification, demonstrate continued efforts to obtain performance data and evidence of tracking corrective actions that may be necessary at tier 1 supplier locations. Gold level: For components and raw materials associated with high risk of child labor, forced labor, or support of conflict, specify or certify to a C2CPII-recognized certification (if available) or equivalent that includes performance requirements aligned with the human rights policy. ---- *The following evidence is required for each policy element (Section 8.2 Human Rights Policy #2a-j) to demonstrate that performance has been measured for the applicant company and all final manufacturing stage facilities: (...) f) Freedom of association and collective bargaining: • Where a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is in place, documentation for existing or past CBAs are provided as evidence that these records are kept on file.


        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities 8.2 Human Rights Policy 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance

      • Verbietet der Standard Zwangsarbeit gemäß ILO 29 und 105?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities Further Explanation The ILO Core Conventions are: 3. Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) and its 2014 Protocol 4. Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105) 8.2 Human Rights Policy Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Commit to respect human rights, as enshrined in municipal law and internationally recognized human rights standards, through company policy. The policy must: 1. Establish human rights expectations for the applicant company, the supply chain, communities, potentially affected groups, and other relevant stakeholders. 2. Include the company’s commitment to support the following (Note: These are the expectations that must be established and are referred to as “required policy elements” in other sections of the standard): c. Elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, or activities that are known to lead to forced labor (e.g., human trafficking), 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the applicant company and final manufacturing stage facilities, measure performance against the human rights policy and confirm the completion of corrective actions associated with issues of high concern including child labor, forced labor, corruption/bribery, and immediate threats to life and safety. For any other poor performance issues, plan corrective actions and, at recertification, demonstrate progress on addressing the issues. Silver level: Request data measuring performance against the human rights policy from all high-risk tier 1 suppliers. At recertification, demonstrate continued efforts to obtain performance data and evidence of tracking corrective actions that may be necessary at tier 1 supplier locations. For the Bronze level: 1. Performance data must be generated and verified by a qualified party. 2. If identified, the following issues of high concern must be resolved prior to certification or recertification b. Forced labor,


        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities 8.2 Human Rights Policy 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien für das Verbot von Kinderarbeit gemäß ILO 138?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities Further Explanation The ILO Core Conventions are: 5. Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138) 8.2 Human Rights Policy Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Commit to respect human rights, as enshrined in municipal law and internationally recognized human rights standards, through company policy. The policy must: 1. Establish human rights expectations for the applicant company, the supply chain, communities, potentially affected groups, and other relevant stakeholders. 2. Include the company’s commitment to support the following (Note: These are the expectations that must be established and are referred to as “required policy elements” in other sections of the standard): d. The abolition of child labor and adequate protections for workers above the legal working age and below age 18, 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the applicant company and final manufacturing stage facilities, measure performance against the human rights policy and confirm the completion of corrective actions associated with issues of high concern including child labor, forced labor, corruption/bribery, and immediate threats to life and safety. For any other poor performance issues, plan corrective actions and, at recertification, demonstrate progress on addressing the issues. Silver level: Request data measuring performance against the human rights policy from all high-risk tier 1 suppliers. At recertification, demonstrate continued efforts to obtain performance data and evidence of tracking corrective actions that may be necessary at tier 1 supplier locations. For the Bronze level: 1. Performance data must be generated and verified by a qualified party. 2. If identified, the following issues of high concern must be resolved prior to certification or recertification a. Child labor,


        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities 8.2 Human Rights Policy 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Prävention der schlimmsten Formen von Kinderarbeit gemäß ILO 182?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities Further Explanation The ILO Core Conventions are: 6. Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182) 8.2 Human Rights Policy Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Commit to respect human rights, as enshrined in municipal law and internationally recognized human rights standards, through company policy. The policy must: 1. Establish human rights expectations for the applicant company, the supply chain, communities, potentially affected groups, and other relevant stakeholders. 2. Include the company’s commitment to support the following (Note: These are the expectations that must be established and are referred to as “required policy elements” in other sections of the standard): d. The abolition of child labor and adequate protections for workers above the legal working age and below age 18, 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the applicant company and final manufacturing stage facilities, measure performance against the human rights policy and confirm the completion of corrective actions associated with issues of high concern including child labor, forced labor, corruption/bribery, and immediate threats to life and safety. For any other poor performance issues, plan corrective actions and, at recertification, demonstrate progress on addressing the issues. Silver level: Request data measuring performance against the human rights policy from all high-risk tier 1 suppliers. At recertification, demonstrate continued efforts to obtain performance data and evidence of tracking corrective actions that may be necessary at tier 1 supplier locations. For the Bronze level: 1. Performance data must be generated and verified by a qualified party. 2. If identified, the following issues of high concern must be resolved prior to certification or recertification a. Child labor,


        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities 8.2 Human Rights Policy 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zur Zahlung gleicher Löhne gemäß ILO-Konvention 100?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities Further Explanation The ILO Core Conventions are: 7. Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) 8.2 Human Rights Policy Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Commit to respect human rights, as enshrined in municipal law and internationally recognized human rights standards, through company policy. [...] The policy must be guided by the eight Fundamental Conventions of the International Labor Organization and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as well as the International Bill of Human Rights. Where national law and these international human rights standards differ, the applicant must follow the higher standard; where they are in conflict, the applicant must seek to respect internationally recognized human rights to the greatest extent possible. 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance [...] Required Documentation Bronze Level *The following evidence is required for each policy element (Section 8.2 Human Rights Policy #2a-j) to demonstrate that performance has been measured for the applicant company and all final manufacturing stage facilities: a) Discrimination: • Written policies and procedures that document anti-discrimination commitment, regardless of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, marital status, political opinion, social group, ethnic origin or medical status. This should include statements that characteristics of an individual shall not be the basis of decisions regarding any employment decision for hiring, job assignment, bonus, allowance, compensation, and discipline, and that these decisions shall be based solely on and discipline shall be made solely based on education, training, and demonstrated skills or abilities.


        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities 8.2 Human Rights Policy 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien für die Nichtdiskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz gemäß ILO Konvention 111?
        Antwort: Ja
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 1/1
        Mögliche Antworten

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities Further Explanation The ILO Core Conventions are: 8. Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) 8.2 Human Rights Policy Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Commit to respect human rights, as enshrined in municipal law and internationally recognized human rights standards, through company policy. The policy must: 1. Establish human rights expectations for the applicant company, the supply chain, communities, potentially affected groups, and other relevant stakeholders. 2. Include the company’s commitment to support the following (Note: These are the expectations that must be established and are referred to as “required policy elements” in other sections of the standard): a. Elimination of discrimination with respect to employment and occupation including, but not limited to, ethnicity-, race- and gender-based discrimination, 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance [...] Required Documentation Bronze Level *The following evidence is required for each policy element (Section 8.2 Human Rights Policy #2a-j) to demonstrate that performance has been measured for the applicant company and all final manufacturing stage facilities: a) Discrimination: • Written policies and procedures that document anti-discrimination commitment, regardless of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, marital status, political opinion, social group, ethnic origin or medical status. This should include statements that characteristics of an individual shall not be the basis of decisions regarding any employment decision for hiring, job assignment, bonus, allowance, compensation, and discipline, and that these decisions shall be based solely on and discipline shall be made solely based on education, training, and demonstrated skills or abilities.


        8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities 8.2 Human Rights Policy 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance

      • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zu Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz gemäß ILO 155?
        Antwort: Advanced: Vollständig erfüllt nach ILO 155
        Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
        Punktzahl: 2/2
        Mögliche Antworten
        • Basic: Teilweile erfüllt nach ILO 155 (1 Punkt)
        • Advanced: Vollständig erfüllt nach ILO 155 (2 Punkte)

        Auszug aus dem Standard:

        *The following evidence is required for each policy element (Section 8.2 Human Rights Policy #2a-j) to demonstrate that performance has been measured for the applicant company and all final manufacturing stage facilities: g) Safe and healthy work: Documentation of compliance with applicable laws and regulations governing the work environment, including the following: i. Access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH): Copies of past health and safety reports, preferably conducted by an internal audit or third-party audit firm, to identify any type of health and safety violations. This must include evidence that: • There are sufficient number of toilets consistent with local law per floor and gender; when local law requirement does not exist, the employer should have at least one toilet for every 25 for both male and female employees respectively (recommendation of World Health Organization [WHO]). • Toilets are maintained clean and provide appropriate privacy (stalls with doors). • Employees have access to clean water for washing within nearby proximity to toilets. ii. Emergency preparedness and response: Copies of past health and safety reports, preferably conducted by an internal audit or third-party audit firm, to identify any type of health and safety violations. This must include evidence of/that: • Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations governing ‘Emergency Preparedness’. • There are sufficient numbers of emergency exits at the workplace (production floors, office areas, warehouse, etc.). • Emergency exits are clearly marked with illuminated exit signs. • Emergency exits are accessible and free from obstruction during working hours (including overtime). • Emergency exits are unlocked during working hours (including overtime). • Fire escape and main exits are discharged directly to the exterior of building. • Fire and emergency evacuation plans are prominently posted on every floor and work area as well as near exits and stairways. • Aisles, stairs and passageways are kept clear at all times. • Evacuation drills are conducted regularly, at least once per year or more often where required by law. iii. Hazardous materials handling procedures: Copies of past health and safety reports, preferably conducted by an internal audit or third-party audit firm, to identify any type of health and safety violations. This must include evidence of/that: • Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations governing ‘Chemical and Hazardous Substances’. • An inventory of chemical and hazardous substances used in the workplace is maintained. • Chemicals used at the workplace are registered for the intended used when applicable. All local safety standards and applicable laws are adhered to. • Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) are prominently posted in both storage and use zones, and maintained in languages understood by workers. • Chemicals and hazardous substances are properly labelled as per label instructions of local safety standard and MSDSs are maintained. • There are functioning emergency eyewash station and/or showers provided where corrosive chemicals or high volumes of solvents are handled and used. • Employees who are involved in handling, clean-up and disposal of chemicals and hazardous substances received regular training on emergency response plans and actions (with training records maintained). iv. Management systems that address health and safety risks: Copies of past health and safety reports, preferably conducted by an internal audit or third-party audit firm, to identify any type of health and safety violations. This must include evidence of/that: • There is a designated management representative responsible for health and safety as per legal requirements. • Appropriate training is provided for managers on how to implement the health and safety management system. • There is a system to identify and monitor laws, regulations and customer requirements that apply to the workplace. The most current version(s) of applicable laws, regulations, and customer requirements for health and safety management systems (if any) must be provided. v. Appropriate building construction, electrical, and fire safety: Copies of past health and safety reports, preferably conducted by an internal audit or third-party audit firm, to identify any type of health and safety violations. This must include evidence of/that: • Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations governing ‘Building Safety’, ‘Electrical Safety’, and ‘Fire Safety’. • There are no indications of possible structural collapse on the interior or exterior of buildings, such as large visible cracks or sagging in walls and floors. • All legally required building or construction certificates/reports/permits are current and available for review. • Building inspections are conducted on a regular basis as per standard of practice or country law. • Where required by law, maximum occupancy signage is clearly posted within each room, near each entrance. Maximum occupancy is within building permit requirements. • There are sufficient protections for building roof and floor opening preventing falls and accidents. • Electrical equipment has appropriate safety warning labels. • Electrical panels/control panels/distribution boards are easily accessible/unblocked. • Electrical wires and outlets are in safe conditions (e.g., no unprotected wires, etc.). • High voltage areas and generator areas are restricted to authorized personnel only. • The workplace has a qualified professional (electrician, hired or outsourced) to maintain electrical system on regular basis. • The employer follows local law and fire safety standards to have a suitable fire detection and emergency alarm system covering the facility. • If applicable, emergency alarm system is clearly designated (visible signs), unobstructed, and audible throughout the entire workplace. The system is inspected regularly and tested in coordination with fire drills. • The facility maintains all fire safety certificates, licenses and inspection records as legally required. • Fire extinguishers shall be sufficient in numbers as legally required and maintained in good condition.


        8.3 page 201 bronze, silver, gold

    • Arbeitnehmerrechte
      • Sonstige Arbeitnehmerrechte
        • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien für die Bildung von Arbeitnehmendenvertretungen, wenn die Vereinigungsfreiheit gesetzlich eingeschränkt ist?
          Antwort: Advanced: Gefördert
          Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
          Punktzahl: 2/2
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Basic: Erlaubt (1 Punkt)
          • Advanced: Gefördert (2 Punkte)

          Auszug aus dem Standard:

          8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities Intended Outcome(s) Opportunities for improvement are identified and understood as a result of an assessment of human rights risks. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze and Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: • Assess human rights risks and identify opportunities for improvement for the applicant company, including all final manufacturing stage facilities, and tier 1 suppliers. (Note: Tier 1 suppliers are defined as suppliers to the final manufacturing stage, including in cases where the applicant is using contract manufacturing.) • Demonstrate ongoing efforts to improve visibility and assess risks within the certified product’s supply chain (i.e., beyond tier 1). Gold level: Assess human rights risks and identify opportunities for improvement associated with the product’s components and raw materials (regardless of supply chain tier). ---- (...) • Considering the nuances of freedom of association and collective bargaining in locations where the relevant ILO Core Conventions C087 and C098 (respectively) have not been ratified – this applies to countries such as Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates – where trade unions are banned completely; and in China and Vietnam, where unions are government controlled and not independent. If ILO member states have not ratified either of these Core Conventions, they are still bound to uphold freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining through the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The Sedex Supplier Workbook provides practical guidance on situations where country law prohibits or limits workers’ rights to freedom of association and to bargain collectively; in these scenarios, “companies must make sure that their practices do not prevent workers from forming or joining legally acceptable worker organisations. For example, companies must not pressure workers to join a company-controlled organisation in place of an organisation created by and controlled by workers.” See also the ILO list of ratifying countries by Convention. 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance Intended Outcome(s) Performance on upholding human rights is monitored and verified, ensuring that corrective actions are taken when poor performance is identified and increasing the level of assurance that risks to human rights are addressed. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, and Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the applicant company and final manufacturing stage facilities, measure performance against the human rights policy and confirm the completion of corrective actions associated with issues of high concern including child labor, forced labor, corruption/bribery, and immediate threats to life and safety. For any other poor performance issues, plan corrective actions and, at recertification, demonstrate progress on addressing the issues. Silver level: Request data measuring performance against the human rights policy from all high-risk tier 1 suppliers. At recertification, demonstrate continued efforts to obtain performance data and evidence of tracking corrective actions that may be necessary at tier 1 supplier locations. Gold level: For components and raw materials associated with high risk of child labor, forced labor, or support of conflict, specify or certify to a C2CPII-recognized certification (if available) or equivalent that includes performance requirements aligned with the human rights policy. ---- *The following evidence is required for each policy element (Section 8.2 Human Rights Policy #2a-j) to demonstrate that performance has been measured for the applicant company and all final manufacturing stage facilities: (...) f) Freedom of association and collective bargaining: • Where freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are restricted by law, evidence that employees are free to join (or not join) legal employee organizations without interference and there is not refusal to recognize such organizations. This could be documented in a policy statement and records of existing employee organizations in existence.


          8.1 page 188 bronze 8.3 page 201 bronze, silver, gold

        • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien zu den Beschwerdemechanismen für Arbeitnehmer?
          Antwort: Ja
          Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten

          Auszug aus dem Standard:

          Applicable Achievement Level(s) Silver and Gold Requirement(s) Silver level: Provide a grievance mechanism that permits company employees and other stakeholders to obtain redress for negative human rights impacts. For any contract final manufacturing stage facilities, request that a grievance mechanism be made available. Gold level: For contract final manufacturing stage facilities, ensure that a grievance mechanism is available that permits employees and other stakeholders to obtain redress for negative human rights impacts. Requirement(s) Silver level: Provide a grievance mechanism that permits company employees and other stakeholders to obtain redress for negative human rights impacts. For any contract final manufacturing stage facilities, request that a grievance mechanism be made available. For the Silver and Gold levels, the applicant company must have a grievance mechanism for company employees and other stakeholders that: 1. Is supported by a non-retaliation policy. 2. Is capable of addressing the risks and potential adverse impacts on people. 3. Addresses concerns promptly, using an understandable and transparent process based on local best practices that is readily accessible by any affected stakeholder. 4. Provides feedback to those concerned, without their risking retribution. 5. Includes informing direct employees about the mechanism at the time of hire. 6. Does not impede or preclude access to judicial or administrative remedies that might be available under law or through existing arbitration procedures, or substitute for grievance mechanisms provided through collective agreements. 7. Includes written records and periodic reviews to identify and make necessary improvements Further Explanation About Grievance Mechanisms For the Silver and/or Gold levels, the grievance mechanism(s) must be in place, functioning, and effective. The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) expect companies to implement operational grievance mechanisms for employees, non-employees, and communities that can be negatively affected by a company’s operations and business activities. Businesses are expected to be able to receive, process, and provide adequate response or remedy to grievances raised. This includes defining procedures for: 1. Workers and individuals to file grievances, 2. Management investigations of grievances submitted by workers and non-workers to make remedy decisions, 3. Management communication of the outcomes after the investigation, and 4. Documenting and maintaining outcomes. Grievance mechanisms can take many forms, including a suggestion box, talking to a supervisor or Human Resources staff person, internal hotlines, external hotlines, union or worker committees, or other forms. Grievance mechanism hotlines operated by an outside third party are an acceptable option that may be implemented by the applicant and/or contract manufacturer for cases where a functioning mechanism is not available. Grievance mechanisms are only effective if workers know about, trust, and are confident using them. Within a properly functioning grievance mechanism, a non-retaliation policy must ensure confidentiality or anonymity of the individual who raised the grievance and ensure he or she is protected from retribution (direct or indirect). Additionally, any person(s) bringing a complaint must be informed about the resolution of the investigation and any corrective action taken. Cradle to Cradle Certified requires that grievance mechanisms be capable of addressing the risks and potential adverse impacts on people. The UNGPs outline eight criteria for effectiveness of grievance mechanisms, which have been summarized by Ergon Associates in their white paper “Access to Remedy – operational grievance mechanisms” for the Ethical Trading Initiative as the following: 1. Legitimate: Fair and trustworthy 2. Accessible: To all those they are designed for 3. Predictable: In terms of process and available outcomes 4. Equitable: Meaning fair and equal access to information, advice and expertise for both stakeholders raising a grievance as well as those managing the process 5. Transparent: About the process and progress of responding to grievances 6. Compatible: With internationally recognised human rights standards and local laws 7. A source of continuous learning: For organisations to improve its system to best support its stakeholders’ needs 8. Based on engagement with stakeholders: With the affected stakeholders, and relevant experts when necessary


          8.7 Grievance Mechanisms

        • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen an die Einführung von Strategien oder Verfahren zur Einhaltung grundlegender Arbeitnehmerrechte am Arbeitsplatz?
          Antwort: Ja
          Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten

          Auszug aus dem Standard:

          8.4 Strategy for Policy Implementation Intended Outcome(s) A framework for monitoring and measuring progress toward achievement of social performance targets and for identifying areas for improvement is established. Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 218 Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Bronze level: Develop a strategy for implementing the human rights policy and report on implementation progress at each recertification. ---- The strategy must: 1. Address priority risks and opportunities (per Section 8.1). 2. Include specific time-bound performance and impact objectives to guide decision making. 3. Define the scope of implementation. 4. Define the company’s human, technical, and material resource allocation for implementation. For recertification, performance data must be collected and analyzed to measure progress toward achieving social targets and objectives, and identify areas for improvement. For any areas of poor performance identified, methods of improving outcomes must be identified and evaluated, and the strategy refined accordingly. 8.6 Management Systems Intended Outcome(s) A management system for people and procedures is in place, ensuring that necessary corrective actions are taken, actions are effective, and that performance on protecting human rights is ultimately improved. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Silver and Gold Requirement(s) Silver level: Implement a management system that supports achievement of the human rights policy commitments within company operations. (...) ---- For the Silver level, the management system must include the following elements: 1. Designated staff with social compliance responsibilities. 2. Designated oversight function and process. 3. Business procedures that support implementation of the human rights policy within the company’s workplace and across corporate functions and different levels of management. 4. Education for staff with social-related duties on human rights principles. 5. Internal communication and employee involvement. 6. Procedures to measure and evaluate workplace activities against the human rights policy. 7. Policies and procedures for the prompt implementation of corrective and preventive actions within the company’s workforce.


          8.4 page 217 bronze 8.6 page 222 silver

        • Enthält der Standard Anforderungen zur Information der Arbeitnehmer*innen über ihre Arbeitsrechte?
          Antwort: Ja
          Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten

          Auszug aus dem Standard:

          8.6 Management Systems Intended Outcome(s) A management system for people and procedures is in place, ensuring that necessary corrective actions are taken, actions are effective, and that performance on protecting human rights is ultimately improved. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Silver and Gold Requirement(s) Silver level: Implement a management system that supports achievement of the human rights policy commitments within company operations. Gold level: Implement a responsible sourcing management system that supports achievement of the human rights policy commitments within the product’s supply chain. ---- For the Silver level, the management system must include the following elements:(...) 4. Education for staff with social-related duties on human rights principles. Required Documentation Silver Level 4. Examples of any internal human rights training for individuals with social-related duties. Provide examples of training materials and a training log to show completion of training.


          8.6 page 222 silver, gold

      • Kinderarbeit
        • Fordert der Standard die Verifizierung und die Dokumentierung des Alters von (jungen) Arbeitnehmern?
          Antwort: Ja
          Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten

          Auszug aus dem Standard:

          *The following evidence is required per issue of high concern (Section 8.3 Monitoring & Verification #2a-g): a) Child labor: Written copy of its age verification procedures; a description of training procedures for staff responsible for hiring; a review of randomly selected employee files to verify age was appropriately verified with a government issued ID.


          8.2 8.3

        • Fordert der Standard die Unterstützung von ehemaligen Kinderarbeitern?
          Antwort: Nein
          Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
          Punktzahl: 0/1
          Mögliche Antworten

          Auszug aus dem Standard:

          8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance Intended Outcome(s) Performance on upholding human rights is monitored and verified, ensuring that corrective actions are taken when poor performance is identified and increasing the level of assurance that risks to human rights are addressed. Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 202 Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, and Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the applicant company and final manufacturing stage facilities, measure performance against the human rights policy and confirm the completion of corrective actions associated with issues of high concern including child labor, forced labor, corruption/bribery, and immediate threats to life and safety. For any other poor performance issues, plan corrective actions and, at recertification, demonstrate progress on addressing the issues. 2. If identified, the following issues of high concern must be resolved prior to certification or recertification a. Child labor,


          8.3 page 201 bronze

        • Beinhaltet der Standard Kriterien für den besonderen Umgang mit jungen Arbeitnehmern?
          Antwort: Nein
          Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Nicht erfu00fcllt
          Punktzahl: 0/1
          Mögliche Antworten

          Auszug aus dem Standard:

          *The following evidence is required per issue of high concern (Section 8.3 Monitoring & Verification #2a-g): a) Child labor: Written copy of its age verification procedures; a description of training procedures for staff responsible for hiring; a review of randomly selected employee files to verify age was appropriately verified with a government issued ID.


          8.3 page 201 bronze

      • Löhne und Zuschüsse
        • Fordert der Standard die Zahlung von Löhnen, die für die grundlegenden Bedürfnisse des Arbeitnehmers und dessen Familie ausreichen (existenzsichernde Löhne)?
          Antwort: Nein
          Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Empfehlung
          Punktzahl: 0/1
          Mögliche Antworten

          Auszug aus dem Standard:

          8.1 Assessing Risks and Opportunities Intended Outcome(s) Opportunities for improvement are identified and understood as a result of an assessment of human rights risks. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze and Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: • Assess human rights risks and identify opportunities for improvement for the applicant company, including all final manufacturing stage facilities, and tier 1 suppliers. (Note: Tier 1 suppliers are defined as suppliers to the final manufacturing stage, including in cases where the applicant is using contract manufacturing.) • Demonstrate ongoing efforts to improve visibility and assess risks within the certified product’s supply chain (i.e., beyond tier 1). Gold level: Assess human rights risks and identify opportunities for improvement associated with the product’s components and raw materials (regardless of supply chain tier). ---- Additional Guidance: Obtaining a Deeper Understanding of Human Rights Issues Most human rights issues are complex and require deeper understanding, as outlined in the ILO Core Conventions or other explanatory resources provided in this User Guidance. Companies looking to deepen their knowledge and management approach are encouraged to conduct further research and/or engage with peer companies, respected industry initiatives, and other stakeholders. Some examples include: (...) • Calculating and implementing a living wage – A living wage goes beyond the legal minimum wage. The Global Living Wage Coalition (GLWC) defines a living wage as “remuneration received for a standard workweek by a worker in a particular place sufficient to afford a decent standard of living for the worker and her or his family. Elements of a decent standard of living include food, water, housing, education, Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 195 health care, transportation, clothing, and other essential needs including provision for unexpected events.” At the time of writing this User Guidance, there was no single agreed upon method of defining living wage, and therefore its implementation varies. The GLWC has a series of case studies on its website of how to calculate and implement a living wage. Note that it is a requirement for all companies with Cradle to Cradle Certified product(s) to commit to providing a living wage in the human rights policy (see Section 8.2). Implementing a living wage is a requirement for Platinum level certification (see Section 8.11). 8.2 Human Rights Policy Intended Outcome(s) The applicant is formally committed to respecting and upholding human rights as defined by international standards. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Commit to respect human rights, as enshrined in municipal law and internationally recognized human rights standards, through company policy. ---- The policy must: 1. Establish human rights expectations for the applicant company, the supply chain, communities, potentially affected groups, and other relevant stakeholders. 2. Include the company’s commitment to support the following (Note: These are the expectations that must be established and are referred to as “required policy elements” in other sections of the standard): (...) i. Aspirations for the provision of a living wage that covers the necessities for life as defined in its local context (e.g., food, water, housing, health care, education, clothing, transportation, child care, discretionary income), 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance Intended Outcome(s) Performance on upholding human rights is monitored and verified, ensuring that corrective actions are taken when poor performance is identified and increasing the level of assurance that risks to human rights are addressed. (...) i) Living wage: This is aspirational at Bronze level and is therefore recommended for inclusion in performance measurement, but not required. See Section 8.11 for additional information. 8.11 Fostering a Culture of Social Fairness Intended Outcome(s) Socially fair business practices in its governance and management approach are applied by the applicant company. This is reflected by a diverse, inclusive, and engaged workforce and through training, remuneration, and payment of a living wage. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Platinum Requirement(s) Foster a diverse, inclusive, and engaged work environment in which social fairness operates as a core part of recruitment, training, remuneration, performance evaluation, and incentive structures. ---- The following are required: (...) 10. Employees must be paid a living wage. This is defined as being paid sufficiently for a standard workweek (i.e., not including overtime) to afford a decent standard of living for their families, inclusive of: food, water, housing, education, health care, transportation, clothing, and other essential needs including savings for unexpected events and some disposable income. Living Wage (Requirement #10) Paying legally mandated wage levels is a standard expectation of remuneration and is required for the Bronze level. For the Platinum level, applicants must also implement a living wage. In many countries, few companies pay a living wage to all employees. It is also quite unusual for companies to have completed the necessary calculations to determine that a living wage is paid, as there is no internationally agreed definition for living wage. Cradle to Cradle Certified requires that applicants provide an explanation and supporting evidence (i.e., supporting wage data and an explanation of how it was determined that a living wage is paid). One commonly used approach that meets the Cradle to Cradle Certified requirement is the Anker Methodology. The Anker Methodology estimates cost of a basic but decent lifestyle for a worker and his/her family in a particular place, and then determines if that estimated living wage is being paid to workers. The methodology requires transparency and detailed documentation and analysis to ensure that the living wage estimate is solid and credible, and requires considering not only gross cash payment, but also deductions from pay, overtime pay, bonuses, and in-kind benefits. The Global Living Wage Coalition (GLWC) keeps a resource library of living wage calculations and case studies, by industry and country (some are in progress). Current industries include bananas, coffee, floriculture, garments/textiles, manufacturing, seafood processing, tea. Current countries include Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Vietnam. For applicants that are not included in these industries or countries, documentation of the alternative methodology used and how it meets the Cradle to Cradle Certified requirements must be provided. Some standards, such as Social Accountability International (SAI), include living wage in their requirements. SAI is the owner of the SA8000 standard and promotes the Anker Methodology as a founding member of the Global Living Wage Coalition. However, SA8000 requirements for implementing a living wage are not in cadence with Cradle to Cradle Certified requirements, as the SAI timeline is 18-24 months to achieve a living wage while Cradle to Cradle Certified applicants must have already demonstrated achievement of a living wage when applying for Platinum level.


          8.1 page 188 bronze, gold 8.2 page 199 bronze 8.3 page 201 bronze, silver, gold 8.11 page 244 platinum

        • Fordert der Standard die Zahlung von gesetzlichen Mindestlöhnen und Sozialleistungen?
          Antwort: Ja
          Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten

          Auszug aus dem Standard:

          8.2 Human Rights Policy Intended Outcome(s) The applicant is formally committed to respecting and upholding human rights as defined by international standards. Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze Requirement(s) Commit to respect human rights, as enshrined in municipal law and internationally recognized human rights standards, through company policy. ---- The policy must: 1. Establish human rights expectations for the applicant company, the supply chain, communities, potentially affected groups, and other relevant stakeholders. 2. Include the company’s commitment to support the following (Note: These are the expectations that must be established and are referred to as “required policy elements” in other sections of the standard): h. Provision of the legal minimum wage and all legally mandated benefits including employer contributions for social security benefits and services, 8.3 Monitor and Verify Performance Intended Outcome(s) Performance on upholding human rights is monitored and verified, ensuring that corrective actions are taken when poor performance is identified and increasing the level of assurance that risks to human rights are addressed. Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 4.0 User Guidance 202 Applicable Achievement Level(s) Bronze, Silver, and Gold Requirement(s) Bronze level: For the applicant company and final manufacturing stage facilities, measure performance against the human rights policy and confirm the completion of corrective actions associated with issues of high concern including child labor, forced labor, corruption/bribery, and immediate threats to life and safety. For any other poor performance issues, plan corrective actions and, at recertification, demonstrate progress on addressing the issues. Silver level: Request data measuring performance against the human rights policy from all high-risk tier 1 suppliers. At recertification, demonstrate continued efforts to obtain performance data and evidence of tracking corrective actions that may be necessary at tier 1 supplier locations. Gold level: For components and raw materials associated with high risk of child labor, forced labor, or support of conflict, specify or certify to a C2CPII-recognized certification (if available) or equivalent that includes performance requirements aligned with the human rights policy. ---- *The following evidence is required for each policy element (Section 8.2 Human Rights Policy #2a-j) to demonstrate that performance has been measured for the applicant company and all final manufacturing stage facilities: h) Legal minimum wage and all legally mandated benefits including employer contributions for social security benefits and services: • Written policies and procedures regarding wages are to be paid at least at minimum wage or industry wage as agreed with a collective bargaining agreement, whichever is higher. Policies and procedures regarding that overtime hours are paid at a premium as legally required or by contractual agreement, whichever is higher. Policies and procedures that commit the applicant to provide all legally mandated benefits to eligible workers, and that employees are paid correctly for all legally paid time off. • Documentation of all legally required payroll documents, journals and reports are provided, complete, accurate and up to date. These records should be maintained by employer for at least 12 months, or longer if required by law. They should include correct and accurately calculated legal withholds in employee pay records, such as taxes, social security, pension, or healthcare from employee wages as required by law.


          8.2 page 199 bronze 8.3 page 201 bronze, silver, gold

        • Verlangt der Standard die Gewährung von Sozialleistungen?
          Antwort: Ja
          Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
          Punktzahl: 1/1
          Mögliche Antworten

          Auszug aus dem Standard:

          Required Documentation Bronze Level *The following evidence is required for each policy element (Section 8.2 Human Rights Policy #2a-j) to demonstrate that performance has been measured for the applicant company and all final manufacturing stage facilities: h) Legal minimum wage and all legally mandated benefits including employer contributions for social security benefits and services: • Written policies and procedures regarding wages are to be paid at least at minimum wage or industry wage as agreed with a collective bargaining agreement, whichever is higher. Policies and procedures regarding that overtime hours are paid at a premium as legally required or by contractual agreement, whichever is higher. Policies and procedures that commit the applicant to provide all legally mandated benefits to eligible workers, and that employees are paid correctly for all legally paid time off. • Documentation of all legally required payroll documents, journals and reports are provided, complete, accurate and up to date. These records should be maintained by employer for at least 12 months, or longer if required by law. They should include correct and accurately calculated legal withholds in employee pay records, such as taxes, social security, pension, or healthcare from employee wages as required by law.


          8.3 page 201 bronze

        • Fordert der Standard die Vergütung von Überstunden?
          Antwort: Basic: Ja
          Verbindlichkeitsgrad: Sofort verbindlich
          Punktzahl: 1/2
          Mögliche Antworten
          • Basic: Ja (1 Punkt)